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Sleeping in Tesco Car Park

Ned Swift

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wild rover - 2009-07-14 6:24 PM


How would anyone know if you stayed there all night long? If you arrived at, say 11pm, who would check up on you?




As Andy pointed out yesterday morning many car parks are now managed by private contractors and there are time limits imposed, which the local management probably have no control over.


In order to enforce the limits some supermarkets, including Tesco and Aldi, are now installing CCTV cameras, which use Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), in their car parks to identify vehicles that stay for more than a set time and then issue bills for staying too long.



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Guest Tracker
JudgeMental - 2009-07-14 5:44 PM

How delightfully quaint. Why not wait outside and hold your cap out and do a little jig when any one enters said hostelry........ It should not take long to accrue enough shekels for a night on a campsite you poor things.


Come on Eddie - stop being a prick!


Just because off site camping don't suit you there is no need to keep on with such ungracious postings is there.


You know darned well what people mean so why not stop the bloody mindedness - there's a good chap..

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Tracker - 2009-07-14 7:27 PM


JudgeMental - 2009-07-14 5:44 PM

How delightfully quaint. Why not wait outside and hold your cap out and do a little jig when any one enters said hostelry........ It should not take long to accrue enough shekels for a night on a campsite you poor things.


Come on Eddie - stop being a prick!


Just because off site camping don't suit you there is no need to keep on with such ungracious postings is there.


You know darned well what people mean so why not stop the bloody mindedness - there's a good chap..


Because Tracker you rise to the bait every time :D

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There is a thread along the lines of Supermarkets having a type of Aires on them on another forum ...Now the Asda at Bristol Cribbs Causeway J17 M5,used to let HGVs park at the top end of the carpark but after it got very silly drivers doing Number 1s and 2s and dropping gash everywhere the management stopped it.

A few years ago I was on contract to a large bathroom fittings company and delivered to a lot of the High ST DIY companies so we got to know the store managers and they used to let us park there especially as we could drop the trailer and stop the ram raiders.......sadly that has now been stopped....glad I've now retired from truck driving!!


NB: I agree with Tracker..... Judgemental lighten up ya plonker!! *-) *-)

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I got moved on once from Morrisons car park in Southport. I only stayed there because I had to wild camp for one night and felt safe there and wanted to have a large veggie breakfast (which they do) before setting off the following morning. :'( Ended up on the front in a waste ground park and loads of cars stopping over for a quickie (or so it seemed) :$
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Me thinks the Judge is takin' the pee.

It is hard not to when the impression given from some postings seems to be from people who want the world to change for them. (Well some parts of it) whilst others are just after a freeby.........


Sure I'd like the perfect overnight stop with or without facilities where ever I fancy, but being a fully paid up member of the Old Grumpy Gits I know that it isnt going to happen so I plan what I'm going to do, even if it's only for the next day to get from 'A to 'B'


Come on guys life is too short. Stay cool, get real, get planning with what we've got and enjoy it.


If a gerainium is all yuv gor boy, stick it in yer ear an be appy :-D

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Planning ugg!! - defeats the whole point of Motorhoming.


We often don't know where we are going until we get off the ferry at Calais, I been camping in one form or another since I was a 15 year old never booked a site in my life, nearest I come to it is to ring up a CS or CL the day before.

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Guest JudgeMental
Big Momma - 2009-07-14 8:35 PM


Tracker - 2009-07-14 7:27 PM


JudgeMental - 2009-07-14 5:44 PM

How delightfully quaint. Why not wait outside and hold your cap out and do a little jig when any one enters said hostelry........ It should not take long to accrue enough shekels for a night on a campsite you poor things.


Come on Eddie - stop being a prick!


Just because off site camping don't suit you there is no need to keep on with such ungracious postings is there.


You know darned well what people mean so why not stop the bloody mindedness - there's a good chap..


Because Tracker you rise to the bait every time :D


Take no notice Momma.....Probably the humourless to$$ers main form of income generation (other than the social) and he does not want to share a nice likle earner.


Just read dear Roons post, another stop to add to the list of peoples drives, pubs and supermarket's..... what about well known dogging hot spots? would need to keep the curtains closed.



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JudgeMental - 2009-07-14 10:44 PM....what about well known dogging hot spots?....
Just out of idle curiosity I GOOGLE-ed UK websites using "dogging" as the search term, wondering if there might be some sort of equivalent to the Caravan Club guide to campsites. Sure enough this site came (link removed by moderators). The website's GOOGLE description is"Dogging- looking for dogging in the UK tonight? Dogging in car parks, woods, lay-bys, supermarket car parks and other outdoor sex venues, people are waiting ..."Interesting that supermarket car-parks apparently are popular venues. Perhaps that's why my local branch of Morrisons has entry barriers that are closed around 9pm.
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Guest JudgeMental


Derek, and you know what curiosity did to the cat! lol:-D


I would advise any one of a sensitive disposition do not scroll to the pictures on Derek's link



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Guest JudgeMental
ROON - 2009-07-15 4:05 PM




No it was a genuine attempt to save embarrassment? The Mary Whitehouse brigades are beyond help anyway.


That’s a bit rich from the lady ( I use this term advisedly) who admits to camping out in these hot spots? I am too much of a gentleman to look through the pictures for yours.......... And I wonder if Derek withholds his picky on here to preserve his anonymity for such nocturnal gatherings*-)



I fear you both will be appearing before me very soon :-S




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JudgeMental - 2009-07-14 10:44 PM


[..... what about well known dogging hot spots?


I admit that we inadvertantly parked up for the night in such a layby totally by mistake (our friend told us to stop at the layby). It took a short while for the penny to drop once we had got into bed, as surely at this time of night a normal layby wouldn't have that much traffic. Needless to say we stayed there with the blinds well and truely in place. In the morning we woke to find just us there. I was just greatful that I hadn't the dogs with me and had had to take them for a night time toilet break - I would have blushed like a beacon if the penny had dropped outside then!!!

We still pull our friends leg at having sent us there!

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Well good to be back on thread after the pervs on here got off on their sexual fantasies!! My goodness I am glad Iam not married to some who commented!! Either they fall asleep right away or it's all in their heads!!


Anyway four hours in Tesco Perth was a welcome halt for a few hours and restocked the wine cellar too!!


Hope some of you get out a bit more.


Dr Ned

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Ned Swift - 2009-07-20 8:49 PM


Well good to be back on thread after the pervs on here got off on their sexual fantasies!! My goodness I am glad Iam not married to some who commented!! Either they fall asleep right away or it's all in their heads!!


Anyway four hours in Tesco Perth was a welcome halt for a few hours and restocked the wine cellar too!!


Hope some of you get out a bit more.


Dr Ned


I certainly hope that you are not including me in that sweeping statement of being a perv, falling asleep or all in their heads, and if I did have any sexsual fantasies I certainly wouldn't share them on the forum - I'd blush!!

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handyman - 2009-07-14 8:28 AM


JudgeMental - 2009-07-13 9:30 PM



What a lovely idea for a holiday!



Its ok judge, I appear to be one of the few who understand your joke


Off thread I know but just had a look at your travel pictures they are brilliant why not put a few on Chatterbox photo thread really good (I just knew there would be a Formula 1 photo in there somewhere :-) Carol.

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Oh dear, how easily we are all diverted towards fantasy. I for one would not want to be woken (or interupted !!!) at 3 in the morning by being asked to move on by some security person who is very pi**ed off having to do night shift. Emergency maybe, out of choice, never.


Roy Fuller

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Caroline - 2009-09-02 1:01 PM Thought you might like to now, (other than those not interested of course) that Tesco's at North Harbour Portsmouth Idealy situated for the ferrys charges a mear £70 if you want to stay over night big sign in car park saying so. Such a shame.

It's obvious that Tesco is simply deterring motorhomers but, let's face it, if they didn't, the fact that it's so close to the ferries guarantees that its car park would be full of freeloaders.

Sometimes motorhomers are their own worst enemy and it's no wonder that companies and councils react and that more and more height barriers are going up.

My pet moan is with motorway services which charge as much as a campsite for a night's sleep amongst a load of noisy lorries. If they'd charge a sensible overnight parking fee, say £3-£4, I'd be tempted to stay occasionally when on a long trip and of course there's a good chance that we'd treat ourselves to a full English in the morning.

It's very silly of them as their car parks are virtually empty overnight.

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