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Did you know that on the Whetherspoons webb site there is a facility to down load Sat Nav info of all there pubs. I downloaded the TOM TOM data and it works well, free too. I E Mailed LIDL the other day asking for addresses for all their stores, for sat nav, a very nice man from Lidl phoned me yesterday and said they didn't have a list of addresses but I could obtain addresses by imputing post codes in to their search engine, this of course would take forever, I asked him about sat nav info and he was very interested to hear that Asda and Wetherspoons do it and that LIDL would be looking into it.
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Hi Malc


Personally, the only reason I would want to know the location of Wetherspoons is so that I could avoid them!


Seriously, if you want all the POI sets of places like particular supermarkets etc then have a look at websites like these:





Most of my TT POI sets are downloaded from these and they include Asda, lidl, etc and it will save you a lot of time going round everyone as they are all in one place.



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We used a Whetherspoons a couple of weeks ago in Exeter, the food was hot and good quality, the drinks were very reasonably priced too. the best bit for me though was the building the pub was in, it used to be a Chapel , it still had the pews, font and alter, it had a balconey still original and thats where we sat for our meal, all the oringinal wood panelling was still there, a really beautiful setting, obviously planning regulations strict and in this situation they worked.
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hymer1942 - 2009-07-14 5:05 PM


You do get about, Morrocco and Exeter, if you are near Fleetwood you must visit. I have just got back from 7 weeks in France and go to Germany

on the 17 th of August. Barrie.

Hi Barrie ,have wheels will travel as they say ,We want to get away again soon, but Dentist rears his ugly head, but will be Foreign again soon , enjoy Germany, how can you fail not to , great country and very Motorhome friendly.
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Malc, I empathise with the comment regarding the dentist - my last visit would have covered site fees for 88.75 nights away at my 2-year average spend. Forget the drill the real pain is in the wallet! As you hand over your dosh you may wish to reflect why dentists don't need to motorhome - they can afford the best hotels anywhere and drive there in their Astons or private plane. Why? Well the crown he charges you £500- £800 pounds for costs him £45 - £50, the teeth whitening he charges out at £150 - £250 costs him £25 a kit etc, etc. Small wonder that a newly-qualified dentist in a middling NHS practice will clear £100K in their first year, in private practice considerbaly more. Of course our Government allowing the nation to be held hostage by the Dentist's own trade union's total stranglehold on the industry ensures there is no competition and it won't change any time soon.


OK rant over, sorry to hijack the thread! I feel better now.....



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Just called into the Royal Hop Pole Hotel in Tewkesbury which is a Wetherspoon hotel/pub. I must say that they have done an excellent job with refurbishment since taking this place over. It's certainly not your typical town centre Wetherspoon watering hole.

Had a full English, OH had toast and preserves, a couple of coffees apiece all for under £6, plus free WiFi - not bad value...

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We often use Wetherspoons pubs when on our travels. It ain't often I get the chance to sup real ale and I've never had a bad pint there.


We visited the Royal Hop Pole whilst in Tewkesbury in May and I agree, an excellent job - all the more so considering it was flooded out two years ago.



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Hi, Graham


Sorry to here you had problems, I have never used them just run a Google search on Lidls POI and there site came up on the list, they do appear to have POI's for most of the major supermarket chains, what problems did you have with them is there something wrong with there POI's





GJH - 2009-07-17 2:06 PM


braunston - 2009-07-17 11:26 AM




This web site has POI's for most of the UK shops including Lidls etc



After the trouble I had with that lot a few months ago I wouldn't go there even if I was totally lost >:-)



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braunston - 2009-07-17 5:05 PM


Hi, Graham


Sorry to here you had problems, I have never used them just run a Google search on Lidls POI and there site came up on the list, they do appear to have POI's for most of the major supermarket chains, what problems did you have with them is there something wrong with there POI's


They were the people who copied my MH Parking PoIs and passed them off as their own. It took me the whole of January to stop them and they only did so when they had obtained an alternative set (which looks more like truckstops) from somewhere. There was a thread running about it at the time but I can't provide a link as the search appears to be broken again.


They had the cheek to claim copyright and to charge for them - which I don't do myself


Story also Here.



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hallii - 2009-07-17 7:42 PM


I have found the Lidl POI's to be very much out of date, I found myself passing one on the way to another one!



Pocket GPS World has PoIs for Lidl, other supermarkets and hundreds of other categories Here


They can be downloaded in TomTom .ov2 or .csv format. If you need them in another format (e.g. for Garmin) it's easy enough to do using a program such as POIConvertor - see link on my PoI download page Here.



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Hi, Graham


I don't think I read the orginal thread, if I had i wouldn't have posted the link, sorry Graham




They were the people who copied my MH Parking PoIs and passed them off as their own. It took me the whole of January to stop them and they only did so when they had obtained an alternative set (which looks more like truckstops) from somewhere. There was a thread running about it at the time but I can't provide a link as the search appears to be broken again.


They had the cheek to claim copyright and to charge for them - which I don't do myself


Story also Here.



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braunston - 2009-07-18 9:42 AM


Hi, Graham


I don't think I read the orginal thread, if I had i wouldn't have posted the link, sorry Graham

No need to apologise, can't be expected to read everything :-D



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