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Driveway Aires


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wild rover - 2009-07-15 4:39 PM


I agree with you, Vindiboy. Stuff all the stupid red tape! It's between the people who agree to let you use their drive and the mh owner who wants to make use of it. Nobody else's business! As long as nobody is harming anyone what's the big deal? I'm sick of the little control freaks who run this country.




I do think that maybe the neighbours of a well used driveway might have a point of view worthy of note particularly if as with so many UK homes there is little in the way of screening separating the properties?

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I don't think anyone is going to camp on someone's driveway for the duration! But the point I was making was that people can organise themselves, they don't need petty bureaucrats to do it for them. They can ask their neighbours if they object, and if not it's between them and the mh owner as I said before.



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wild rover - 2009-07-15 5:32 PM


I don't think anyone is going to camp on someone's driveway for the duration! But the point I was making was that people can organise themselves, they don't need petty bureaucrats to do it for them. They can ask their neighbours if they object, and if not it's between them and the mh owner as I said before.




I agree to a point, but to say they can ask their neighbours if they object may be quite right for you and me who are considerate of other people, but unfortunately in this day and age there is the very selfish attitude that many people live by and these people would not ask others, in fact wouldn't care how things affect others. I'm not saying that any motorhomers are like that, but hey I have met some on sites that have a poor attitude regarding others (but that's another subject)

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Tracker - 2009-07-15 5:08 PM

I do think that maybe the neighbours of a well used driveway might have a point of view worthy of note particularly if as with so many UK homes there is little in the way of screening separating the properties?


Rapido-lass - 2009-07-15 6:21 PM

I agree to a point, but to say they can ask their neighbours if they object may be quite right for you and me who are considerate of other people, but unfortunately in this day and age there is the very selfish attitude that many people live by and these people would not ask others, in fact wouldn't care how things affect others. I'm not saying that any motorhomers are like that, but hey I have met some on sites that have a poor attitude regarding others (but that's another subject)


Of the several points which I mentioned it is the one regarding neighbours which I should find most important were I thinking of joining such a scheme. I have too much respect for my neighbours to impose something on them which might cause them a problem.



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We could of course start our very own 'Forum Overnighters', although maybe a different name unless we want to be known as FO!


I have levelish drive space for one van up to about 24' long - providing the driver is competent enough to reverse through an 11' opening without knocking my gate posts down or removing the gutter that protrudes at roof height! I get my van in and out easily enough, but then I've done it before!


It is between two houses and thus is secluded but unfortunately has no nice view to wake up to! But then it is cheap - free actually!


Ideal for the Irish Ferry from Pembroke Dock to Rosslare or if you are just touring about or simply passing through.

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I think you would get undesirables if you had a forum for overnighters on here.


If you read the airedriveways site information you will see that it will be regulated as you have to join and register.

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Please can someone explain why it is 'free overnight parking' when you have to pay a membership fee and have to provide a space to others? Like several posters, I can't see the point of this scheme although the MCC approach has merit.
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rapido-lass makes some relevant points....we asked our 6 of our neighbours what their re-action would be and they were pretty unanimous....no objection to friends and family for a short duration but not too happy for what basically amounts to complete strangers !!


also the question of whether this is ok with your individual insurer needs to be sorted out before making any commitment


it sounds like a goverment scheme....ok in theory, different in practice ....the devil lies in the detail and who wants to become involved in possible hassle & aggro


cheers berti

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I think some of you are missing the point that it is a Club. Not open to the general public but for motorhome owners who have space to offer a stop- over for 1 or 2 nights maximum.


I think it says that you must be able to offer a space before you can join. Therefore members can contact each other beforehand to assess the suitability of the drive, time of arrival and departure etc.


I think it will be a useful club to join especially if you do long journeys, or need somewhere to sleep for a night near to relatives or ferries etc.


Also how would neighbours know that they are not your friends, after all motorhomers are supposed to be a very friendly crowd!

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