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3 M's

Guest Paul

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Is it just me or is MMM mag getting too predictable? When we were first looking to buy a motorhome, and being completely new to this wonderful hobby, MMM was read avidly and looked forward to arriving each month. Now after 4 years I am unfortunately becoming a little bored with it and finding the mag somewhat heavy going, even though we motorhome more than ever. I am a subscriber but I am seriously thinking of not re-newing, thereafter buying the occaisional edition which catches my eye. I am sad about this and for some reason I feel a little guilty - probably because MMM did prove such a wonderful intro to the world of motorhoming. I would welcome anyone else's opinion and before anyone says that I myself should suggest improvements to the mag, I can't think of any, having no previous experiance of magazine production, only of buying or not buying them.
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Is it not that the more you Motorhome (or engage in any other hobby) the more you know and the less support you need from mags ? I still wouldn't like to do without MMM but there are pages I turn over because I've been there, done that !
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Mainly agree with Alf's comments though I do find the editor's "Motor Caravanning Month" rather disappointing, (not like the good old days!) This, of course is just a personal feeling and not meant to be rude. Others may find it interesting. Annie
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The main thing I'm frustrated with, this months is a prime example, is when the reviews are all done by the same person. It's not as if one van is being compared with another. They are hardly going to say "on such-and-such a van the ?? was better (or worse)" in the same month's reviews. Does one person take a month off from a proper job and go and have a run around in 3 vans. Even if that were the case the reviews surely could be spread out. Speaking from experience of reviewing vans it is extremely difficult to come up with fresh ways of writing about the same thing in different ways. I certainly am much more selective about what I read nowadays. Though I certainly believe there are things that need repeated coverage. We were all innocent (nae ignorant) newbies once and MMM has been a great foundation for us.
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You may remember a joke doing the rounds a few years back that went: “The Times” is read by the people who run the country; “The Mirror” is read by the people who think they run the country; “The Guardian” is read by the people who think about running the country; “The Mail” is read by wives of the people who run the country; “The Daily Telegraph” is read by the people who think the country ought to be run as it used to be; “The Express” is read by the people who think it is still run as it used to be; “The Sun” is read by the people who don’t care who runs the country as long as the naked girl on page three is massive. A cut-out cardboard MMM trophy to anyone who can do the same for the following list … Caravan Life Motor Caravan Practical Motorhome Which Motorcaravan Caravan Club Magazine Out and About MMM Mike Jago might even offer a bottle to the best one ... and print it?
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I don't know about predictable, but it seems that there are more adverts. I know that the ads pay good money, but when you get a continuous run of pages of adverts (not just Brownhills' section), you get the impression that content is taking a back seat. Also are they picking more obscure vans for testing? Is it because they are offered to them by dealers / manufacturers? Also the mag's getting too big to hold up in the bath!
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Guest Yorkshire Tyke
Norma Things about testing anything for a mag that people dont know Years back we were in a sports club One of the members got a job on a National Mag of fame in the same sports world He was given some equipment to test We all said that the same Equ was a load of C**p It was too hard for experience people to use (The gears were too high for use in competitions) Yet the equ was praised as being excellent and perfect for the NEW club member When asked why the said item had received such praise "We have to give it a good report, or else we woud loose advertising matter and nobody would bring us equ to test - Its my job" The same person is now Editor of the same magazine (Presumably He polished up the handle on the Big Front Door quite well) and he reports for the TV on a Major 3 week long annual event. Last year he quoted the riders having difficulty breathing "because they were at an altitude of 2000 ft - in actual fact at that point the altitude is marked as 1600 Meters 5000 ft Anybody who has seen the Winter Olimpics will know that most of the outdoor events have taken place at this altitude We spent 6 out of 8 weeks hol last year at alt 1600 m & went walking every day - some people from the site went up to 3500 Meters with no apparent problems with breathing I do not read any test reports as We are not planning to buy another van as yet We dont trust the word of any test journalist - all items have to be equal - even if they are not Why do they put them in ??????? To fill up space, or Because they get PAID TO DO THE TEST???????
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Guest keith T
DOn't disgaree with the initial comments, and certainly there is now a greater amount of adverts. I have for some years had a sub to this and also Which MC, but have cancelled the latter as they seem to dupcliate each other very often. I also feel that the lack of critical comment in many reveiews overshadows the reality , and half the time 'tests' really have little relevance to actaul usage of a motorhome. Like ealier repsonses, I too have had the mag for several years, and have also had a number of different makes and types of motorhome, and therefore now far more experienced, but would miss MMM if I didn't get it, I guess. Just oaccasionally there are some good tips, and useful travel info, and if nothing else the sub is great as it provides access to this excellent forum!
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