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Meandering along the Mosselle


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We just left Kobern-Gondorf yesterday. It's on the 416 about 10mile from Koblenz. We left the A61 at jct 38 and went down onto 49 and crossed bridge to Korben. As you go over the bridge you take a sharp right on the bridge and then right again where you see the motorhome sign. Go along a track past a hotel and allotments and road opens up to a free stellplatz. We stayed 2 nights. It can be noisy with the trains but it's free and you can walk into the town easily and there is a supermarket there to stock up on.

We drove towards Cochem one day and there is a Stellplatz there but it looked full and next to the road. We are now on the Rhine at Bacharach and just our luck as there is a big boules tournament on this weekend on the Stellplatz so we have to use the campsite but no complaints. 16 euros without electric.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I am sat on the banks of the Mosel basking in brilliant sunshine the Stellplatz is 7e 24hrs inc electric and wifi a lovelly site with toilets / showers at extra costs French diesel was 100.5eu pltr and in Luxembourg  0.885eu pltr Germany 1.18eu pltr arrive here Friday pm must say the state of the Belgium Motorways are attrocious full of pot holes nearly shook the M/H to bits.
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If you are in the area for the wine festival late August visit Alf it is a small town.

It has a specular fireworks display they have to close the road, its probably one of the best ive seen.

You can park just outside the town on the banks of the Mosel for a few Euro no facilities. Travelling further towards Tier following the Mosel there are large Marques these have Umpa bands playing where you can also sample the local wines and beers and theres always the sausages.


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