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Pickering Show Update


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Just arrived back home from a day out at the show. This is the first time I have visited this particular show but my immediate conclusion is it is not in the same league as York. OK the diabolical weather did not help with huge puddles, deep mud, driving rain and a lot of glum faces around, especially from the van dealers, but the overall location is just not inspiring.

I would be interested to know other peoples opinions as to whether they think it will continue long term at this venue.

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Guest Tracker

We went last year and given the rain just before the show it was well organised and the show and camping grounds were amazingly dry - shame about the loos and the generators - but if you camped well away from them it was fine - if a long walk to the showground itself!


All in all not a bad show last year and many people had obviously worked hard to get it sorted.


However for me it was somewhat spoiled by various jobsworths insisting that we all wore wristbands just in case we might have gate crashed - yeah like I really must look like an old age gate crasher!


Given the economic climate it may be unfair to compare Pickering this year to York two years ago as all shows seem to be suffering this year - maybe there are just too many of them for them all to succeed?

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Just seen the weather forecats on the BBC. Looks like the rain will have gone by around 7am/8am so with luck it should be better at Pickering tomorrow.


I hope so for the sake of the traders, especially the smaller businesses. Paying for a commercial pitch at any fair (of any type) ain't cheap, even without taking into account labour costs etc.



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Is the area where the stalls are muddy? And if so is it a lot? just puddles?deep? or is it just wet grass?


We are coming over tomorrow for the day with some friends who are looking at different types of vans. We are in our car, but don't really want to be wading through a swamp for four hours!

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Wow Kelly! A tad extreme! If there are a lot of disabled people attending the show, then surely it is up to the show organisers to take this into consideration and widen the aisle and walkways so it doesn't become a hazard to anyone. Some scooter users do think they have the right to just plough on regardless, but then so do many people pushing prams and others wearing rucsacks big enough to sustain an Everest expedition!



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Tomo3090 - 2009-07-18 9:25 AM Wow Kelly! A tad extreme! If there are a lot of disabled people attending the show, then surely it is up to the show organisers to take this into consideration and widen the aisle and walkways so it doesn't become a hazard to anyone. Some scooter users do think they have the right to just plough on regardless, but then so do many people pushing prams and others wearing rucsacks big enough to sustain an Everest expedition!

Yes I agree with all of your comments and feel sorry for the " real " disabled people who do seem to take care  towards others ,but there seems to be more and more people with these scooters that do not really need them and they seem to be the worse offenders

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Just got back from Pickering after a 130 m round trip, keen to spend some money on accessories and the like, but failed miserably to see anything I couldn't have bought more easily in my local dealer's shop All I can say is what a dismal location and an uninspiring show compared with York. Access and exit are appalling, the toilet facilities grim to say the least. A complete waste of money in fuel and entrance fees ( how do they justify them for a place like this) I'd happily pay more for a decent venue with good access.

Not usually this grumpy when England are doin well at cricket, but...

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Guest peter
Tracker - 2009-07-17 8:14 PM


We went last year and given the rain just before the show it was well organised and the show and camping grounds were amazingly dry - Managed to park up the Transit pickup and Hobby van right in amongst some really posh M/H's with plenty of gear on the grass outside.


All in all not a bad show picked up some really useful kit

However for me it was somewhat spoiled by various jobsworths insisting that we all wore wristbands just in case we might have gate crashed - yeah like I really must look like an old age pikey gate crasher!


Given the economic climate it may be unfair to compare Pickering this year to York two years ago when there were plenty of goodies to be had as all shows seem to be suffering this year - maybe there are just too many of them for them all to succeed?

I sympathise Richard. But they can't let just anybody in can they?. :D
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Going in the morning..we did intend to go on Thurs to Mon [as with Peterborough] but reading last years reports and seeing the weather forecasts we decided against.

Our visit am Sunday will be by car..the "van" stays at home.[Don't like muddy fields and poor toilets and not fans of Freddie Star]

We are in need of a new van,hence the visit..but no hurry..our money "is safe in the bank?"

We [The Royal one] have not been to "York" so cant make a comparison..Peterborough was great..The Nat Motor van Rally at Hendra was Brilliant.

We still need to change our 6Berth for a "smaller" 2/3 berth so maybe Lincoln will be the best bet,just before VAT goes back up to 17.5%[or Maybe 20%?]

We live in Yorkshire,know that floods and poor weather make Pickering difficult,so to answer your question..it will continue as long as the Traders think it worthwhile/economically..which means good attendances from us punters is a prime requisite..anyone buy a new van there??



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Just back from a full weekend at pickering, very good including the sat show with grumbleweeds instead of freddy star, on our pitch it was nice and dry and toilets were good, yes when it had rained for almost 14 hours non stop there was some water blown in the toilets, making them wet but that is no ones fault, yes its so easy to find fault but lets use a little common sense, well done warners.



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We went too today and really enjoyed ourselves. We were pleasantly surprised that considering the weather this week the ground was in good nick.


WE spent money on stuff vital to our vanning pleasure! A Micro Fibre mitt, two LED reading lights and a LED strip light for the van, joined the Motorcaravanners Club and spent £1,300 on two 85 watt solar panels courtesy of Leisurepower. So all in all a good time was had. Pity about the heavy shower at lunchtime, but that didn't affect us too much. We will go again and stay over next time.


Again, thanks Warners

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Just about to leave after a good show. Not as many traders as some years but still plenty. Out of our group of friends cash was spent on a solar panel, air ride, new 12 volt tv and plenty of things we did not know we needed. And as a bonus the beer was half price yesterday afternoon.



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We were one of Sooty10's crew, had a great time.


Reading some of the earlier comments makes me wonder if I was at the same show 8-) Dismal location? I thought it was lovely, plenty of space, fields dried out very fast after some rain, and sunshine for much of our stay, lovely walk round Pickering for some lunch..what more do you want?


Each to their own....is your glass half empty or half full I wonder.....mine was full most of the time B-)



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longtemps - 2009-07-17 5:26 PM


Just arrived back home from a day out at the show. This is the first time I have visited this particular show but my immediate conclusion is it is not in the same league as York. OK the diabolical weather did not help with huge puddles, deep mud, driving rain and a lot of glum faces around, especially from the van dealers, but the overall location is just not inspiring.

I would be interested to know other peoples opinions as to whether they think it will continue long term at this venue.


Just got home after spending thrusday to monday at the show.


Yes it was a bit wet - certainly on Friday - and the organisers had to act quickly to put down more chippings and get water suction tanks in to ease the worst of it. Bit showery over the course of the weekend itself but the land did dry out pretty quick with the sunny spells and a breeze.


I thought the trade area itself was well spread out this year and that this was due more to the fact that there seemed to be less traders there rather than more space available but certainly meant the aisles were wider.


We went on the shuttle bus to Pickering on Saturday morning and were surprised at the absence of the usual queue to get on - none of the buses were full either going or on the return trip - yet at the previous York shows and at Peterborough there was always a high demand. The 52 seater bus we saw leave for Scarborough had only 8 or so poeple on board and the York trip bus was nearly full.


All in all we didn't enjoy the showground as much as the York venue and the show itself didn't seem to have the same 'feel' about it.


I would much prefer to return to the York Racecourse venue.




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Its been an interesting show. We arrived last Wednesday so we could set up the stand and we got home just after midday today. Yes it was wet, yes it was windy (and that did make my bum twitch 'cos we lost our "stand tent" to the wind and rain in Newbury) so we now have our motorhome and awning as our stand (tea and toilet easily to hand :D )


Wednesday was a fine day and it looked as though it would continue. Thursday was fair and the Thursday afternoon trading was pleasantly OK. Thursday afternoon it got breezy..................then Thurs night it rained..............and rained.................and rained.


Friday morning it was still raining heavily and there was a distinct absence of custom (not surprising really). Friday midday....ish and the rain stopped but the wind increased. About 2.30 PM (ish) an announcement over the tannoy system warned us of wind speeds in the 45-50MPH bracket. Discretion got the better of valour and we put the awning away and worked "al fresco" for the rest of the day.


Saturday dawned grey but dry and reasonably calm so we put the awning back up. It was a slow start trade wise but we had a brilliant three hour slot in the middle of the day then it calmed down.


Yesterday was a fine and bright day mostly with a few heavy showers, the first one just as I was ordering lunch so I had to take shelter in the beer tent (the hardships we traders have to endure you know ;-) ). Trade was pretty good all day.


The York brewery had three bars on the go with the main one in a marquee with live entertainment (no I'm not talking about me and Dex :$ ), Sunday afternoon they were selling beer, lager and cider for £1.50 a pint, shame I was working :-( . Major problem for me was the York brewery bars all shut for good at 4.30 pm Sunday and the other bars near the entertainment building didn't open till about 7.00 pm! Not happy about that at all! :-( :-(


Yes the show ground had muddy bits after the rain, yes the toilets got messed up but I ask you this.............doesn't every grass based showground turn into a mudbath when deluged with a couple of million gallons of water and a couple of thousand vehicles?


Also don't toilets get messed up when the users have to wade through a mudbath to get to them and at least 50% of those users seem to be incapable of aiming, even when (presumably) sitting down?


I say Pickering showground is fine, every bit as good as any other showground I've visited. I also say that Maxine, Sally, Sarah, Debs and their teams do a brilliant job to organise these events and during the actual event they are constantly walking around sorting out problems for exhibitors and campers alike. Jugglers who can manage several balls at once are applauded, this team juggles thousands of balls for five days and they all work damned hard and damned long hours!


A final thought.............if you were there spare a thought for the traders who have spent a lot more money to be there than you did with no guarantee of any return, also spare a thought for the organisers who work round the clock to make it happen for YOU the punter, also spare a thought for the marshalls who mostly work voluntarily to try and help you find where you need to be.


Finally, if you weren't there please keep your mindless snivelling drivel to yourself........ you didn't experience it so you have no right to comment!



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Accept comments about the difficulty of keeping toilets clean in bad weather my comment was aimed at the number available, especially for Ladies where the queue was unacceptably long on our arrival. I also did not like the amount of time taken to exit the ground mid afternoon Saturday and the one way system onto the main road(inevitable because of the location). Unlike York where there are various directions one can take to speed up exit time after leaving the showground. No critical comment aimed at Pickering itself, but as a day visitor I am only going for the show not the locality and the showground is a very poor relation to York. Maybe the people who go for the weekend get a different view for social/entertainment reasons.

Traders may like to note that I for one will not attend another show there.

Why was York abandoned?

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York wasn't abandoned, it abandoned us! The racecourse needed to do some serious work to improve drainage and the locals did not like the sight of 4000 motorhomes turning up on their doorstep (the local businesses of course had a different viewpoint). As I understand it there is no chance of the Northern motorhome show going back to York racecourse.


There was only ever one exit point from York racecourse and that was on Knavesmire road, just like there is only one exit from the Pickering showground onto the Malton road. At both venues there is/has been the choice of which direction to go. Removing thousands of motorhomes from any showground is going to cause problems, especially at peak times.


As for the number of toilets I thought there were plenty personally although I used our own loo in the motorhome mostly. Any venue that has public toilets will generate queues at them, it even happens at my local pub on occasions.


I would agree that there could be more loos available in the actual exhibition area though.



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Hi Everyone

Got back from Pickering 12 oclock today.Well i thought it was a good show

ok it got muddy but thats the risk you take when attending a outdoor show.All traders and Warners work very hard. Plus i work even harder

I must walk miles :D


Tony...... :D :D :D

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The exit I had to use was left turn only towards Pickering from the day car park on mid Saturday afternoon and was almost entirely car traffic; rather than motorhomes leaving at the end of the show. I thought the exit from York gave alternative right /left turns from the racecourse itself and it was not directly on to an A class road.

I felt sorry for the Pickering locals who lived down the lane trying to go against the flow to get to their homes.

I was referring to toilets in the exhibition area.

Obviously more people enjoyed the day out than did not and I am not knocking or underestimating the time /work which the organisers had to put in. Just trying to point out what I considered shortcomings, which made it less enjoyable than previous shows I have attended

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