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City Europe Warning


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A friend of my wife’s had his van broken into at City Europe about a week ago it is a German registered Challenger (keeps it at his daughters in Germany).


The thieves broke 2 windows, made a hole right through the bodywork getting the security device off the door (I think it was the Fiamma bar device).


What did they nick – Satnav ½ packet of fags & lighter all from the glove box, there was an expensive camera in the glove box that was still there along with a van load of booze from an earlier visit to the Auchan.


As so little was taken must assume they were disturbed or idiots, thousands of pounds of damage done to make a few quid down the local bar.


I always use the Auchan at Dunkerque it gives the impression of being much safer & well away from all the illegal’s.


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We were parked in the MH parking at City Europe a couple of weeks ago overnight waiting for the morning shuttle. There were 3 "lads " sat on the outside of the bushes during the afternoon , it was really hot one of the " lads " who only looked about 15 / 16 had a wander between the parked motorhomes he looked about all in ,so we gave him a 2ltr bottle of water to drink which he shared with his 2 mates who looked more than gratefull after that we never saw any more of them , so perhaps a little kindness goe's a long way towards not getting robbed , but the situation regarding these " immigrants "is getting worse and the Kent Police at the customs post say unfortunateley the French Police seem to be ignoring the situation , we will not be overnighting there in future .

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Regretfully Sat Navs are attractive small items.


In June whilst we stayed at Aachen Aire, one night a number of Fiat vehicles were broken into via passenger door and items taken from glovebox. Door locks were damaged in each case.


We never leave Sat Navs in glove box, taking them shopping with us and storing them in the bed with us at night along with all other valuables. It is a nuisance but then shopping for a sat nav when in strange territory would be even more of a nuisance.


Perhaps our Strikeback Alarm light flashing from the rear light fitting also warned them away from us! We have slept at Cite Europe with no qualms but always set perimeter alarm.



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We stopped there to do some last min shopping and we were going to stay the night, but noticed a couple of youths wandering around they looked like immigrants so we decided to move on to the Aire in Calais at the front! I know a lot of people dont like this one but I think it is more interesting and as safe as any other in Calais you just have to be careful and set your alarm.
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Called in to Cite de Europe at the end of June on the way back to UK. Parked in the designated MH parking area mid-afternoon. Carrefour security man in attendance manning chain across entrance. Letting in MHs only. Whether his presence was as a result of incidents reported above, I know not. There were other security staff in the mall and the multistory car park across the road from the MH parking area. Whether this was to deal with a short-term problem on the day I was there or the situation has deteriorated I don't know.
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At Cite Europe the security guard and the chain across the car park was due to the protests in Calais at the end of June starting on Saturday 27th. We know 'cause we went across on 26 June and couldn't stop there - it was like a desert! All the shops, car parks, etc - everything, was shut and there were 2 coppers guarding the 'motorhome/bus' parking. We ended up gong to Ardres to the car park in the village centre for the night.


On Saturday night just gone, 18th July, we stopped there as there was no sign of any miscreants/strangers wandering around, we had a very nice peaceful night. After having a disturbed night the previous evening due to idiots in Bolougne sur Mer thinking it was funny to knock on all the motorhomes parked up for the night and wake everyone up ... twice ... (we decided to move to a nice quiet car park near Wimereux for the night near the beach) - it was nice to get a good night's kip at Cite Europe before the long journey home.

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Ferry port very noisy but well lit ( you need good blinds). Used the aire next to the campsite a few times, about 5 min from ferry terminal, much quieter always about 50 vans there police come by often, costs 7€ don't usually get charged if you arrive after 9:00 & you can service there.
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On the way back last week we parked for the night in the carpark on the quayside at Grand-Fort-Philppe lovely little fishing port just west of Dunkerque about 15 min from Calais, we were heading for the campsite there then saw the Motohome parking sign.
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