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faulty dometic RM 4281


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hi Iam interested if anyone has had this problem ?

fridge will only get cold when on 12 v after short trip.ice in freezer part.

when on mains or gas warmth can be felt from top vent

but will not get cold inside. on for hours tried external fans

van set level ( spirit level ) both ways . outside air temp cool.

fridge fitted to a 2008 model possl 2 win still under warranty but curious

if any one has had this fault the only thing I can think is leak on cooling gas system ?


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tommydud - 2009-07-18 8:19 PM


the only thing I can think is leak on cooling gas system ?


This would affect its operation on gas, mains electric and 12 volts in the same way, so I don't think a leak can be the cause of your problem. Unfortunately I can't offer any other suggestion as to the cause. On second thoughts, it does occur to me that one difference between the 12V operation and the other two is that the 12V has no thermostat to control it. I wonder if the thermostat used is common to the mains electric and gas operations, and that it is faulty?

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BrianR's suggestion that the problem is thermostat-related is logical. Certainly, to produce adequate cooling within the fridge, it should not be necessary for a modern Dometic 'tilt tolerant' fridge to be absolutely level, or an external fan to be used, particularly when the weather is not hot.


You need to check your Possl's warranty terms and conditions carefully, as it's often the case that high-value items (like fridges and heaters) that carry their own manufacturers' warranty, are excluded from the motorhome converter's warranty. I believe the duration of Dometic's warranty is usually 12 months, so the sooner you get your fridge problem addressed by a Dometic agent the better.

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I agree totally with Derek, and if it is still in warranty get them to fix it.

However, if not, it is not unusual for these fridges to get an airlock in the refrigerant gas, especially if the vehicle has been standing for many months without moving, usually a quick drive around the block with the fridge on 12v will set it going again, but if not (and you feel confident to do it) remove the fridge from it's posistion in the van, take it outside and turn it upside down ,then leave it and go indoors and have a cup of tea, while it 'Gurgles away' as the refrigerant moves under gravity. i have had to do this twice in 8 years with my fridge. And it has 'Fixed it both times, when dealers were saying that an expensive element replacement was the 'Only' answer.

It does involve disconnecting gas and power connections so be sure you are happy and confident to do that. :D


Just Re-Read the original post,sorry, agree,sounds like the thermostat.As it doesn't work on gas or mains, but works on 12v.

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hi thanks all for replys. van as 5yrs possl/dethleff all parts warranty so not worried there

It is 200kl round trip to the dealers in caen and and would have liked to go there knowing if this a common fault so as not to be fobbed off with quick repair .

thermostat fault had crossed my mind but removed top vent cover ,tube cooling fins hot on both gas & mains ? heating side ok .

my thought was van moving shake fridge with low gas/ liquid start to start process off on 12v again thanks van to be booked in nxt wk :$

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tommydud - 2009-07-19 1:00 PM


van has 5yrs possl/dethleff all parts warranty so not worried there


Might be a good idea for you to make certain when you visit the Caen dealership (Masters at Verson?) that the Possl 5-year warranty does include the heater and fridge. My Hobby's 2-year warranty covers the 'conversion', but the German dealership from whom I bought the vehicle advised me that any problems with the fridge and heater would need to be dealt with by Dometic or Truma agents respectively under the terms of those manufacturers' own warranties.


I know that some motorcaravanners have fallen foul of Dometic's 12-month warranty and have had to meet repair costs that they thought were covered by the motorhome converter's warranty. If your Possl warranty actually states that the fridge and heater are covered for 5 years then all well and good. If it doesn't, then it would be prudent to confirm the position with your dealer. Better safe tha sorry.

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hi I take your point dometic do state 12mths ,as the camper is 7mths old

hoping no problems , I have heard of dometic warranty starting when goods are supplied to converter? my contract is with the dealer so the problem is theirs up to yet 2 new camper 1new caravan &3 cars all dealers

out here have done warranty work with out a problem only fault is thay are so slow close 2hrs diner & monday / sunday

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I have just had a similar problem with my Dometic fridge/freezer.

The fridgeration unit was U/S gas /12v/230volt systems all worked but it would not chill.

I tried the turn the thing upside down and it didnt make any differance.

I had to have the the unit replaced £350 including labour.

It appears that the gasses inside the unit sometimes crystalise and cause a blockage and occasionally turning upside down moves it and can work until the blockage works its way around the system. it never disappears so can happen over and over again. or as it did in mine permanently blocked doesnt matter if you store the unit on a slope or level.

Also a check is to take the outer vents off and inspect the refrigerant system if there are any Brown stains you have a leak and it has to be replaced they cannot regas these systems.

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tommydud - 2009-07-18 8:19 PM hi Iam interested if anyone has had this problem ? fridge will only get cold when on 12 v after short trip.ice in freezer part. when on mains or gas warmth can be felt from top vent but will not get cold inside. on for hours tried external fans van set level ( spirit level ) both ways . outside air temp cool. fridge fitted to a 2008 model possl 2 win still under warranty but curious if any one has had this fault the only thing I can think is leak on cooling gas system ?

One step at a time.

It works on 12V and chills as it should.  Therefore there is no problem with refrigerant loss.

It will not chill on gas/220V, but - as above - it has refrigerant that it circulating as it should.

It generates heat on gas/220V.

This does not compute!  These are very simple, heat driven (thermo syphon), mechanisms.  On gas, the flame generates the necessary heat, and on 12V/220V there are small, hockey stick shaped, heating elements attached to the main vertical tube at the rear of the fridge in the region of the gas flue.  One element for 12V and another for 220V, both co-located.  Therefore, if the fridge runs as it should on 12V, the 12V element is heating as it should, and the cooling cycle is functioning as it should. 

Since the 220V element is close to the 12V element, if the 220V element is getting hot, the fridge must function.  The gas flame is merely a more direct heat source, so if that is lighting and staying lit, again, the fridge must work.

My suspicion also is that either the thermostat is duff, or it is at the minimum setting, rather than the maximum setting as recommended when bringing the fridge down to temperature.

Generally, the 12V is not thermostatically controlled, so the fact that all is OK on 12V points this way.  However, as the fridge heats on both gas and 220V, rather than a duff thermostat, I would suspect that its setting is at minimum.  In this position it will initially heat up, and will provide some weak cooling - but insufficient to bring the fridge down to temperature. 

If the stat is set to max, I would wonder if the spindle connecting the knob to the actual 'stat is disconnected/broken.  This should be apparent because the knob will turn with little resistance and will turn through more than 360 degrees. 

Failing the above, all that is left is a defective 'stat.

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hi first . both vents are side wall mounted .

my first thought was thermostat faulty on mains but

this model is fitted 2 thermostats 1 gas control side & 1 mains side

looks from what I can see that both thermostats have

there own sensors power to all connections check ok polarity etc

as brian says this system is simple the thermostats have been set at all levels & the book followed to the letter

I stand to be corrected but I still go with cooling medium level low van moving on route starts the cycle off .I hope Iam wrong from one reply states system can not be recharged ? at base of heat exchange return tube there is a valve not as old ones had small tube brazed up ? in 5 years I would concider removing &turning it upside down as one reply states ? but not yet thanks

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