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GypsyTom - 2009-07-22 1:22 PM


Those accusing Starvin Marvin of being unfair, of being a skinflint, or someone who perhaps likes winding people up, might find that, in future, it's a good idea to actually read a post properly. The first few words of his reply are a clue. "For my sins........"


SO? What rare you trying to say?

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lennyhb - 2009-07-22 1:17 PM


I hate the attitude of wardens on CC sites I do not like being told how I must park my van & which way it must face.



How odd, we are members of both clubs too, yet have never found that on any CC site, but HAVE on C&CC sites. We always find the CC more relaxed than the C&CC and much prefer their sites, not least because of the fact that you can pick your own pitch, rather than being directed to one.


On CC sites we have parked nose in, nose out, sideways (not yet upside-down though!) but have never been told we cannot do that.


In contrast, only last weekend on a C&CC site, there was a very 'enthusiastic' warden, who told us no less than 3 times exactly how far away from the road we should be, we should be no further in from the road than so far and we should park parallel to the road. Never had that with the CC.



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I am also a relatively new member and agree with most of the comments. The CC sites (where we have stayed) are very well kept, clean and spacious.

But they are expensive.

What we hate, is the fact you cant come in before 12:00hrs. There seems to be no flexibility.

Surely if the pitch is free, you should be able to use it. It cant make any difference to them and would even save them the problem of lots of people congregating7queing at midday.

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I'm a CC member and prefer to use a CL as first preference over a site.


However, on two occasions in the last three years there hasn't been a CL near to the location I had to be.


On both those occasions, I phoned a CS (the phone numbers are on my Autoroute push pins) and explained I wasn't a member and they both let me stay.

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Herri - 2009-07-23 11:26 AM  What we hate, is the fact you cant come in before 12:00hrs. There seems to be no flexibility. Surely if the pitch is free, you should be able to use it. It cant make any difference to them and would even save them the problem of lots of people congregating7queing at midday.

To be fair to the Wardens, on most CC sites you'll find that between 10am and midday they are generally cleaning the toilet blocks and doing other essential duties.

I do agree with you about the midday madness of new arrivals waiting to enter the site. We recently stayed a few days at Hillhead and the chaos and congestion each lunchtime was hopeless - although i'm not sure how the CC could tackle this problem. 

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Brock - 2009-07-21 6:29 PM


Others swear by the Caravan & Camping Club, also known as the friendly club. My personal experience is that they are no more friendly than the CC and the sites are usually lower quality.


I've never had any experience of this club. I am, however, a member of the Camping and Caravanning Club, which also, correctly, calls itself 'The Friendly Club'. The weekend Meets ( which other clubs tend to call 'Rallies') are open to all members, usually with no need to book ahead, all over the country almost every weekend throughout the year, where I am sure you will be welcomed. So, Brock, ditch this caravan and camping club and join the real thing!

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I joined the CC way back when I was a tugger, and dropped out for a while then rejoined as I was given a discount on my M/H Insurance for being a member , when not wild camping,I use the Club sites where needed and CL,s most other times and find all suit my needs at the time, I am under the Impression that CL,s are not only for CC members , But they are a commercial site as well and therefore let pitches on a first come first served basis , I have experienced a situation when my brother came touring Scotland with us, He is not a member of any Club but when I pulled onto a CL and asked if he could be accommodated the owner said he would be only to glad of the business,I dont think they are paid enough to keep thier site exclusively for Club Members. Times being what they are would anyone turn a paying visitor away.? and I it wouldnt trouble me if a site was full with none members and I was turned away ,such is life,I can spend my money elsewhere.
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Guest Tracker

My understanding is that the MCC is the only organisation allowed to certify 5 unit CL sites for both membership and public use.


I also understand that both the CC with their CLs and the C&CC CSs are only allowed to license 5 unit sites for use exclusively by their own club members, and with the CC that would of course not include tents other than pup tents accompanying a caravan or motorhome.


But just to confuse it even more I also understand that the C&CC CS sites are also allowed to have an unlimited quantity of tents, using common sense of course, in the available space without impinging on the five caravan or motorhomes also allowable as long as space remains for the five wheeled units?


That is just my own understanding - but I could be wrong.

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Sorry Corky 8 - I think you are wrong here. CL sites are for members only and are promoted as an exclusive benefit to CC members in return for their membership. I have no problem in any site being a commercial site if they feel they can make a better living doing so but not taking advantage of the CL network and then breaking the rules themselves - it's called having your cake and eating it and is unfair to those who join the Club.


It is this sort of attitude that causes ill feeling amongst members who are quite prepared to pay their annual subscription to enjoy the benefit of quiet, five van sites in rural surroundings. What would happen if every member stopped paying the annual fee but still carried on using the facilities?



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Tracker - 2009-07-23 3:43 PM


My understanding is that the MCC is the only organisation allowed to certify 5 unit CL sites for both membership and public use.


I also understand that both the CC with their CLs and the C&CC CSs are only allowed to license 5 unit sites for use exclusively by their own club members, and with the CC that would of course not include tents other than pup tents accompanying a caravan or motorhome.


But just to confuse it even more I also understand that the C&CC CS sites are also allowed to have an unlimited quantity of tents, using common sense of course, in the available space without impinging on the five caravan or motorhomes also allowable as long as space remains for the five wheeled units?


That is just my own understanding - but I could be wrong.


It is up to the Certifying Clubs to determine whether CS/CL sites are used solely by members or open to all. The MCC are the only club to allow the use of their CLs by non-members. This is why the MCC is working with Practical Motorhome to licence the sites for their Nightstop Scheme.



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kontiki - 2009-07-24 10:39 PM


Used to be in the CC many years ago when we had a caravan, even in tose days I was very rarely asked if I was a member.

If you were running a CL would you turn away anybody willing to pay members or not?


I suppose it would depend upon your principles..........

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duffers - 2009-07-25 11:16 AM


.. . .. . . . . . .and bank balance, do you wany your kids to eat or not,

if members aren't turned away what's the problem



apart from jobsworths at CC


Problem is, on popular cl's, paying members are turned away if non members are occupying a pitch.

Bit like me sitting next to you in the cafe and eating your chips

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Have been in the Caravan Club for many years, and their main sites are excellent value,compared with commercial ones. Generally we do not use the CLs, unless we can find hard-standing and electrics, which is becoming a little more common. However, they are generally rather too far out in the sticks for our needs. Never had any problems with them,and mostly their wardens and HQ staff are very hepful and friendly.


As far as the Caravan and Camnping Club are concnered we were members at one time, (well twice, I think) but did not like their attitudes and rules and regulations, especiallywhen arriving at one site at 11,45AM (where we fully intended to join), were told it would cost an extra £5 that night as we were there before mid-day. We said, ok, we shall leave the van blocking teh entrance and sit and wait until mid-day to sign up, if thats the way they wanted it! What about asking them fora refudn when we leave at 8Am - guess that wouldn't be offered!


UK Commericalsites are very often expensive and poor, and as far as possible we would avoid these.


A different story in France, where we have travelled extensively, often using 'municipals', and have rarely found a bad one, and indeed, usually they are good value, and well located. Also we have never yet boooked a site in France in advance, usually just turning up on the day we want to stop there.

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duffers - 2009-07-25 3:56 PM


how do you know they're non-members,

we were members of CC and C&CC, but never used the badges, so if we were on site how would you know?


But even if you don't know that they are eating your chips - does that make it right?


There are some people prepared to confess in public that they do this sort of thing (and, similarly, to making block bookings online then not turning up) so it does go on and there is no getting away from the fact that it is selfish behaviour taking advantage of the rest of the membership paying their annual subs to provide those facilities and then being denied them.



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david lloyd - 2009-07-26 11:07 AM


duffers - 2009-07-25 3:56 PM


how do you know they're non-members,

we were members of CC and C&CC, but never used the badges, so if we were on site how would you know?


But even if you don't know that they are eating your chips - does that make it right?


There are some people prepared to confess in public that they do this sort of thing (and, similarly, to making block bookings online then not turning up) so it does go on and there is no getting away from the fact that it is selfish behaviour taking advantage of the rest of the membership paying their annual subs to provide those facilities and then being denied them.




Exactly David, before the recent boom for camping, you were in with a chance of getting on a popular cl as a touring motorcaravaner.


But these days it's difficult, I don't see why cards shouldn't be checked at the time of arrival, I don't see why, I should be denied a pitch because someone else is to tight to pay a membership fee.


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Herri - 2009-07-23 11:26 AM



What we hate, is the fact you cant come in before 12:00hrs. There seems to be no flexibility.

Surely if the pitch is free, you should be able to use it. It cant make any difference to them and would even save them the problem of lots of people congregating7queing at midday.



I think that this rule is to stop outfits meeting 'Head on' in narrow approach roads going in to the sites, easy to back up if you are in a M/home not so easy with a caravan in tow. Also it's not very nice having an 'early arriver' parked watching and waiting for you to vacate your Pitch by 12 o'clock or earlier (yes,it has happened to me on a commercial site.) so that they can take you place. It also allows the warden time to 'mow and tidy up' the pitch before the 'new arrivals' come.

I think it is a Good rule, and one of the reasons that I like the Caravan Club sites, early arrivers can always park in the 'late Arrivals Area' and wait until a few sites become available (after 12.) Two sides to every story....... :D :D

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Just reading the posts on 2 pages of this thread makes me realise that no matter which club, how many sites or what the rules are they are not going to be able to please everyone! That's no comments against anyone here in anyway, just a comment on the fact that we all want different things at different times. As members of the three main clubs and the amount of different facilities available, in some cases for just a few quid, we are fairly satisfied with the way things are, and haven't had a problem finding somewhere to stop the night ever. As a last resort, if all else fails you can always kip down in a layby, after all that's what they were put there for!


The only thing I can think of that would improve things is if someone somewhere saw the benefits of proper local authority aires in this country. Until they do Vive La France!

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Agree that the apparent habit - partic in CC I think - of block booking sites then not turning up - or cancelling is selfish in the extreme, so that's a black mark against members. *-)

So - you can't get on sites because members are selfish, can't get on CL/CS cos non-members are selfish - and when you can you're charged an extra £5 for being early risers *-)


sounds great so I guess that's why I most def agree that it is just so much more civilised and easy across the water, so much so - that that's were we head off to, bank balance permitting, [and until we replace the van, kind friends permitting B-) ]




:D :D

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