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Auto-Sleepers / Marquis

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It is good to see that this formerly proud British group has been able to dismantle itself from the Italian Sea Group by means of a management buyout and get itself back to being British owned and run.


I have never had a bad experience with either Auto-Sleepers vans or with Marquis dealers and I for one wish them every success.


Far be it for me to tell 'the management' how to run their companies but a return to the good old days of highly customer focused care would be wonderful - or am I still living in Cloud Cuckoo Land!


I know that will be expensive but the big question must be - does it generate enough brand loyalty to justify it's cost? I do hope so!



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my experience was a lack of checking prior to leaving factory and lack of proper PDI by marquis who then expect you to chase fixing of snags with various places.


the quality is not as good as i would have expected on some fittings.


but overall pleased with the M/H.

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Yes David I agree that there has been a falling of standards throughout the Motorcaravan industry of late.


I am very sorry to hear of your woes and I hope that your experience is not representative of the direction in which these companies are heading?


I don't know if it is just a British made van thing or not as I've never owned a foreign made van, but I do mourn the passing of the original Auto-Sleepers and the old independent Autocruise ethos that the customer was the most important part of the whole process.


Without happy customer's they would all be up a certain creek without a paddle!

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tramper - 2009-07-21 9:03 PM


Is it just Auto-Sleepers that are independent or is Marquis part of the buy out too?


They are owned together as one group but I understand that AS will continue to supply dealers other than Marquis exactly as before.

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Well, far be it from me to lob a grenade into the works but, having previously owned both AS and Autocruise vans and for the past 5 years owned vans manufactured in Germany, there is no comparison in build quality.

It's not too dissimilar to buying either a BMW or a Rover made in Longbridge, no comparison.

However, I do hope that the recent MBO succeeds, for no reason other than to safeguard the jobs of the poor sods who work for this mob.

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