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IN THE DAILY MAIL YESTERDAY. Migrant gangs are targeting British holidaymakers in terifying highway robberies. would be illegal immigrants are forming human road blocks. to force motorists passing though the French port town to stop. travellers are then at knifepoint. Police in Calais isued a warning to the nine million Britons a year who pass through Calais about 25 000 a day.to keep their windows closed and doors locked. untill safely inside the ferry terminal. Police have had several reports .one couple said the migrants form a human chain across the road to stop them. then about six of them surounded the car.and waved a knife in his face and demanded cash.he through his wallet out of the window and sped off.another driver ploughed through them knocking down and injuring one.Police advise drivers to drive slowly at anyone blocking the road giving the clear intention you will not stop. if the road remains blocked call the Police.he added we are steping up security and Police patrols. in the area.around the port over the summer months .the French Police said ther are about 2.000 migrants living in the camp known as the jungle..French Police say it will not be cleard untill next year. the British immigration minister says it must stay in place untill it can be dismantled in a dignified manner. (SILLY SOD) dont know if its vans as well as cars .but they might thing twice before standing in front of a large motorhome .so be ready for anything GOOD LUCKf
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We came back weekend before last, drove past the port through the old town to the aire to dump waste (were a bit overweight with the wine). It was about 11:00am Sunday morning didn't notice anyone out of the ordinary just locals.


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I've passed through Calais ( and other French ports) many times over the years and have never seen anyone who I could identify as a possible illegal. I realise that one doesn't see what one doesn't want to see, but am sure even I would notice a road-block of this kind. Knowing the roads leading down from the autoroute to the ferry port, it occurs to me that it would be brave men who would stand across the carriageway, facing down the kind of traffic that uses that route. But of course, the Daily Mail would know best!
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The local WH Smiths obviously had a promotion going on recently. I was asked if I would like a free copy of the Daily Mail. The rep. looked a little nonplussed when I declined - explaining that I had come in to buy a newspaper...
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Load of Tripe, Daily Mail is only one step away from the Express.

You definitely do see immigrants hanging around and at times in larger numbers near the port and motorway, not aware of any major problems involving holidaymakers. Having said that I always pass through the Calais area ASAP.

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The Times is read by people who run the country.


The Mirror is read by people who think they run the country.


The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country.


The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country.


The Financial Times is read by people who own the country.


The Daily Express is read by people who think the country should be run the way it used to be.


The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think the country is run the way it used to be.


The Morning Star is read by those who think the country should be run by someone else.


And The Sun is read by people who don't care who the hell runs the country as long as she has big tits.


Sir Humphrey's speech in TV comedy Yes Minister


Regards PKC.

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We came back through Calais end of last week and stayed for shopping in the parking for motorvans in Cite Europe and noticed nothing untoward, roads were quiet and everything seemed just as usual.


Regards Mary

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Just to give a bit of balance and guidance to those who think that just because it hasn't happened to them it cannot be true.


A few years ago we came under attack in the actual Calais ferry car park and only a few yards from the booking office. Approx nine low-life made a beeline for our then van, a Burstner 747, and commenced trying to force the garage doors. I retaliated by sounding a marine fog-horn canister (that we always carry for just such occasions and can recommend) which wakes the devil through an open rooflight and turned on the emergency flashers. This annoyed them somewhat and they then started to rock the van from side to side. When four policemen finally arrived in a tiny car the vandals simply split up and, not in too much of a hurry, all went different ways. The police didn't even bother getting out of their car to give chase, or consult us at any time come to that.


From the above I formed the opinion that this must have been a rather boring recurring event and therefore it does happen - if you are the one involved.



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We were in Calais last Saturday afternoon getting shopping from Auchan, Lidl etc, as well as Cite Europe in the evening. Nothing untoward at all.


In Calais itself, though, last year as in previous years, we did notice some groups of people hanging around near the aire and near the fish dock nearby. We never stop there though so haven't had any bother, whether anyone else does I don't know.

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I came back through Calais two weeks ago and noticed a huge "travellers" encampment presumably enroute for the UK - I have seen the French police "herding" them to the port several times over the years - but I did not notice any other prospective imigrants. Surprisingly though my motorhome was not searched before embarkation this time and I did not see anyone else's either - in fact there didn't seem to be any police presence on the docks at all.
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lennyhb - 2009-07-24 8:00 AM


Not searched but as we went through immigration we were asked if we had stopped anywhere in the area and if we had left the vehicle unattended.


In 30 - 40 crossings only ever had a vehicle looked in once.

We are stopped and searched EVERY time at Calais!



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When we returned the week before last we saw very few ittinerents, about four, but contrary to some of the previous postings there was a high Police presence. There were at least four transit size van loads of CRS Officers patrolling in addition to the normal police and dog patrols and we were asked where we had driven from that day and had we left the vehicle unattended. We have only been stopped and waved over once in all our times going oto France and that was on the way out, I believe we were only 'making up the numbers' as we were only asked two questions and then sent on our way after about two minutes stopped.



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Whether on the scale reported or not, it is still scarey for women on their own and makes me nervous about future plans for France. Will have to get one of those blow up dolls to sit next to me like in Airplane 2, 8-) Joy
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