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The reports are a bit off putting, Joy, but the reality is not.  We returned on 22 June around mid-day and saw nothing unusual at all.

If you approach Calais port from the dual carriageway (Rocade Est) you are in any case directed straight to the booking in kiosks at about 50MPH, with no road junctions and no roadside cover for anyone to hide in.  If not convinced, have a look at the Calais port approaches on Google Earth and you'll see what I mean.

Leaving is the reverse scenario, and you can always travel the first few KMS on the autoroute for peace of mind, whether towards Reims or Rouen (free to Boulogne on the latter), to get clear of any of the urban areas where you might run into problems.  However, it is very unlikely you would be approached when travelling South: it is the UK that is the attraction.

I think the main point is to get back to Calais during daytime, when a lot of people are about.  Different if you choose to travel at 2:00 AM, of course, but at 2:00 PM you should be fine.

A couple of smiley UK Immigration officials put their heads inside when we were called forward to load, but as we had no stow-aways we had no problem, and only about 5 mins hold up.

This is all Daily Mail tosh designed to frighten the easily impressed.  It does happen, and it has been filmed, but usually late a night and involving HGVs.  The reported robbery attempts are a little more disturbing, but can you really imagine a gang of would-be immigrants trying to hold up the screaming mass of vehicles that comes out of the average ferry on docking, in broad daylight?

I think the Mail's journo - if indeed there was one, as opposed to "worried of Chipping Camden" (sorry Chipping Camdenistas!) - exaggerated what (if anything) was seen in the interests of maximising the Mail's anti-immigration campaign, and then conflated several separate incidents into the bargain.

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Having read the reports from you all; very helpful, thanks, but now not sure whether to be worried, or not.

We are planning to visit Calais the week after next and would like to know if anyone has had safety problems at the camping car stop-over opposite the port. Will have children on board. Your comments would be gratefully received.

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Came back from Calais very early morning last Tuesday (14th July),5.45Am ferry, and drove up the day before along the coast road from Bolougne,stopped overnight on the Aire opposite the port. No unusual activity, even along through Sangatte village, and all quiet on the Aire, although very full of course. Taking the 'short cut' from teh Aire to teh Port,not a soul around.....

We did have a brief check by the UK Borders Dept (is that what they call them) at Calais, but that lasted about 30 seconds, and that was it!

We crossed to Calais mid May and did that bit of the journey (in reverse,of course) at 3AM and again saw nothing untoward - perhaps these groups are on the fast motorway links????


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anee - 2009-07-25 6:29 PM


Having read the reports from you all; very helpful, thanks, but now not sure whether to be worried, or not.

We are planning to visit Calais the week after next and would like to know if anyone has had safety problems at the camping car stop-over opposite the port. Will have children on board. Your comments would be gratefully received.


We have stayed at the Aire right at the front where the filling up services are and never had any trouble! except we moved a couple of spaces down from and English young man in a old Hymer that was should I say (not right , in the head) he was throwing a fizby to himself !! and hit our bonnet with it >:-( he had also been arrested the night before as he had refused to pay the 7 Euro !! he said it was free parking and they had no right to ask for payment!!

Anyway I digress !! I wouldnt stay at the parking beside where the yachts are, now that is free, but my daughter and family pulled in there in there estate car after a late crossing thinking they could have a sleep and set of at dawn for Paris Disney, she opened her eyes to see three illegals looking through the glass at her , she shouted and woke her husband up they were telling her to hush, they started the car and drove back to the port! but she said they were walking between the Motorhomes up to no good .

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Came back through Calais 2 weeks ago on the way to about 40 miles from Calais we were stuck in a queue for about 2 hours eventually pulled into a Service area which was full of lorry drivers as it was Saturday afternoon and they had parked up for the week end as they don't travel on a Sunday.


Got talking to some of the lorry drivers who said the queue had been like that for 8 hours and advised us to stay overnight which we did (had a great time had a party with some of the English Lorry drivers) they all told us to take great care in Calais not to go on the aire in Calais or stop if we could help it as so many lorry drivers have been mugged. So we took the road right into the port and had no trouble but after the things they told us thought prevention the best action. Carol.

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THEY ARE STILL THERE! I drive in and out of Calais port 2 times a week through the summer, they are still about even though I do not see them every week, they do walk along and cross the approach road to the docks usually round the bend towards where the slip road is to Cheers and Pidous. Also I have seen them walking round the outside of the perimiter fencing if you turn right out of the port instead of going onto the motorway. Never been troubled by them but am always wary if in Mobile home and buying fuel at Champion in Calais. When parked on the docks waiting to board the ferry it is common to see the security walking round with dogs, also checking the lorries with sniffer devices.



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I know it's a hassle not to be in Calais but why oh why don't you go up or down the coast - we parked at Cape Griz Nez one night along with maybe ten other motorhomes and also spent a night at Portel Plage aire nr Boulogne, which is 30 mins down the autoroute from Calais.


The portel plage aire is being worked on and a new waterfacilty has just been put in - shame the credit card facility wasn't working - but it's quiet, if busy.


Wanted to go to Bleriot Plage but the aire was blocked off! Something to do with some Bleriots taking off (or not) from there!


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Here's a link to the article for people to make up there own minds. Yes it is in the mail, but do nlt let that deter you.


IT DOES HAPPEN, however if you are prepared for it then you are not at risk.


Those whom said they have never seen any illigal immigrants at Calais must go round with there eyes firmly closed. I can not believe youhave been to the same Calais that we travel to and from 4 x per year. It is rife with immigrants trying to get to the UK.


If you come across these roadblocks, me? I will keep going. under no circumstances get out and challenge them, your van can always be fixed, you on the other hand?

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It depends where you go to in Calais by the sound of it, if you go into Calais and then take 'cut through' road from there to the port, rather than going direct from the motorway I can understand you seeing them. We generally go to the Auchan area, then down the main street from there to Lidl, then up onto the motorway. If we're taking the ferry we then go along the motorway that way, if the train, then we go that way - we DO NOT go along the 'shortcut' from Calais - it's always been a rough looking area and part of the road was always very potholed which did no good for the van anyway.


Reading the article though it says:


'Around six of them then surrounded the car and waved a knife in the male driver's face and demanded cash. He threw his wallet out of the window and sped off. The refugees fled into the woods on foot.'


They could only wave a knife around in the driver's face if the window was open surely? Would you really drive into a group of suspicious looking people, even in this country, with your car windows open! Not me.


What woods???? Are there any woods near Calais??? Can't say I've ever seen them ... does anyone have a clue where this is?



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Hi Mel B, I think the woods they refer to are the trees on the left of the motorway after you have gone round the big right bend after the old Hoverport. These are spread out down to where the motorway splits for St Omer and Bolulogne. and I have seen them crossing the road hereI am going to look on Google Earth, might even spot a few immigrants. Hope this helps.



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Basted gosling stuffed with mashed potatoes, pork, onion and seasonings.


Select a gosling--not very young, for the flesh is then flabby--and after it has hung for a day or so, pluck, singe and draw it; then put it in water with a little salt, and let it remain for several hours, to remove the strong taste. Wash and wipe the inside, and fill it with a stuffing made with finely-mashed potatoes, a little lump of butter, a pinch of salt or fresh pork chopped very fine, a minced onion and a small quantity each of chopped parsley, thyme and sage. Sew it up, truss and grease it all over with butter or lard. Put it on a trivet on a baking-dish with the giblets; pour into the dish one breakfast cupful of boiling water, and put it into a quick oven. Baste frequently, turning it round now and then so as to brown on both sides. When thoroughly cooked, put on a dish with gravy, and serve with onion sauce. (www.recipe-for.com)


Only kidding! ;-)

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pkc - 2009-07-29 9:35 AM


Another migrant! Coming over here, milking the system! working for peanuts!

Time the Government did something.




I don't think you are taking this seriously enough PKC.


When I've been in France I've seen loads of immigrants.


Mostly English.




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Usinmyknaus - 2009-07-29 8:58 AM Basted gosling stuffed with mashed potatoes, pork, onion and seasonings. Select a gosling--not very young, for the flesh is then flabby--and after it has hung for a day or so, pluck, singe and draw it; then put it in water with a little salt, and let it remain for several hours, to remove the strong taste. Wash and wipe the inside, and fill it with a stuffing made with finely-mashed potatoes, a little lump of butter, a pinch of salt or fresh pork chopped very fine, a minced onion and a small quantity each of chopped parsley, thyme and sage. Sew it up, truss and grease it all over with butter or lard. Put it on a trivet on a baking-dish with the giblets; pour into the dish one breakfast cupful of boiling water, and put it into a quick oven. Baste frequently, turning it round now and then so as to brown on both sides. When thoroughly cooked, put on a dish with gravy, and serve with onion sauce. (www.recipe-for.com) Only kidding! ;-)

And it tastes like Chicken yum yum

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Around six of them then surrounded the car and waved a knife in the male driver's face and demanded cash. He threw his wallet out of the window and sped off. The refugees fled into the woods on foot.'


They could only wave a knife around in the driver's face if the window was open surely? Would you really drive into a group of suspicious looking people, even in this country, with your car windows open! Not me.


What woods???? Are there any woods near Calais??? Can't say I've ever seen them ... does anyone have a clue where this is?




Could be around Sangat!! isnt that where the woods are that they are surposed to be hanging out!? Although when we went through there a month ago I remarked that we didnt see any immigrents and what a nice place that was! we dont usually go that way. But your right we certainly wouldnt stop if we saw a crowd I think we would just belt the horn and keep on going! although you never know what you would do if faced with the situation!! I didnt like the look of that mob on the photographs!! and that looked real enough.

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Hi, Thanks for all your helpful comments and advice; its nice to know that there's a sense of humour out there. We are off next week and will probably avoid the town route and use the motorway. Will report back......

Best wishes all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My son has the right idea get an old wallet , scan and print off some euro's get some old plastic cards ( store bonus cards / phone cards ) and a few old coins for good measure fill the old wallet to make it look good , then if stopped by these morons just toss it out of the window and gun the gas peddle .
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