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Go Motorhome - new magazine. Can you help?

Guest Sally at Go M

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Guest Sally at Go M



this is a request for help on behalf of MMM's new sister magazine Go Motorhome (first issue out on 20 August, second issue out next year).


I'm recruiting a reader panel - people I can call on for their opinions on motorhoming, their experience of sites and routes and perhaps for a bit of product testing. Experienced motorhomers and newcomers are both welcome. If you'd like to take part please send me an email entitled 'reader panel'.


There's info about the magazine on www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/magazines/default.asp?magazine=15 and you can click the link there to pre-order a copy and get it before it's in the shops. There's also free p&p if you place the order by 7 August.

(MMM subscribers can get their copy half price and there's a form with details of how to claim in the august issue.)


Hope to hear from you. I'll also be posting specific questions and requests as new threads over the next few days. And feel free to ask me about the mag on this forum.





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Hi Sally,


I've already sent for my copy and I will be delighted to tell everyone what I think of it when it arrives!


I've also sent you an email and I would be delighted to take part in anything that helps make your publications more relevant and supportive to our (meaning all of us - not just my own!) needs and preferences!


Best wishes with the mag - and I do hope that it is interesting and relevant.


However if you are going to spread the same articles from the same people around the three titles but in different months very few of us will be impressed!



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Guest Sally at Go M
vindiboy - 2009-07-23 11:41 AM


Hi Sally, you say the new Mag. is a Sister Mag to 3ms, does this mean it's going to be Girlie, [tongue in cheek ]??? Why not Brother, ?? :-o :-o


Hi vindiboy. Sister as in ship, not sister as in nun or in the 1980s hit by the Eurythmics. But if you prefer you can call it Brian.



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Guest Sally at Go M
Tracker - 2009-07-23 12:06 PM


Hi Sally,


I've already sent for my copy and I will be delighted to tell everyone what I think of it when it arrives!


I've also sent you an email and I would be delighted to take part in anything that helps make your publications more relevant and supportive to our (meaning all of us - not just my own!) needs and preferences!


Best wishes with the mag - and I do hope that it is interesting and relevant.


However if you are going to spread the same articles from the same people around the three titles but in different months very few of us will be impressed!




Thanks Rich, I appreciate that. No chance of what you fear happening - I promise. In fact, we've got a sprinkling of writers who haven't written for motorhome magazines before alongside some very highly experienced testers. But hey, some people will love Go Motorhome; some people will only want a magazine if it's exactly like MMM. I'm expecting it to cause some arguments...



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Sally - we on 'ere don't do arguments - just minor differences of opinion - or maybe that's just my opinion?
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Sally at Go M - 2009-07-23 3:23 PM


But hey, some people will love Go Motorhome; some people will only want a magazine if it's exactly like MMM. I'm expecting it to cause some arguments...




I'd only want a magazine if it wasn't like MMM :-D


Seriously though, is there room for another motorhome magazine? I see that the website refers to the 'Summer' edition, does this indicate that it's to be quarterly, not monthly?



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As a newcomer to motorhomes I have bought the major magazines and what has surprised me is how few 'van reviews are available. I bought Which MMM expecting to be able to get summary reviews of the major 'vans or to be able to send off for reviews and found...nothing.

I assume the new magazine will review the major players?


Perhaps there are too many models to cover? Or perhaps the model ranges change from year to year.

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MusicRab - 2009-07-24 10:16 AM


As a newcomer to motorhomes I have bought the major magazines and what has surprised me is how few 'van reviews are available. I bought Which MMM expecting to be able to get summary reviews of the major 'vans or to be able to send off for reviews and found...nothing.

I assume the new magazine will review the major players?


Perhaps there are too many models to cover? Or perhaps the model ranges change from year to year.


Do bear in mind that a review is only someone's opinion and may well be clouded by personal experience and advertising and 'legal' constraints.


In my view they are almost worthless apart from the pictures which do give you an idea of the practicalities - or not in may cases - of the layout, and the text which describes capacities and sizes..

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Hi , I hope the new magazine isnt just going to rehash articles which have been flogged to death already in other mags. An example, digital tv changeover, almost every publication carries a virtually similar article on the subject, the subject matter source being official digital co website or similar. I see you are proposing to offer a similar one. There cant be many people left who havent seen and read it already ( but perhaps havent the technical understanding to carry out the necessary setting up for either terrestial or satellite services.)


I also ask if the articles could be gathered together , perhaps in the middle of the magazine, so that they could be removed without all the (rubbish) adverts..( I know they pay largely for the costs of publishing, but 90 percent of my MMM finds itself in the bin, I just tear out the interesting bits and junk the ads !!!



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With the greatest of respect Tony, I think maybe you are being a bit harsh?


The content of some of the adverts is often much more interesting than many of the articles in many magazines not just MMM!

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Guest Sally at Go M
Andy_C - 2009-07-23 4:14 PM


I'd only want a magazine if it wasn't like MMM :-D


Seriously though, is there room for another motorhome magazine? I see that the website refers to the 'Summer' edition, does this indicate that it's to be quarterly, not monthly?




Hi Andy, we think there is room for something different, but you'll have to read it and let us know whether you agree. And no, it won't be monthly, at least to begin with. We've got a first issue on 20th August and some plans for next year, once all you lot have told us what you like and what you don't!


By the way, apologies to anyone who has tried to contact me on the Go Motorhome email address: the system is down and our IT guy is off with Swine Flu or something similar. You can get me on my other email address: sallyp@warnersgroup.co.uk



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Guest Sally at Go M
MusicRab - 2009-07-24 10:16 AM


As a newcomer to motorhomes I have bought the major magazines and what has surprised me is how few 'van reviews are available. I bought Which MMM expecting to be able to get summary reviews of the major 'vans or to be able to send off for reviews and found...nothing.

I assume the new magazine will review the major players?


Perhaps there are too many models to cover? Or perhaps the model ranges change from year to year.


Hi, yes, there are some reviews of major players. Have you tried our sister title Which Motorcaravan? That is all about motorhome reviews.



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Guest Sally at Go M
tonyg3nwl - 2009-07-27 3:03 PM


Hi , I hope the new magazine isnt just going to rehash articles which have been flogged to death already in other mags. An example, digital tv changeover, almost every publication carries a virtually similar article on the subject, the subject matter source being official digital co website or similar. I see you are proposing to offer a similar one. There cant be many people left who havent seen and read it already ( but perhaps havent the technical understanding to carry out the necessary setting up for either terrestial or satellite services.)


I also ask if the articles could be gathered together , perhaps in the middle of the magazine, so that they could be removed without all the (rubbish) adverts..( I know they pay largely for the costs of publishing, but 90 percent of my MMM finds itself in the bin, I just tear out the interesting bits and junk the ads !!!




Hi Tony. I am doing a page on digital TV switchover, and it's in a section of the magazine which covers some of the basics especially for newcomers so I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you more experienced people to bear with it.


About the ad question. Without ads we couldn't afford to put out magazines, or at least. I always thought I'd love to make a magazine with no ads, then a few years ago I got the chance to make a tourist board magazine which had no ads, and was surprised to find that I wished I had something to make gaps between the features - it could feel a bit crammed. Thinner too.


But yes, there are groups of features - tests are grouped together, site reviews are grouped together etc. You'll have to let me know how it works for you when you see it!



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I must agree is now the time to bring out a new publication on motorhomes. I for one have lost the impetus to buy the existing publications with the lack of what I call detailed and informed coverage of the Fiat saga. If motorhomes on this troublesome base can be voted as motorhomes of the year, then surely you are not serving the readers well.

I know that I am considering dropping both publications and as this new one comes from the same publisher as the other two then I don’t think that you will get a look in my household.





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Sally at Go M - 2009-07-23 4:23 PM But hey, some people will love Go Motorhome; some people will only want a magazine if it's exactly like MMM. I'm expecting it to cause some arguments... Sally

FWIW I feel you will only succede if you are different from MMM and all the others.

BTW you said first issue out in August and the second next year, is a biannual publication then ???

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I cannot see me ever buying a new magazine when I don't subscribe to any others, if there is anything important, which there hardly ever is not, then its always given air time on here.


All types of magazines are only produced for the benefit of the advertisers, no one else.


So why should I want to buy advertising?

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Any room on your panel for a Self-builder? Have been m/h ing for 20+ years and converted three panel vans. MMM subscriber.

Have to agree with many of the others though re content, please not an MMM re-hash.

Re reviews, agree with Tony, just someones opinion, like TV critics (waste of space) but useful for factual details. What annoys me is that so many of them seem to think every little gadget is an essential, and will decry a product if (for example) it doesn't have the latest electric gizmo or whatever. What they seem to forget is that not everyone has the budget, or the desire to have every mod con available. Makes you wonder too sometimes if the testers actually lived in the van, or just drove it round the block. Sorry, was on my soapbox there. Regards, Mike.

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In my view all the reviewers in most current magazines must be in the pockets of the manufacturers... generally stating how good they are ..How much motorhoming do they actually do. A new harder hitting Mag would b e welcome by me not the same old wish washy stuff we get at the moment. Sorry to say this but one of the best reviewers is George in the Caravan Club Magazine..Auntygranty
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I am very new to motorhoming (looking at buying for first time) and would have thought that the mag would have been directed at the likes of me and full of useful info.


Tins of beans I do not need to know about thank you very much.


It was crammed full of "filler" and not much else.


I was very disappointed in the Go mag. It had hee-haw that I could find anywhere else.


I wouldn't buy it again. Very poor.

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So really, I think the people want a magazine that complements mmm rather than replaces or competes with it.


So say you came up with a format that was aimed at the now vastly increasing new motor home owners?


Reviews on what to buy under so many pounds, no new reviews as such - mmm has that - just the used market, first time topics, how things work, first trips abroad, things that may be needed in the future etc.


Even a section on self builds and how-to for those that fancy that method? Either because it is a challenge, a financial restraint, or just a race van? Could all be useful stuff!


Feature sites, and write ups on them, clubs who to join, why and what the benefits are - even a budget holiday section? How to holiday with three kids on a shoestring?


Plenty of useful topics can be used that complement the sister mag, and rather than compete or divide readers and their opinions, act as a stepping stone for the new motor homer.


Just a thought?

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I liked it to some extent - I really liked the way that the vans were brought into the articles on travel ie the mountain biking in Wales one discussed how the van was used as well as the area etc.


I would like to see more on food - eating in the motorhome is something we all do - why not a series of easy recipes for two burners so we don't have to live on pasta and stir in sauces all the time.


The motorhome reviews were ok ish but no better than Which or MMM.


I was very frustrated not to find the article on motorhoming in Thailand which was promised in print when the mag was being advertised in MMM and elsewhere - I assume they are saving that for next issue.


I don't mind there being lots of ads in a mag - sometimes I am looking for sources and even when not if it keeps the price of the mag down I am for it.


On the negative side I thought that some of the pages were very busy and difficult to follow.


I probably would buy it again but not on a regular basis (I subscribe to MMM and it won't replace that I suspect)

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