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2nd car insurance


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Hi all, I am thinking of buying a towcar [ a frame ] and have tested the water insurance wise, to say I am shocked is an understatement. Of course zero no claims but the best I can seem to do is £300 plus for a small car third party fire and theft. Has anyone recolved this problem with a half decent result. Barrie
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If you have full no claims on another vehicle a lot of companies will mirror the no claims but they will not give you a protected bonus in the first year.

Also if you insure in the the other half's name you often get a 10 - 20% reduction if she hasn't got her own no claims but has been a named drive on your policy nearly all companies will give the full no claims .

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I'm the other way round. I have two 75% NCBs plus another 70% NCB, but only driving one car at present. My wife has her own 75% NCB.


I must go and buy a couple more cars. :-D



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Hymer, sorry I have only just seen this thread.


I have yet to come across a company who has not offered me AT LEAST 50% off an additional car so something must be wrong somewhere.


Are you using the internet? If so, try phoning the companies direct as I find this personal approach usually brings reults. Unless the second car is a huge sports car or you have a load of points then you should get at least 50%. Good luck.


(I have got full bonus transferred to my motorhome from my car plus just got 50% transferred again to my trike.)



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We recently got an extra car and as the OH only had motorhome insurance in his name (named driver on my car policy) insurance companies would not mirror his motorhome insurance ( something to do with that fact it's a leisure vehicle?) Anyway we got my policy no claims discount mirrored , it wouldn't be protected, and if he renewed with them next year, then he would get the full ncb in his own right after that.

It's also near enough the same price for fully comp as it is third party fire and theft. This is an insurance company ploy to get everyone insuring cars to be fully comp as it makes their life easier if there's an accident.



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I am looking to buy a 1.4 polo circa 2000, I have spoken to 2 or 3 companies with the same result, as I sai the best price I have had is £251, but the best offer has been from zurich 301 with 5 years N C Bonus after 1 year. that is for third party fire and theft.
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Comfort (020 89840777) yesterday offered full no claims for a car, mirrored from my M/H insurance. The M/H is £335.92 with guaranteed NCD protection, fully comp cover with European Breakdown and Recovery included. The quote for a group 2E car to go with it was £197.08 fully comp inc legal assistance.


May be worth a try.



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My third policy was with Co-Op, cos cthey would insure a van when LV wouldn't. Sold van transferred NCB back to LV, where it expired after 2 years. Then I needed to hire a van, asked CO-OP, and they said their NCB expired after 3 years.


Latest vehicle is a LR Discovery van. Just on the off-chance, I phoned LV, got transferred around their office, but entually connected with a bloke who said that as I was a long standing customer ..... they would insure my van. Doh!


Years ago, I had a current policy. Bought another car, FIAT126BIS, tried to insure it as a classic. Quoted £200 +. It seems the age of a classics affects the premium, the newer, the more expensive. But the broker put me with FORTIS, who matched my existing NCB. When that policy expired I moved the NCB to LV, explaining what had happened. They said OK, and deducted a FURTHER 10% for having two vehicles with them.



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