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germany by the sea

duetto owner

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The wife wants to go a campsite by the german coast. Anyone know any or can recommend one. Not taken the camper to germany yet, I presume best route dover dunkirk to get across the water and drive up from there.


do they have any odd driving laws I need to know about, once drove a car to dusseldorf and cannot remember much other than the german roads were quiet.

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duetto owner - 2009-07-25 9:15 AM


The wife wants to go a campsite by the german coast. Anyone know any or can recommend one. Not taken the camper to germany yet, I presume best route dover dunkirk to get across the water and drive up from there.


do they have any odd driving laws I need to know about, once drove a car to dusseldorf and cannot remember much other than the german roads were quiet.


Do not know of campsite on coast but best route across is one you suggest or Dover/Calais, autoroute North from Dover is a free one. No special driving rules except they drive on wrong side of road like rest of Europe. take care not to have speed camera detector and have speed camera poi on satnav turned off in Germany. German roads are not really quiet on main routes and some autoroutes are in poor condition, as is the French autoroute that runs along the coast.

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we just sort of wandered around and picked up info as we went, there are lots of sites, some small, some large with loads of facilities

try tourist info



may be an idea to google the scandinavian camping card, more use there than CCI I think, only real downside is they're another non-euro nation so you have to change - but there was no shortage of cashpoints near the border



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duffers - 2009-07-25 11:22 AM


could also look at east coast of Denmark - on Jutland - danes have some good sites.

[presume you mean the Baltic coast???]


That supposes that you want to drive to Denmark just to stay on a nice site? The country itself is fine if a little undramatic and the people are friendly enough - as are the Germans - but Germany seems to be a far more interesting country for many people?


Unless you know what to expect you might like to do some research on the German and Danish coasts because from what (little - to be fair!) I have seen of them they do not inspire me much scenically.


That's fine if a fairly flat sandy and marshy coast is what you like as opposed to the more dramatic cliffs and fjords that many folk prefer?

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