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Hi from a newbie...


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Afternoon all.


I've been lurking on this forum for a few months, but I think it's time to come out of the closet (so to speak...).


We're just at the early stages of planning a motorhome purchase, so joining the forum to pick your brains seemed like a good idea. (Well, it did to me - wifey will probably mutter about me spending more time on the 'puter).


To start the ball rolling - would you recommend hiring a motorhome as a taster before purchase? My good lady thinks so, but I'm not sure.


By way of background, we camped, trailer tented and trailer-caravanned for nearly 25 years, so we're used to the "living in a cramped space" bit. Then, for a few years (until last year) we owned a sailing cruiser on the East Coast. So we experienced the "living in a cramped space that bobs up and down and occasionally heels over alarmingly" bit too.


So it occurs to me that the major benefit, for us, to hiring would be the experience of driving the M/home, rather than the living in it. But would this really help unless we hired the size/type of M/home which we ultimately intended to buy?


Or am I missing something?


Yours in ignorance



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Hi John and welcome - glad you felt you could come out of the closet!


Mainly I think that hiring a motorhome really only benefits people who have no experience of as you put it living in confined space. As you are use to that angle, I think the benefit would only be in driving the size you would be getting, and maybe trying out a layout if you've not already decided on one.


My personal advice on buying one would be to have a list of 'must have's' and stick to those and also have a list of 'would like's' that you would compromise over, and finally a list of 'no ways' that you stick to. This shouldn't be too difficult having your experience of types. And don't rush in on the first you see that might do. When you've found the type you like you can always ask peoples experiences on the forum.


Good luck in finding your motorhome!

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We worked our way up too, tent, trailer tent, folding camper & 3 caravans. Only had the motor home for a year took a little bit of getting used too having got used to settling down on a site for a week with a caravan, longest we have stopped anywhere with the Motorhome has been 4 days, just had 3 weeks in Germany stopped 3 times for 2 nights rest of the time just 1 night.


Yes do hire before you buy we did and it totally changed our view of what we thought was the ideal layout for us. We were looking at buying a fixed bed with garage after hiring we decided we just could not live with it also found out we didn't get on with drop down beds. We ended up with a French bed (longitudinal fixed bed) similar layout to our last caravan.


We hired twice before buying both times in Germany as it is the cheapest country to hire in. Be warned when you hire in Germany you get a Motorhome & that's it, no cutlery or crockery etc. ½ hour after picking up van the first time we were in the Ikea we found just around the corner buying cups & plates & saucepans etc.

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Welcome John


I agree with hiring a motor home once you have an idea on what you want, at least that way you can decide if the layout you think you would like, is in fact what you want.

It is possible from some dealers to hire before you buy and then get the hire fee waived, on ordering. Don't quite know how it works in detail, but someone may have already done it, and can help.


Hope you find what you are looking for, it's out there somewere.



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lennyhb - 2009-07-28 5:26 PM ................ Yes do hire before you buy we did and it totally changed our view of what we thought was the ideal layout for us. We were looking at buying a fixed bed with garage after hiring we decided we just could not live with it also found out we didn't get on with drop down beds. We ended up with a French bed (longitudinal fixed bed) similar layout to our last caravan. ...............

With apologies to Len for hacking his post, I think he identifies the key factor.  You can use a motorhome like a caravan, but you only get the best out of one (in my opinion, I hasten to add) once you stop doing that and start using it as a motorhome.  That difference only really becomes clear when you start to use one, and it is only then that you really begin to see what you could do, and start reviewing your ideas of where you might go. 

You may also find you are surprised at how much your perception of what had, hitherto, seemed a good layout, can change.  Decide what you think will work for you, then try to hire something of similar size and type, ideally on the same base vehicle, and take it for a good, varied, walk!  Don't just go to one place and settle - move it around, and try to take in a variety of road types as well. 

Even if it only confirms your present opinions, it is surely worth doing just for that before you shuck out so much dosh!  :-)

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We hired in the USA several times (ref picture) so had an idea of what would suit us. It was only and all, my choice, I do everything inside and out. A sleep in taxi one might say.


I started at the dearest and the biggest then worked down to what would park on the driveway easily, plus being over 70 what I was legally allowed to drive.


I visited shows and exhibitions and knocked on as many M/H doors as I could, my prefered questions were always what are the faults, and I guess all M/H's have there share of snags.


As a practicle person you soon learn what you can cope with and modify to your own liking.


We have a double bed each and the layout enables us to have our own space at all times. I don't find the length at 6.5 Mtrs any problem.


It's bought for keeps, I will never change it.





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Brian Kirby - 2009-07-29 12:09 AM


  You can use a motorhome like a caravan, but you only get the best out of one (in my opinion, I hasten to add) once you stop doing that and start using it as a motorhome.  That difference only really becomes clear when you start to use one, and it is only then that you really begin to see what you could do, and start reviewing your ideas of where you might go.  <




just to clarify - by "using like a caravan", I assume you mean leaving the unit on a pitch for a length of time, rather than moving on each day?





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We are newbies who also have sailed and hired before buying. Size matters, as they say, and I think there are many practical issues you need to experience to really appreciate their impact on your living comfort. That will depend on how you intend to use the van and for how long at any one time.

My advice would be take your time, visit shows and as many dealers as you can. Talk to people who you bump into with motorhomes.

We decided to go for a 3l automatic Autotrail Tracker EKS 6.2m with two single settees as beds. Duvalay memory foam/duvets roll up and go into the front overhead lockers and take a few seconds to roll out again. The length gives us the freedom to park mostly where a car can park.

Good luck with your research.


Roy Fuller


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Porky - 2009-07-29 10:37 AM

My advice would be take your time, visit shows and as many dealers as you can. Talk to people who you bump into with motorhomes.


All of the above will apply.. :-)


We have a lot of basics to sort out, not least of which is working out how/when we'll use the 'van - which will influence the choice.


F'rinstance, it might be sensible, as we're both still working, to get a high-top or similar smaller unit that can weekend/short break in, and get a bigger unit in a few years time when can hopefully cut back on our work commitments and head off for longer periods.


I'll be pestering forumites in due course....







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Guest Tracker

A good wander around the camping areas of shows will give you a good idea about relative sizes, styles etc as you see vans in their natural environment rather than jammed onto a stand.


If owners are near any vans that you fancy why not stop for a natter and say that you are thinking of getting one like theirs - upon which some owners will run and hide rather than talk to another human being - but many will be only too happy to chat and share both good and bad points, as they see them, with you.

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