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TV Mount


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My first post on here - but thank you to past posters for the information that has been provided to me as I've spent many hour trawling past posts.


I have just bought my family's first Motorhome - a Burstner 647 which we are looking forward to spending much time in.


The van has a TV cupboard that is set up for a classic CRT TV. I would like to fit an LCD TV with built in DVD player and have found a TV that I like.


My problem is that I will need to mount the TV at the front of the cupboard and so I need some sort of solid stand that can be bolted to the base of the cupboard. The TV just comes with a 'desk mount' that the TV leans against - no use whatsoever while in transit and the TV would end the journey in many pieces.


The TV I have chosen has VESA mounts but I have searched and searched the web and cannot find a VESA bracket that will allow me to attach the TV solidly to the base of the cupboard. The vast majority of brackets are for wall mounting with the odd one that allows ceiling mounting.


Am I seeking something that no-one else has ever wanted? If not, does anyone have any suggestions of where I can get a suitable mounting bracket?


Thank you for any thoughts / suggestions.





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We bought a TV mount with a moveable arm from Wilkinsons Stores and attached this under the TV cupboard, we were able to either see it from the fixed rear bed or from the front dinette area. We used a rubberised strap to stop it from moving whilst driving just as a precaution and then I saw a small bracket that fixes onto the TV mount and the other half fixes onto the TV and just slips into place when you want to put the TV on the mount. I don't think I have explained this very well but here is the link to the second bracket, it is called a quick release bracket, we have just been to the UK for 3 weeks and it worked perfectly.



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In our last motorhome, we used a wall bracket and with several additions to it were able to hang the tv screen in place. It could not be travelled like that, we use to tuck it under the duvait.

In our present motorhome, it came with a wall bracket already in the cupboard. Changing tv's, we found we had to buy a special plate that attached on the back of the tv and this then attached to the arm, totally secure and able to travel with tv in situ.

Hope this is of some help

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We store our TV under the duvet on our fixed bed. For viewing, we put it on the dining table.


The TV cupboard is OK for CRT but it was difficult to get an acceptable viewing angle for LCD. Also, as we have HD in MH, the screen was too far away to get the full benefit.

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I used one of these upside down to mount our TV on a shelf at the end of the bed, I just attached it to the top of the shelf and secure the TV with a strap to a bracket on the wall behind it when travelling. On site, I just release the strap, tilt the TV forward and hey presto, sorted.




If you want I can take a photo or two to show you more clearly if you think it's suitable for your needs.




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Thank you all for the replies and, Mel, I think you've found the perfect (and cost efficient) answer.


Would your bracket be OK to leave a 13" LCD TV upright in transit? I'm keen to be able to do this as it would be a great way to keep my young daughter peaceful on longer journeys.


Thanks again



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Hi Dave


Ours is upright in transit, but I'm not sure I'd leave it unsecured whilst travelling as obviously it does allow some movement fore and aft, so may not do the TV any good if it is 'waggling' about a bit.


I'd suggest for travelling you'd be better of getting her a small portable DVD player with built in screen, they can be bought quite cheaply now and won't take as much power as a large TV/DVD combination. The other advantage is that if you want to watch one thing, and she something else, there'll be no fighting as she can watch hers and you can watch yours, she'll also be able to take it outside and get some fresh air too.


Forgot to say, our LCD TV is a 15" model.

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Thank you Mel. I have ordered one. Looking at the design, I am hoping that I will be able to find a suitable angle for the bracket and then make up a bracket to provide additional support and lock it in position. I have the room for this and it would be ideal for me.


However, I do like your idea of the portable player and will definitely consider that. She is a little young to argue at the moment but that won't take long!


I appreciate your help.



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