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Bad gas (2) A warning perhaps?


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I think the following (Making Toast comments) are worth a seperate thread,


As a long time user of gas and its appliances I do not favour making toast directly OVER a flame (as you describe). Radiated or reflected heat (as with electricity or the metal plate under the gas flame) must be the safest way with regards to ones health.


To absorb the residue from burnt gas chemicals in your toast and then consume them cannot be the best way surely !!


This would be worth a question to gas produces regarding any carsogenic properties that are held within the burnt gas envelope after ignition that you are then eating !!

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OH dear and I love my toast burnt ,oh well what happens ,happens, I have been looking to buy another Barbi for use in the garden , the type on wheels and almost all I have looked at have no Lava Rock, only a shielded open flame, must say I prefer Charcoal Barbis but love the convenience of gas, still as someone once said,"living is bad for you and it will eventually kill you " *-) *-)
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Toast OVER a coal fire. I doubt that you actually hold the toast amongst the smoke as well, more likely you wait until its cleared and arrange your bread IN FRONT of the coals so the heat will be RADIATED onto the bread.


Directly OVER a GAS flame you are exposing your toast to the seperated elements after the gas vapour has flamed off.


Similarly to smoking cigarettes in a fume filled room. My pal died that way by inhailing the seperated elements that were Carsogenic.



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Hi Libby,


Carsogenic? That relates to exhaust fumes surely?

:D Sorry couldn't resist that one (lol)

The correct method to toast in front of a coal fire;


Place coal shovel between grate front and cast iron chimney hood.


Place one page of last weeks News of the World against shovel, making sure to leave an air gap at the bottom.


Wait till coals reach ideal toasting temperature,( this is signalled by the newspaper centre turning brown, then immediately bursting into flames .


Drop flaming page on hearth rug, beat out flames with rolled up remains of News of the World.


Do a little war dance on burning rolled up paper to stamp out flames.


Reverse hearth rug so scorched end is hidden under Dad's chair, open all windows and waft out smoke with last page of News of the world.


Obtain toasting fork, if you are posh, otherwise two dining forks from dresser drawer will suffice.


Hold bread in front of fire until enough heat is conducted up forks to cause you to drop half toasted bread into coals.


Retrieve slice of blackened cinder from fire, scape off cinders, bits of burnt newspaper, etc..


Coat with huge amounts of dripping, and or, Libbys condensed milk.(not related are you?)


Consume. Yumi!


Regards PKC.


PS Don't try this at home children.


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Hi bas.

Not strictly true, my breath contains very high concentrations of

C2H5OH. Hic!


Libby, I may not take live as seriously as most, but I assure you I would never intentionally 'take the P', apologies.

Worrying about things won't make you live longer, it will only seem longer.


Regards PKC.



They are all dangers in life and the all lead to one thing: Death.

So, if we look on dangers in life. If we should always think and focus on dangers in life, we could actually never do anything else, because in fact everything in life could be dangerous.

Kasper Hoe.














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pkc - 2009-07-30 9:04 PM


Hi bas.

Not strictly true, my breath contains very high concentrations of

C2H5OH. Hic!


:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Libby, I certainly was not taking the P just trying to get you to realise you are worrying about something that should not be a worry.



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Please be assured I never worry about anything and I don't mind who says what to me, life is too short. Its not a problem.


I did think that making toast directly over a gas flame was not a good idea as someone suggested they were doing. The gas vapours may well escape into the air but I suspect that some element residue could remain in the bread that was being consumed.

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libby - 2009-07-31 1:55 PM

The gas vapours may well escape into the air but I suspect that some element residue could remain in the bread that was being consumed.


This is what I was trying to get at, what gas vapours? The vapours that are in products of combustion (what is given off after the combustion process) are CO2 and H2O ie Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour, the same products as you breathe out (unless you have been drinking of course LoL)! So exactly what is it you feel might be harmfull in any residue?



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As far as I'm aware the elements do not dissapear, they change their state and become joined to other elements which I would assume are an unknown quantity.


Not being a chemist I cannot comment further as I do not know the source of the gas or how its produced etc, is it a by-product of oil or coal which in themselves are suspect if a slice of bread is held within the flame envelope.


My original thought was its not a good idea to make toast over an open gas flame which I still deem sensible.

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by the fact that you are burning the bread is a health hazard??. i hate this preoccupation with health and safety. i love my toast burnt on an open fire. i love my steak breathing. i hate sell by dates. i live my life as i did when a kid, if it looks ok, smells ok and tastes ok, then it usually is.

i8 am extremely fit, incredibly healthy and stupidly active, all because my immune system works. it hasnt been sidelined by the health police. you wont know you've 'lived longer' until you die. then who can you tell??

enjoy, thats what is the best tonic for life :->

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libby - 2009-07-31 5:14 PM


As far as I'm aware the elements do not dissapear, they change their state and become joined to other elements which I would assume are an unknown quantity.



Quite correct, the gas is a HydroCarbon i.e. Hydrogen and Carbon combined, when the combustion process takes place the air around you is entrained into the burner where the Oxygen in the air combines and heat from the process is given off. The Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to become H2O (i.e 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen) and the Carbon combines with the Oxygen to make CO2 (i.e 1 part Carbon and 2 parts Oxygen) as said earlier the same as you breathe out.



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