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New mag needs letters!

Guest Sally at Go M

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Guest Sally at Go M

Hello. Editor of Go Motorhome mag here. I have a problem you can help with - brand new magazines don't have readers yet! :'( But I do want to have a letters page. There's a set of new Milenco levels in it as a star letter prize. If you feel inspired to write in, I'd like to hear about:


Any issues currently bothering you in motorhoming

Your most amazing discovery/experience while motorhoming

Or Your most embarrassing mistake.


Hope you can help. If so, please email me at sallyp@warnersgroup.co.uk (Go Motorhome's address is currently down) and entitle it MOTORHOME LETTERS. Thanks,Sally

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Hi Sally -


But don't people with MH problems/issues/points of view already write/email in to Warners Group............to their established existing MH mag "MMM"??


I'm not clear why, from a commercial viewpoint, Warners now want to change/confuse that?



Perhaps it would help if you could explain more to us (me!) in a little more detail how you believe another new mag on essentially exactly the same subject, from the same publisher, is going to add readers to this niche marketplace, rather than just splinter your existing readership market.


I did have a look through your pre-launch subject matter on your website. But to my (untutored) eye, all the subjects you are proposing to include are already fully included in the established MMM mag.


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Sally, I agree with Bruce. In the various bits of promotional material I have seen there was nothing to justify my purchasing the new magazine. Worse still, I gained the impression that many articles which I would want and expect to enjoy through my MMM subscription may be diverted to the Young Pretender to the detriment of MMM. At which, point I would see little value in continuing to subscribe.........



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Guest peter

Come on guys, give her a chance. After all most of the newspapers in the u/k are owned by Rupert Murdoch. doesn't mean to say they are all the same editorially.

Too much negativity in my view. :D

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Where is the advertising revenue going to come from? I don't think the market needs another MH mag now or in the near future. Warners are bound to support it initially, but to the detriment of who? Their exisitng titles perhaps.
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Guest Sally at Go M
Usinmyknaus - 2009-07-31 2:13 PM


I gained the impression that many articles which I would want and expect to enjoy through my MMM subscription may be diverted to the Young Pretender to the detriment of MMM.




Bob, if only my job were that easy!


Years ago, I used to work on Country Walking magazine, and before that on Practical Photography - anything to do with getting out and enjoying the countryside, basically, so I'm fortunate in knowing some writers and photographers whose knowledge of the UK especially is second to none. I've given some of them motorhomes to go away with as well as going to more experienced motorhome writers who you will recognise, and I think it's a really good mix, with a variety of points of view.


If I took anything from MMM, its editorial team would wrap me up in duck tape and bundle me out of our third storey window. I'm really not that brave!


I'm well aware that some people will see this magazine as an extra treat, and something quite different, while others will be contented with what they already have, and that's perfectly OK with me. But do please try to cheer up a bit! It's sunny out there!



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Guest Tracker
Sally at Go M - 2009-08-02 11:03 AM


I've given some of them motorhomes to go away with.


If I took anything from MMM, its editorial team would wrap me up in duck tape and bundle me out of our third storey window. I'm really not that brave!


But do please try to cheer up a bit! It's sunny out there!




Hi Sally - had I known that a loan Motorhome was available I too would suddenly become much more enthusiastic!



What a waste of duck/duct tape - still it would be worth watching as a spectator event - are tickets available please!



Since when?


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Guest Sally at Go M

Ah, you evidently don't live in Lincolnshire...


Actually, it looks sunny, but I'm looking at a distant window while getting the last pages of the magazine together, so I may be wrong!



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Guest Sally at Go M
And just to be clear about that window. There are no members of the MMM team here (and if they were, I don't think they're cross with me), so any such event won't be happening just yet...
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But surely Sally, in order for "GM" to become a financial succes, you will inevitably be taking thgings away from MMM.....not that I have any axe to grind, but it's basic business sense I feel:


Readership; and subscriptions.

It's never gonna be the case in todays market that a new niche-market mag is only ever going to attract brand-new readership/subscriptions.

Indeed you are already marketing it to exxisting MMM readers via this very website.

Your target audience is existing MMM readers/subscribers. But why?....as Warners already has them generating sales revenue.



The market is shrinking. Methinks it will continue to do so far at least another couple of years.

The number of corporate advertisers is patently fewer than (say) a year ago. And unfortunately that number is only likely to fall further in the coming year.

And of those commercial MH manufacturers, and converters, and accessory suppliers who are still in business, all must be looking VERY hard at their advertising budget to trim and focus it.

Why would such advertisers want to pay again, to advertise in a second Warners publication, aimed at exactly the same niche-market and readership that the established Warners publication already sells to?


I really can't see how the launch of essentially a carbon-copy of MMM by Warners Publishing is going to gain the Group any additional sales revenue or profit at all. Rather it is surely only going to simply splinter readership, and duplicate costs for Warners.


Buy hey, if despite all this, the Great GOD Warner has given you the go-ahead to compete with your sister mag, go for it I guess.


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Hi Sally,

Please don't get disheartened by the comments so far. Yes, it seems like you'll be competing with MMM which for so many has become the 'bible' in MH publishing, yes we are in a recession and most folk think it will get worse before it gets better, yes advertising budgets will shrink.

But this thread reminds me so much of one on UK Workshop when Nick Gibbs started a thread to say he was leaving his current publication and starting a new mag. I can't remember the title of the mag he was at but I do remember that from time he took over the editorship it improved dramatically and I for one was willing to move to his new publication (British Woodworking) because I thought he had the talent and dedication to make it a success. Nearly two years latter I still feel this way.

So, although my whole business career says this is not the time, and MMM will loose subscribers, and advertising will not support it, I say "If you have the talent and the dedication and the belief you can do it"

Nick Gibbs started his venture entirely with his own resources (and I dare say his house is on the line) but IMO he has succeded and has even started another mag (Green Woodworker) you at least have the backing of Warners and if the powers that be in Warners want to allocate some resource to a new publication then who am I to argue.

Best of luck, I can't help feeling you've one hell of a job in front of you, don't expect to have much of a social life for the next few years, but it could work if you make it.

Oh BTW can I have a MH for a few weeks too (Only joking)

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  • 1 month later...

Well sally, I have to thank MMM for our getting out and about with our new hobby/sport, Geocaching. We have visited so many places, that we did not know about so close to our home and when we venture out in our dear scruffy (our ageing motorhome), we do like to get a cache in. On the subject of a new magazine, it would be helpful to all of us that do not own a new or near new motorhome with features about where to get parts, how to do some repairs, how to modernise a motorhome and also guidance on trading in your existing motorhome for a bigger motorhome, and maybe a tips page for people that are new to this lifestyle. Wishing all the best for your new magazine.



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  • 3 weeks later...
yeti - 2009-09-25 2:04 PM We now have at least 6 magazines available soley concerned with motorhoming and less freedom to do it!!!

Perhaps the title 'Go Motorhoming' will become the moto and the mag. will tell us where we can go, and how we can get around all the red tape.

Perhaps it might get a lot of subscribers if it did that and MMM didn't !!!

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We are new to motorhoming and we buy all magazines to help us with any info, cost's a small fortune i must say but is defenetly worth it, with little bits of info we have needed to get started, we used to do caravanning and did the same with caravan mags. For us we buy go motorhoming MMM and practical motorhome every month, alot of stuff in them but some of the articles (personal experience) ones are always the best for me, where as my hubby prefers the more practical how to do things (each to there own). Once we get going away regular would be happy to share our experiences, we have five children and personally would love to read about out and about as a family of seven, all the ups and downs of motorhoming, sites acceptance rather than the normal 2.4 children families or older couples.


SEA newlife 48 owner


Denise Longhurst

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Hi Sally

I would be most grateful for any advice anyone could give on this matter of deep concern to me.


For sometime now I've suspected that my wife may be having an affair. You know the sort of thing. The phone rings, I answer, someone hangs up.


Recently she has started going out 'with the girls' a lot and when I ask which girls it's always "Just some friends from work, you don't know them".


I always used keep an eye out for her taxi coming home but now she always walks up to the flat although I can hear a car setting off as if she has just got out of one around the corner.


The other day I picked up her mobile, just to see what time it was, and she went mental, screaming at me that I should never touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her.


Anyway, I have never approached the subject with her. I kind of think deep down I don't really want to know the truth.


But then last night she went out again and I decided that I would check up on her. I hid behind my motorhome which I knew would give me a good view of the whole street so I could see which car she got out of on her return.


It was whilst I crouched behind my motorhome that I noticed rust around my rear wheel arch.


Do you think I Should take it into a body repair shop or should I buy some stuff from Halfords and try to repair it myself?


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Guest Tracker
They promised me a set of Milenco ramps for my 'star' letter and guess what - in spite of several polite reminders and promises over many weeks I am still waiting - so no guesses as to who is totally disillusioned and who won't be buying another issue!
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Sally at Go M - 2009-07-30 9:26 AM


Hello. Editor of Go Motorhome mag here. I have a problem you can help with - brand new magazines don't have readers yet! :'( But I do want to have a letters page. There's a set of new Milenco levels in it as a star letter prize. If you feel inspired to write in, I'd like to hear about:


Any issues currently bothering you in motorhoming

Your most amazing discovery/experience while motorhoming

Or Your most embarrassing mistake.


Hope you can help. If so, please email me at sallyp@warnersgroup.co.uk (Go Motorhome's address is currently down) and entitle it MOTORHOME LETTERS. Thanks,Sally


I don't want another magazine, as I have piles of magazines waiting to be read I can't take on another.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I picked up a copy of the new mag, and I am at least half cheerful about it.


It did indeed seem to be aimed at a different readership to the opposition, in that I thought it was aimed at a younger readership than the usual collection of old lags that seem to constitute the crowd at every motorhome function. Anyone who objects to that statement should look around at any of the shows, or on any of the UK camp sites. Most of us are no longer in the first flush of youth, most of us seem able to wander off during the week without worrying about a nine to five job, so much of what we write is about long trips to warmer climes in winter, grand tours of Europe when the kids are in school, and so on.


You are all lovely, probably, and I have the most profound respect for those incredibly knowledgeable and helpful folk who give so much of their time and support to those who ask for help on this forum, I think you are fantastic. But be honest, are we really very child friendly?



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Archiesgrandad - 2009-10-26 10:12 AM


. But be honest, are we really very child friendly?





Well, not me certainly, I've already done my bit of bringing up offspring, babies are very nice,but even nicer to hand back to their 'Real' carer. I much prefere Dogs to other peoples offspring (they are far easier to train) and don't give cheek if you try to tell them off.

We don't travel or go away during school holidays and that suits us very well, we also stay well away from 'Play' areas on sites, if we are there over a week-end. Most kids just seem so badly behaved these days,

probably me ? just showing my age. (but i still prefere dogs !)

OH the pleasure of not having to follow the crowd !!!

So, if this Magazine is for the younger generation it probably wont interest me. :D :D

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