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Western Scotland & Outer Hebrides

Mel B

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We've got a 2 week holiday coming up shortly and are thinking of doing the following: Skye (Uig) crossing to Harris/Lewis (Tarbert) and returning the same way.


We thought we'd therefore have bit of a tootle round Skye for a few days and then get the ferry from Uig for the crossing to Tarbert on Harris/Lewis, and then spend a week tottling round there before coming back across to Skye for a gentle meander home.


Has anyone done this? Would it be a good route do you think, or should we consider more islands ... don't want to try to do too much and rush things.


Would you also recommend booking the crossings in advance or should we be okay just turning up? Our van is 7.14m so we fall into the under 8m price band but it is still going to be just shy of £90 if I've understood the website correctly!


Also any recommendations as to places to definitely go and to stop for the night on the islands.


Ta muchly!



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Sounds a lot to do the area justice in two weeks, especially as most of the roads are single track, so you don't get around very fast.


I came back from Skye and Mull last week, and a couple of years ago did the length of the Outer Hebrides.


On Skye we stayed at a site at Staffin on n.e. coast, the C&CC site at Edinbane, and the coastal site in Glen Brittle. (Had about 8 days on Skye).


Then crossed to Mull where there is a lovely wild camping area along south bank of Loch na Keal.


I personally would do the Outer Hebrides as a separate trip.


( Didn't have much trouble with midges this year !)


We only booked ferries on the day of the ferry or day before.


If I can give any other 'helpful info' let me know.


If you go to Skye stock up with provisions at the Co-op supermarket in Broadford - not a lot of other big shops about.








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Have a look at the Cal. McB. hopscotch ticket no. 14. Our van is only 6mtrs but worked out at £127.70 for the three trips and you do not have to book a specific time or date. Speaking from memory this is Uig-Torbert, Leverburg-Berrerray, Lochmadoy-Uig. Then you can take in Harris, Lewis and the Uists.
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Guest Tracker

I enjoyed three weeks touring Harris, Lewis and the Uists in 2005 and I reckon that whilst you could easily cover it in two weeks, to do it all justice a good three weeks would be better.

Then there is Skye which alone you could easily spend a long week exploring?

It must be the thick end of 500 miles each way for you just to get to the Uig ferry on Skye and back which is probably a two day each way bash and that alone will knock a gurt hole in your two weeks?

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Hiya Mel


We went there last week the weather was wonderful the scenery was wonderful and the driving was wonderful all in all a wonderful few days!!!!!


AND NO MIDGES!!!! just lucky I gues!!!


We stayed on the CC site at Morvich very nice site again wonderful setting. There seemed to be more opportunity for ‘wild camping’ the further north we went, we didn’t do any of course haven’t plucked up the courage yet!!!


Skye is just stunning. Make sure you see the Cliagan coral beaches in the north west of the island again wonderful!!! To be honest, as tracker says, you could easily spend a week just going round skye and I intend to in the future.


Oh yes and I stocked up with whiskey from the Talisker distillery, nice!!!!



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Mel B There's a lovely site at Dunvegan. Basic but clean and lovely views. If you're feeling very flush you can go to the famous Three Chimneys restaurant, if you can get a table this late in the day. We went there as a special birthday treat and it was lovely, if a tad overpriced. On our way back however the local taxi driver told us that the School House restaurant, just across the road from the campsite uses the same locally sourced food and has a good chef. Mind you this was a few years ago so you'd need to check it out. there's another site, situated beneath the Cuillins at Sligachan. Very atmospheric, mainly used by serious hill climbers but all welcome, pub across the road from site.It's a beautiful island. We've never been to the Uists (some day,some day) so no advice for there. Enjoy yourselves!


PS your ferry cost calculations are correct and you don't save anything by booking ahead but don't know how busy it's likely to be. You'd probably be safe enough waiting till you get there. you never know you may end up staying on Skye for longer than you planned.

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