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your biggest motorhoming embarrassment?

Guest Sally at Go M

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Guest Sally at Go M

We all make mistakes from time to time. I'd love to hear some stories.


(be warned that this might appear in print - there is also the chance of a prize)

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Guest Tracker

Forgetting to get a new gas bottle when the first one expired and second one running out on a very cold January night was lesson well learned! We also learnt the true value of extra blankets and carrying a small portable gas stove for 'emergency' use!


Driving on to a CL after dark and mistaking a brown patch of soft earth (where an ancient caravan had until that day) stood for hard standing caused a lot of laughs from the farmer with his tractor the following morning! We slept OK even it it was a bit lopsided!


Having left a couple of steps out and driven away we began to tether them with a lanyard to stop them going walkies! We then dragged one about about five miles along an A road before we realised and although the step was still there it's legs were two inches shorter - that was 1982 and I still have the step!

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Not me, but a lady who worked for me (at DVLA). She was asleep in caravan, hubby was fishing. She heard his car arrive, so knelt up, pulled curtains to one side. Car headlamps were still on. She was confronted by hubby's friend looking back at her....eyes popping. OK, so she sleeps in the raw 8-)


The next day, friend said it was the difference between tanned and untanned flesh that caught his attention.



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OK Malc. Janine has been on at me on a pm so I'll tell it again. Apologies to everyone who has already read about it on another thread.


(Janine you wait till Malvern ... fancy making your friend admit to being a Dumbo)


On my very first trip out I went to Yorkshire and it was on a site behind a pub which was more or less a field apart from a few hardstandings. When I drove up and asked the man who came out of the office where I was to put my van, he said, "Have you any chocs?"


I was really incensed that obviously whether I got a good parking spec was down to whether I bribed him or not!


Disgustedly, I said, "NO! I don't eat chocolates!"


He looked at me like I was stupid and after a minute's silence said with a poker face, "Chocs. They're what you put your van on to level it up."


:$ :$

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My biggest embarrassment is having an unrepaired rear end to our Euramobil. I silly old frenchman went into the back of us in March on the way home from skiing. We are so pleased that a previous owner had a towbar with full width metal bar (unless it's standard with Euramobils) as all we have is a distorted nearside bar and a damaged rear light assembly surround. 4 months on we are still waiting for the surround to be sent to the coachbuilders. Everyone always stares as they pass, but we can't shout out the window that it wasn't our fault can we?
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I suppose being locked out of the van by two cocker spaniels was quite embarrassing!


Staying at CC Cirencester Park (do go, it's wonderful!), went out last thing to put out the rubbish so the dogs didn't raid the pedal-bin in the night, got back to the van to find they had knocked the door handle up, locking me out.


Of course, I hadn't got my keys with me - well, you don't, do you, when you're only going 6 feet to the bins?


The wardens were very kind, seeing it was 11pm and they had settled down for the night.


After a few minutes of head scratching, one of them came back with the means to efficiently force a window with minimum damage(not going to divulge the precise details on an open forum!) and then deposited me unceremoniously through said window. Apparently we woke most of the site with our laughter.


Now I ALWAYS pop my keys into my pocket when I leave the van!

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Guest Tracker

Like parking up in a quiet car park by a marina on the Baltic coast in Sweden and waking up to find we were in the middle of a classic and vintage car show!

The Swedish people were wonderful and we had a terrific day with them admiring some of the 'foreign classic cars' - mostly British 50s to 70s.

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Guest peter
Bumping into Tracker who'd overnighted in a layby just as he was about to empty his toilet casette down a roadside drain. (lol)
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