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Repairing hail stone dents


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Sounds expensive!


To do it properly the panels will have to be changed, and that is a major job for a specialist.


To do a cheaper job would need a lot of body filler and sanding down, and if you have a textured finish I don't think it can be filled.



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Some repair workshops are talking about changing the panels on insurance but quotes are £,£££'s as they need to strip out the interior and rebuild it - will it ever go back the same way????. Others want to fill and paint it, it is a smooth finish so hopefully that could work on the side. Another place have suggested covering the roof with aluminium sheet to strengthen it prevent future damage? It happened in France.
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You could always leave as is and have it as a conversation starter when on site (lol)

Similier happened on M10 couple of weeks back, was looking at a car bonnet that looked like it had been used for golf practice 8-)


I would be very wary of having it stripped and replaced as you say will it ever be same, filling and respraying would need to be done by a good workshop.

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It would probably help of you said what make, and age, of van this is.  I would also ask if you propose making an insurance claim, or have already done so?  If the latter, what has the insurer said re repairs?

Damage to the aluminium external skin is usually treated by applying a new sheet over the damaged existing one, as trying to remove the damaged sheet is not worthwhile, and is liable to complicate the repair.  You need to speak to a specialist caravan repairer about what can be done.  I understand the new sheet is bonded to the old, and then pressed home by placing the van alongside a large airbag and inflating this to push the new sheet onto the old until set.  Then there are all those interesting (and expensive and difficult to get) decal transfers to re-apply.

If filled, apart from possible keying problems with the filler, the whole surface would have to be stripped of all trim and decals etc, re-sprayed, and then new transfers applied.  I'd guess new sheets of pre-painted aluminium would be cheaper!

I can't understand why the interior, apart from soft furnishings, windows, and blinds, on the roof and side affected, would need to be stripped.  However, I also understand they cut the new window openings after the new sheet is bonded, so there may be a concern about bits of swarf etc.  Obviously, the same would be true for the roof.  Equally obviously, over-sheeting will add weight, so if your payload is slender, that also needs consideration.

If the van is UK manufactured, it may be worth speaking to the manufacturer to see if they can recommend a suitable repairer, or even undertake the work themselves.  If it is Burstner or Hymer, or possibly Hobby, it is possible the repairs could be undertaken directly by them, but you would need to check whether the extent of repair falls outside the scope of their customer service centre abilities.  I don't know the position for other imports.  If an insurance matter, provided the cost is no worse then the UK quotes, return to the manufacturer would seem the preferable route to follow.

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There was a company exhibiting at the Peterborough Show called The Caravan Medic, if the examples of the work they had on display was anything to go by the repairs can be made to any surface, smooth or stucco, and appeared extremely good and were undetectable.

As I understand it they come to your own premises and do the work, much like those that do car repairs.


Their web address is




prices were reasonable for the repairs they had on display but I would suggest you get a quote from them.

By the way regards the roof, does that really matter as you only see it when you clean it?



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Thank you for the advice. I contacted burstner (we have an elegance i660) and they have directed me to a repairer in N. Lincs. When I spoke to them they said they had completed numerous such repairs and sounded absolutely confident of doing this one. I am off for an estimate..........
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I was caught in a big hailstorm in Spain last year.

All the GRP vans were untouched but the ally ones were dented all over .My neighbour on site had a new roof , they just take all the trim off and glue a new skin on , then put the bits back. It looks as good as new

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