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We have bought the above awning, when we went away with it for the first time we tried to connect it too our Fiamma F45i and got it half way with difficulty, but then it would not go any further, the marerial started to tear. It's almost as though the piping that runs through the awning is too big. We were on a campsite once where we saw a camper with the same set up, they said you wind the Fiamma out connect the awning then wind it back in again. Anyone got any ideas, can you get a smaller piping?
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Heavyhorse, you should be able to pull your suncamp in quite easy, we also use a suncamp 260 on our fiamma F45i, add a little lubricant, eg, candle wax will help, no grease, check that that the channel is clear, ours slides in with no problems. You will need to support the suncamp when winding the Fiamma back in, so it locates correctly in the housing.



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You may find (and it seems that you have already) ;-) that you may need a fixing kit for the awning.


The kit consists of a canvas strip with beading each side. one side is a 4 mm dia which slides up the Fiamma awning slot very easily and a 6 mm dia beading which fitts into a plastic strip shapped like a figure 8 but with slots in each 8. the beading from the awning fits into the other slot.





Small diagram explains all.


I have used this company and recived my bits by return of post.


Hope this helps




PS if you are in Sussex, Camping International sell the kits or try http://www.outdoor-revolution.com/dealers.htm for a local supplier

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Thanks Alan will try that next time out, just run a candel along the material before we slide it in. We did have the wind take our Fiamma a few months ago and snapped the arms from the front piece, had just wondered if the slot had narrowed because of this, but it looks ok. John
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We bought a fixing kit originally, but found that we didn't need it, so got our money back, they do fit better if you can aviod using the kit, once attached, make sure the poles fit tighly to the awning track to avoid movement. IF I remember the awning was tight to slide in for the couple of time we used it, but it does get easier.



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