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Caravan Club-Canceled Ferry


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Booked ferry beginning of Feb through CC, Dover to Dunkirk leaving 8th August, price £45 return. Had to cancel last Monday due to family problems. I e-mailed CC and told them, fully expecting not to get a refund due to being so close to sailing. Got e-mail back next day from CC saying that £30.02p will go back into my account within the next 10 days. They never asked for proof or the reason why I was canceling only what i told them (family problems.) I have managed to get on a site for 5 nights in Dorset and 6 nights in Cornwall so i will be able to get home in a few hours instead of a couple of days if need be, so setting of tomorrow (Sunday) and hope the phone don't ring. So thank you CC if you are reading this.


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Thats great. We once (the last time we have ever booked) booked with the camping club and paid our £25.00. Our campervan failed its M.O.T. and we had to wait for a week for the new shock absorbers to be fitted. The van is our only vehicle so we really were unable to go to the booked site. Apparently this is not a good enough reason for your deposit to be put into the holding fund. It seems that you can only have your money back if you die!!! After a lot of argument we did have a refund but it was all very unpleasant. We decided we would just turn up in future or perhaps phone in the afternoon if we think things may be a bit busy. This seems to work well and is lots less stressful.
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