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Power glitch/ 12 volt problems

Irish Mike

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Hi all,

Just back from 3 wks in France/Spain. On my first day the water pump did not work, no tap water or loo flush. The leisure battery ( 3 year old gel type) dies after about 10 mins even though it says fully charged. The fridge will not work on 12 volt or even gas. The alarm on the step if in place will work now and again and my reversing lights went...

All these I discovered on my first day..


There was a fierce thunder/lightening storm days before I left on holiday/ The camper was plugged in to cool the fridge.


Could the van have received a strike/power surge? I checked all fuses and cannot see any blown.


Any ideas?

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Guest peter
The reversing lights work of the engine and not the habitation battery. So I suggest you check you earth connections first. If you are concerned about the batteries, remove them and have a drop test done on them. Which means applying a very high resistance across them and seeing how quickly the voltage drops. Make sure they are fully charged.
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BrianR - 2009-08-03 10:59 PM


Normally the fridge on 12 volts also works from the vehicle battery, not the habitation battery, and only when the engine is running.


True of older design fridges, but more modern 'electronic' ones will have (or should have!) the 12V power-supply for their electronic control system taken from the habitation battery.


A modern design fridge, even when running on gas or 230V, needs continuous 12V power. If this is being provided by the vehicle battery, then there is the potential for the fridge's control system to flatten that battery if the latter is not being re-charged via the motorhome being driven or via an on-board battery-charger.

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Thanks for the follow up everyone. Its a 3 year old motorhome so as Derek says it has a new type fridge which requires 12 volt continous. I was parked up for a week. Engine battery starts first time. Habitation dies after 10 mins. No fridge, no water pump. I will charge all batteries again and get a drop test done. So much went so quick, there must be one cause.
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