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The new Go Magazine


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I cannot see me ever buying a new magazine when I don't subscribe to any others, if there is anything important, which there hardly ever is not, then its always given air time on here.


All types of magazines are only produced for the benefit of the advertisers, no one else.


So why should I want to buy advertising?

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Guest Tracker

I will wait until I get my half price first edition copy before passing an opinion!


Meanwhile, I try to keep an open - if a little doubting - mind!


I wonder if the first edition will become a collectors item in a few years time when the planet has been saved but no body is allowed to use an internal combustion engined vehicle any more!



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Back from nearly two months touring and I see that not much has changed although I find myself in the unusual postion of agreeing with Tracker. At least he's prepared to see the new mag before denouncing it, although of course he'd like it at half price, so nothing's changed there then! :-D

Anyway, I must say that I find the comment about a magazine only being produced for the benefit of advertisers to be very strange. Here's a bit of business advice for Libby.

A magazine is not produced for the benefit of advertisers but for the publishers who wish to sell lots of copies and make lots of money. No boardroom of publishers sits around trying to work out ways of contributing to the coffers of motorhome producers, their aim is to extract money from them!

And this is a very good thing - businessmen with ideas set up companies and produce things, this creates jobs and wealth for all, which is why in the Capitalist West we are all much richer than in the old Socialist bloc.

Even more important for us all is that, without advertising, your magazine would be double the price and, who do you think pays for this site? Do you think that Warners goes to the expensive trouble of running this website just so that some of us can argue with Tracker? It may be fun but is doesn't pay the bills! This site runs because traders advertise on it! No adverts, no forum!

If you don't like the T.V., don't switch it on, if you don't like motorhoming mags, don't buy them, but please don't knock them for trying to give us a wider choice of reading matter.

I love my monthly dose of MMM and Practical Motorhome. Every few months I razor out the travel articles and file them in a ring binder before slinging the rest of the mag in the bin. We've been helped greatly, both in Europe and all over the U.K. by these, nothing beats first hand experience when visiting an area or a country for the first time and the contributions from the various travel writers has proved invaluable.

Finally, try buying a magazine and you'll find that it actually has quite a lot in it. Travel articles as I've said, technical advice sections, motorhome tests, which, whether you like them or not do give you a basic idea of a motorhome's vices or virtues and the adverts of course, which can in themselves often be educational.

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Guest Tracker
I promise not to make of a habit of it Rupert but for once I can agree with you - well almost - I didn't expect to get the magazine for half price - MMM offered it to me for half price - and I've already paid in advance just to prove that I'm no skinflint - but it has not arrived yet - watch this space!
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Strewth ... give the bl**dy mag a chance!!!!! 8-)


I think some of you should start a new club - you seem to be well qualified to be founder members ... its called:


Grumpy Retired Useless Men's Procrastinating Society, or 'GRUMPS' for short! (lol)


Edited to correct a mis-spelling ... don't want the club's name to be wrong do we! (lol)

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Mel B - 2009-08-04 8:04 PM Strewth ... give the bl**dy mag a chance!!!!! 8-) I think some of you should start a new club - you seem to be well qualified to be founder members ... its called: Grumpy Retired Useless Men's Procasternating Society, or 'GRUMPS' for short! (lol)

Did you actually read my post? Of four people who've posted on this topic, two of us, Tracker and I are happy to give the new mag a chance. Two out of four are not procrastinating - or even procasternating!

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For goodness sake Rupert .... HAVE A LAUGH!!!!!!!!! :->


You don't have to take everything so seriously!!!!!! :-D


Now that you and Tracker have gone all 'luvy-duvy' ... you don't have to start on me! :D


Did you have a good holiday? Where did you get to?B-)

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Unfortunately you're right, we are a grumpy old lot, that's the advantage or disadvantage of being rather old in the tooth.




I welcome your business advise, I'll add it to my past 35 years of running one.


Hey Ho, then you go and spoil it all by saying, and I quote, "This site runs because traders advertise on it" That's the same opinion when I went to school.


No doubt our well informed Tracker will keep us all posted.





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libby - 2009-08-04 3:05 PM


I cannot see me ever buying a new magazine when I don't subscribe to any others, if there is anything important, which there hardly ever is not, then its always given air time on here.


All types of magazines are only produced for the benefit of the advertisers, no one else.


So why should I want to buy advertising?



"...... if there is anything important, which there hardly ever is not "


Do you mean:


" .... if there is anything important, which there hardly ever IS "





( I too can be grumpy )



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This is for Libby - someone sneaked in between our posts!

I don't really understand what you are saying, especially the bit about when you went to school.

Your original premise was that magazines are only set up to benefit advertisers. I pointed out that magazines are set up for the benefit of publishers. This site is no different. Warners set up this website for its own benefit and to make money. If it can get lots of members it can then persuade people to advertise on the site and rake in the dosh. Whether the advertisers actually benefit is for them to try to measure, which is difficult. It was Henry Ford who said:"50% of my advertising is a waste of time, the trouble is, I don't know which 50% it is!"

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The posts so far have been from (I think) what one might call experienced owners of motorhomes. You good people are probably in the minority. There are an awful lot of people, like me, who are new to it and have benefitted enourmously from the technical information as well as being inspired by the explorations of others. The articles on places to visit I take out and keep for future reference together with details of sites to stay. There is no substitute for word of mouth. Not to mention the terrific photography to whet ones appetite.

No doubt I too will one day get to the point where I will know it all, however, in the meantime I will keep on learning and take MMM. I do wonder though if there is room for another one, as I will only buy one at a time.


Roy Fuller

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Guest Tracker

That's a very fair comment Roy.


The trouble is that if mags are too simplistic in their writings - and I mean that kindly not suggesting for one minute that inexperience should be seen as anything but inexperience - they will lose the experienced owner market - and if they make it too technical or use too much jargon they will not attract the inexperienced which the industry so badly needs.


Trapped between Iraq and a hard place?


I'm glad I'm not running a mag!


Yeah - all right then - and so are you lot glad I'm not running a mag too!

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I'll second Roy on this one.


When you first become involved in a hobby or activity, many folks (me included) go through the "sponge" phase - where you try to soak up as much information as possible. The internet is a great source, but magazines are important too. (And it's easier to take a magazine to the "smallest room"...)


At some point the content will probably become repetitive, but until then, I'll keep reading magazines.


How many mags the market can stand, as Roy pointed out, is another question...



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