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Double Skillet Advice


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We are thinking of buying a skillet .now and again someone says they have one and would not be without it .but thats all.so what CAN i cook in it and what cant i COOK in it. we have 3 gas rings and an oven.in the van .so is it worth buying one'.we have seen them at the shows .there is allways a crowd round the stand when we get anywher near the demonstration is over.if the advice is get one .will buy one at the Western M/H Show/ if they are there. hope the weathers good ) B-)
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You saved me a job thank you. I want to buy a double skillet but have lost the address a while ago. All I remember that it was a Norfolk address. I will await the replies you are going to get with intrest....and addresses of a supplier. Kind regards Kim.(soulman)
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I look at these every time I go to a show (and will probably look again next week) but I don't think that it will fit on my gas hob.


My hob has sides which fold up and prop-up the raised cover, so I don't think that I could centralise the skillet on any of the gas rings.


Just a thought, in case anyone else has a similar hob.

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Have had one for 3 years, we do not have a cooker and with our skillet have never needed one.


In it I cook a joint of Lamb with all the veg in top pan it is always really tender.


Chicken easily done.


Jacket Potatoes do lovely in it


Toasted sandwiches great


Then you can use the diffuser under it and warm pies etc.


In fact anything that they say it can do in the demonstration it does do; just stand and watch for a bit.


I also bought spare lid for mine so I can use them as two normal saucepans - I bought the smaller size but if ever I need to change it will buy the larger one next time - there is only a couple of £ difference in the price. Carol.


PS Janine try mine for size at the show. :-)

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Dont laugh we never got near enough at the demomstration to see it properly.please tell me its not electric.we were going to get a Remoska but not always on electric site. (?) there are only two of us most of the time should i still get a large one. (?)
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Bought one 2 years ago, heated some chilli in it about 18 months ago, just came in to the house and is now sat on our window sill still in box, with defuser and lid.


Just never seemed to know what to do with it, read on here how great it was and nothing happened after that. It always seems to be the Cadac or Remoska.



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I have the large double skillet even though their is just the 2 of us - perhaps we are greedy?!


I would not be without mine, it is so versatile as it gives me 2 frying pans, a saucepan, a saucepan and steamer style 2nd layer, a roasting tin, a heater upper for pies and small pizza's using the diffuser, also y poacher with an additional purchase like the diffuser. If you remove the handles, you can put it under the grill or in the oven. It uses very little heat. There is a recipe book available too. They all stack up in each other so little space for storage needed.


There is nothing that I want to cook that can't be done in one of the combinations of pans, lids or accessories. It does an amazing roast dinner and quickly which is the bit I like - more time for relaxing and chilling out!


The other point to consider is that so many meals can be cooked using the double skillet that washing up is kept to the minimum, not loads of different pots and pans - another plus in my book!


I know it's all down to personal preference, but honestly what you see them cook at the shows is true, it can be done it's not a con.


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Hi Mandy & Andy


Bought one 2 years ago, heated some chilli in it about 18 months ago, just came in to the house and is now sat on our window sill still in box, with defuser and lid.


If you're interested in selling please PM me.


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smifee - 2009-08-05 11:45 PM


i'm a fair cook but couldn't get on with the double skillet. gave it away.


have friends who cook a full roast in theirs.


now i take a tefal actifry in the van. that's what i call easy cooking (lol)


There was a problem with the Actifry's some time ago, where they were setting themselves on fire and were considered dangerous. It was a

Watchdog item, don't know whether they actually resolved the problem though.

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we had one for ages and just couldn't get away with it, it needs patience and practice, you've got to get it at the right heat then just let it take its time. were about to sling it in disgust but got chatting to a very nice couple from the Fylde in Charente Maritime several years ago. now like it so much we've got one at home as well
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The most helpful thing you can do for yourself is stand and watch the demonstration listen what she says about the heat and timing - like cooking Jacket Potatoes get your pan to the right heat (she will explain) then just keep turning the pans over every 10 mins I can tell by the sound of the potatoes they are just so good take about 55 mins. Like duffers says a bit of practice and you can't beat it. Carol.
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I'm not convinced on this Skilet idea.


Carol says the pans have to be turned every 10 minutes and to cook jacket potatoes takes 55 minutes.


Ok perhaps if you have no oven in the van this may well work for many, I presume the pans need to be turned because if they are not then the base of the one that's lowest melts with the continious heat !!


Unless of course they are made of cast iron.


I have an oven and whatever time it takes to bake a potatoe I don't have to stand there waiting for each 10 minutes to pass.


Tell me more, as it appears to be a game of juggling one's dinner whereas all I have to do is return when the 55 minutes are up.





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