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Western Isles Ferry


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messerschmitt owner - 2009-08-10 2:17 PM


alf - 2009-08-06 12:13 AM


Untill the last few years all over Scotland all the waste went in the sea and most of the water was untreated most now is on a fresh water main and we noted this year a vast amount of waste tanks being sunk these to be draind by road tankers.



What utter rubbish!


Do you care to explain your remark


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alf - 2009-08-10 4:50 PM


messerschmitt owner - 2009-08-10 2:17 PM


alf - 2009-08-06 12:13 AM


Untill the last few years all over Scotland all the waste went in the sea and most of the water was untreated most now is on a fresh water main and we noted this year a vast amount of waste tanks being sunk these to be draind by road tankers.



What utter rubbish!


Do you care to explain your remark


for starters Glasgow had a fresh water scheme in 1855, supplying water to over 1 million people via a mains water system!


My water in Scotland has always come from a reservoir and has always been treated. My sewage went to a sewage plant and was treated just like you do it in Yorkshire.


In England, my work has a cess pit for its waste - my home in a small village in Scotland was slightly better served with a sewage system and a sewage plant to treat the effluent.


Just like in England, certain areas did/do not have access to waste treatment facilities. However, that does not mean that Scottish people live in the Dark Ages when it comes to these facilities. Your statement above is factually incorrect and inaccurate for perhaps 95% of the Scottish population, exactly the same way as it would be inaccurate for the same percentage of those from Wales, England and even Northern Ireland.


Your statement of fact was wrong and utter rubbish. I was simply disagreeing with your statement but not providing the evidence that backed up my comment.



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Advance Warning!


We plan to visit the Outer Hebrides again later this month - unless events conspire to stop us - crossing from Oban to Castlebay around 26th August and on up through the Islands for about a month.


Anyone else be there then - then you can make a point of avoiding us - or we can all be sociable and swap a yarn or three over a coffee or summat stronger!



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The mistake I made was that the post was referring to the far north and north west of the Highlands and the coastal strip in particular.


Regarding fresh water we have never sufferd any foul drinking water in the 30 or so years we have toured the Highlands sometimes filling up from roadside drinking troughs that have now been danned by the H & S brigade.


New water treatment plants are being built from Fort William upwards the Lochaber one will be going on-stream in 2010, as for waste water i.e. sewage most still goes into the sea, at John of Groats most if not all of the houses go into the sewer which discharges into the Pentland Firth this includes the toilet block at the caravan and camping site at John of Groats. This applies to most of the coastal villages of any size.


In June this year we noted about 15 water treatment or sewage tanks around the North West coast the sewage tanks are for collection by tanker to be taken to Allanfearn near Inverness treatment works for disposal .


Sludge Dumpers Risk Highland Environment


People in the Nairnshire, Badenoch and Strathspey areas of the Highlands are being asked to keep an eye out for sneaky cheats who are dumping foul sewage sludge into local drainage systems, putting rivers and beaches at risk of pollution.


If you wish more information see this link if you require more I will supply them



The OP was in answer to the Western Isles MP saying Motor Caravans were detrimental to the environment I was pointing out the Scottish people are doing it themselves


If anyone is being offensive it is you and as for utter rubbish so this the rubbish at the bottom of your posts


1959 Messerschmitt

2004 Rimor 747TC

1981 Toyota Hiace Devon

2005 Smart Roadster

1971 Honda Z600

2 x 1972 Honda Z600

1998 Fiat Punto cabriolet

1953 Bond Minicar

1955 Mochet Camionette

1959 Berkeley B95


So what!!!!



If I wanted to post a list such as yours I could start with 2 cylinder Jowet van

and Standard Flying 8 I have had some 14 vans 12 cars and 15 Motor Caravans but I don’t have to be

big headed and post a list of what a lot of people would see as rubbish, you could put 2 post in the same space.


By the way what part of Scotland are you from.





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Guest Tracker

I have to agree with Alf about never having had a problem with drinking water in over 50 years of visiting the Highlands and Islands.


I also agree about the inappropriate dumping of toilet waste and general rubbish and our own visual experience is that it is some - but by no means all - Scottish Campers who are far and away the worst offenders.


As ever was, it is the inconsiderate minority that get the considerate majority a bad name.


Modesty forbids, plus this forum is too small, for me to list all of my vehicles!

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alf - 2009-08-11 10:06 PM


The mistake I made was that the post was referring to the far north and north west of the Highlands and the coastal strip in particular.


Regarding fresh water we have never sufferd any foul drinking water in the 30 or so years we have toured the Highlands sometimes filling up from roadside drinking troughs that have now been danned by the H & S brigade.


New water treatment plants are being built from Fort William upwards the Lochaber one will be going on-stream in 2010, as for waste water i.e. sewage most still goes into the sea, at John of Groats most if not all of the houses go into the sewer which discharges into the Pentland Firth this includes the toilet block at the caravan and camping site at John of Groats. This applies to most of the coastal villages of any size.


In June this year we noted about 15 water treatment or sewage tanks around the North West coast the sewage tanks are for collection by tanker to be taken to Allanfearn near Inverness treatment works for disposal .


Sludge Dumpers Risk Highland Environment


People in the Nairnshire, Badenoch and Strathspey areas of the Highlands are being asked to keep an eye out for sneaky cheats who are dumping foul sewage sludge into local drainage systems, putting rivers and beaches at risk of pollution.


If you wish more information see this link if you require more I will supply them



The OP was in answer to the Western Isles MP saying Motor Caravans were detrimental to the environment I was pointing out the Scottish people are doing it themselves


If anyone is being offensive it is you and as for utter rubbish so this the rubbish at the bottom of your posts


1959 Messerschmitt

2004 Rimor 747TC

1981 Toyota Hiace Devon

2005 Smart Roadster

1971 Honda Z600

2 x 1972 Honda Z600

1998 Fiat Punto cabriolet

1953 Bond Minicar

1955 Mochet Camionette

1959 Berkeley B95


So what!!!!



If I wanted to post a list such as yours I could start with 2 cylinder Jowet van

and Standard Flying 8 I have had some 14 vans 12 cars and 15 Motor Caravans but I don’t have to be

big headed and post a list of what a lot of people would see as rubbish, you could put 2 post in the same space.


By the way what part of Scotland are you from.







yes I am sure it is a question of wording! And you are right, some people will always try and get out of their responsibilities regarding waste disposal. It happens even here in Gloucestershire too.


I am sure though that we could do a survey of England, Wales and Northern ireland and the same percentages would ring true - about 95% of the population will be linked to the mains for both sewage and fresh water and the other 5 per cent won't be. There are many places in England, including some, I bet, in Yorkshire where the waste water goes straight into the sea. I would have thought that, for their populations, the amount of waste isn't huge - even if I wouldn't want to swim in a sea full of 'logs'. :-(


As for the comment about my signature, those are the vehicles I currently own - and you may consider them rubbish, but each to his own. I too have had a few cars and vans over the years - perhaps 50 classics, twenty or so normal cars, seven or eight motorhomes/campers, fifteen or twenty scooters, three or four caravans, etc. My signature in words is less than many I see on here and I have no intention of changing it yet! Unless I perhaps sell or add a car to my fleet! I have saved you from the two scooters though!


Now Jowett Bradford vans are lovely little things! I have a friend with one and know a couple of people in the Jowett club quite well. I remember seeing some very nice ERA bodied Jupiters up Sherrifmuir twenty or so years ago. Might sell my Messerschmitt and buy me a Jowett Jupiter. Wonder how much change I'd get? Quite a lot, I think, from my piece of rubbish that cost me £200 in 1987.


And I come from a wee village, well, more of a town now, called Bannockburn. You may have heard of it ... :-) But I have lived in Glasgow, Ochiltree and Stirling too.


And here's an extra smiley for good measure. :-D Let's not fall out, eh! Sometimes what we say can be construed in the wrong way, even with the use of smiley faces.


Mind you, thanks to the Scottish Parliament, some of these new schemes in Scotland are working in everyone's favour. And if my response from the Tourism Minister is anything to go by, they may be a bit more receptive to Aire style parking than lots of English councils.

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Yes a word omitted had you jumping in with the wrong comment I was only trying to point out that the SNP comments did not seem to be valid If I don’t quite understand the post or cant see the point of a post I would not dream of uttering the comment you posted

However you seem to now grasp the point of my post so all is well.

I don’t think there are any more towns or villages that discharge raw sewage into the sea that said Scarborough not long ago discharge huge amounts of raw sewage due to a faulty pump.


Rubbish left by for a better word campers does cause a problem councils are now removing roadside litter bins to save money and the long distances between some towns and villages in the Highlands seem to mean litter or refuse is left on all lay-bys.


As refuse lorry’s travel the main roads it would cost little to provide the swing lid type bins but that too easy by half??


We had a friend go to live in Kippen on a visit we passed through Bannockburn but did not stop this was about 20 years ago he lived in a feudal or tied house and had to work on the estate 1 day per month.






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Talking of 'pollution' ...


Campbell - do you remember the microcar rally that was held at North Berwick many moons ago, where the 'free gift' was shortbread? I can still recall the shock I felt when I realised that it wasn't the good old fashioned Scottish shortbread, but the Americanised 'chocolate chip' variety!!! It did taste nice though! :$ :D

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