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proposed trip to Greece


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We are thinking of going to Greece in our Motorhom in early September return October, info on weather and campsites would be helpful. Alternatively we could go in the Spring. Would it be ok for us to take our dog with us? have any readers had experience of taking a dog to Greece on the Italy - Greece Ferry?
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I don't know which area of Greece you are heading for, but the Peloponnese is beautiful and not commercialised like the islands. We travelled all over, but particularly liked the areas around Tolo, inland around Sparta and the south around Kalamatta and Gythion, stunning scenery, lovely people. The campsites were fairly basic,but many provided shaded canopies to park under which provided some relief from the heat. Unfortunately the Greeks view to dogs is not the same as us and you need to keep him/her with you at all times, it was not uncommon for them to shoot any dogs straying or put poison down, and teasing was the norm from children (who don't know any better). We rescued a dog from Greece, but that was 25 years ago and we drove through what was Yugoslavia then to get home, then it cost us an arm and a leg for quarantine - worth every pound though!. Try emailing the ferry companies about taking dogs on their ferries, they possibly have kennel arrangements, but it could still be extremely hot in late summer and a ships hold even hotter if there is no air-con. Have you thought about travelling through to Greece by road, it's a lovely journey and the dog/s can be with you all the time, we hope to return in a few years and will almost certainly drive down. Which ever way you go have a great time.
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Hi Many thanks for your input on Greece. Don't think I will take our much loved dog! Would not like to take the risk. The rest sounds great. The Poloponese area is where will head for. My parents made this trip in the early sixties in their Commer. It must have been quite an adventure in those days.
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I'm sure you can take your dog on the ferry with you. You can live in your van on the semi open boat deck and the dog stays with you. That way you all get a mediterranean cruise! We did it this year from Sicily to Livorno and it was fine. Just take a few poop scoop bags and lots of kitchen towel to mop up the resulting waste matter! (The dogs not yours!).


Can't comment of Greece itself though and their attitude to dogs, but Italy was fine, despite some warnings we were given.

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jennet - 2009-08-10 10:45 PM


We are thinking of going to Greece in our Motorhom in early September return October, info on weather and campsites would be helpful. Alternatively we could go in the Spring. Would it be ok for us to take our dog with us? have any readers had experience of taking a dog to Greece on the Italy - Greece Ferry?


This is something we want to do at the last week of September until end of Oct.


I've tried getting info from the MMM travel consultants, but the info is so general as to not be of too much value, particularly Magbaztravels. Keith's site was somewhat better.


We will be taking our dog come what may, and would get a ferry from the south of Italy. Unless we sell our van and then the mutt will stay at home and we'll fly out.


Where do you intend to catch the "Italian" ferry from?

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Thanks for reply. I too have looked at magbaz site and was rather put off by their reports on Greece after the fires. We will probably use the Ancona ferry but not sure yet which route to take. May now put off going until Spring. If you do go this Autumn would be pleased to hear how you get on. regards. Jennet.
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