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Change of Holiday Plans due to Weather!

Mel B

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Unfortunately we've changed our plans ...


We were all set to go to the Highlands/Skye/Harris & Lewis but having been keeping an eye on the weather forecasts it looks like that would be total washout ... rain, wind, cold ... sorry, I'd love to go but I'm no glutton for punishment!!! It looks as if we'd struggle to get the canoes out too which is the main reason for going there anyway.


Soooooo .... I've just booked our ferry crossings and we're going to Germany instead! :->


Managed to get a goodish prices:


Dover to Calais with Sea France - going early hours of Sunday morning (16th @ 02:45) for £54.00 with no charge for dogs :-D (and I used a discount code that gave me 10% off the original £60 cost).


Calais to Dover with P&O - coming back early on Bank Holiday Monday (31st @ 00.35) - an absolute bargain at £37.50 plus £15.00 for each dog, making it £67.50.


That's a total cost of £121.50 including dogs.


I took the advice of Patricia (I think it was anyway! 8-) and looked to get the outward journey with one ferry company and the return journey with P&O, that way we've cut the cost of the dogs' travel in half.


The last time we travelled on ferries (2007) it cost us around £62 return plus £60 for the dogs, so around £122.00 - I don't think what I've paid is bad at all.


Yes, the times are a bit worse than I'd normally choose but hopefully we'll get a nice break with plenty of R&R and good weather. At least I've got time to get everything sorted for a foreign trip with us not crossing until Saturday night/Sunday morning. :-S


Off to sort out the travel insurance now! 8-)

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Hi Mel hope you have a good trip good decision France beats UK anytime we are on Eurotunnell 16.20pm on Thursday20th £96  return frequent traveller account 4th trip since 1st May will return when we get fed up  taking in Luxembourg along the Mosel to Koblenz then some of the Rhine 1st time along this route really looking forward to a new horizon.
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Mel B - 2009-08-13 8:06 PM


Unfortunately we've changed our plans ... We were all set to go to the Highlands/Skye/Harris & Lewis but having been keeping an eye on the weather forecasts it looks like that would be total washout ... rain, wind, cold ... sorry, I'd love to go but I'm no glutton for punishment!!! It looks as if we'd struggle to get the canoes out too which is the main reason for going there anyway.



Whimp! anyway forecasters can it seems at best only get it right couple of days in advance.

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I can highly recommend Germany :-D we have been for the last two years, last year we took in the Romantic Strasse to Fussen then Lake Constance The Black Forest and the Mosel before coming back through France. This year we went up the Mosel and back down the Rhye then France and Ypres in Belguim. Were going to France next month we have given up hoping for good weather here.


Have a good time Mel and Kelly.

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colin - 2009-08-13 9:01 PM


Whimp! anyway forecasters can it seems at best only get it right couple of days in advance.


Cheeky b*ggar! :D ;-)


I'd really still like to go to western Scotland but I just can't bear the thought of being stuck inside the camper watching the precipitation being blown horizontally especially with 2 hyperactive mad mutts on board! Not much to do up there when the weather is awful and I do NOT do cold and 16 degrees if we're lucky is not my idea of fun!!! Now Germany looks like it's going to be nice and warm - 25 degrees at least - anything above 20 will do me nicely.



This should hopefully be the last holiday we have to arrange around our work now, a little later in the year we should then be free to please ourselves for a long time so we can go up to Scotland when the weather is definitely looking better - no rush to do it now ... better to wait until we can really enjoy it ... and besides which I hear that Tracker is going up there anyway so he can frighten the midges away first!!! :D :D


As I've already been 'bitten' by the bugs just walking across the grass yesterday and already have a dozen very sore spots to contend with, I don't need the additional aggro of being a midge 'food festival' either!


Not having done the ferry for so long it should be 'interesting', especially since little Lily hasn't been on one before ... just need to dig out some matchsticks to keep my eyes open ...!


Talking of which ... night-night!

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Guest Tracker

Good luck Mel - have a great holiday.


As the sun allegedly shines on the righteous we will just have to take the risk of whether it shines on you or on us - but we won't be taking any bets!


One of the real joys of motorhomes is that you can just get up and go where you like and, for some of us, when you like, and you can change your destination plans right up to the second before you hit the booking 'send' button.

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Hi Mel,


We have just returned from Germany.

One week in the Luneburg Heath (Lunberger Hiede) staying near Hermannsburg. A quiet really beautiful area.

We stayed at a campsite in Oldendorf which has several lakes in the area which could be suitable for canoeing, depending on your preference if you like calm water. Definitely not white water.

Second week in the Harz mountains. Walk up the Brocken mountain and take the steam train back down (other way if not into exercise).


Both these areas are not often visited by UK folks and are much quieter than your usual Moselle areas.


We used the Caravan club guide to Europe for the larger sites and also stayed at Stellplatz on the way. The one is Bad Bentheim is wonderfull, just in front of the castle and its free of charge overnight or Euro3 if you want water & elec, purchase a token from the museum.


German Wheat Beer Euro0.25 per 500ml bottle from Netto Glad we have a 400OKg chassis to allow us to bring back a good stock.


Have a good holiday and I'm sure you will enjoy Germany whichever part you choose.

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Mel B - 2009-08-13 11:24 PM

I'd really still like to go to western Scotland but I just can't bear the thought of being stuck inside the camper watching the precipitation being blown horizontally especially with 2 hyperactive mad mutts on board! Not much to do up there when the weather is awful and I do NOT do cold and 16 degrees if we're lucky is not my idea of fun!!!


You better hope this supposed global warming kicks in, there's never a garentee of any dry/hot weather in Scotland, even if sometimes it can be warmer than rest of UK. We pack good quality wet weather gear for our 'summer' hols so we can get out there rain or shine.

Mind you the thought of two wet dogs in a MH doesn't inspire me 8-)

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Tracker - 2009-08-14 7:34 AM


Good luck Mel - have a great holiday.


As the sun allegedly shines on the righteous we will just have to take the risk of whether it shines on you or on us - but we won't be taking any bets!


One of the real joys of motorhomes is that you can just get up and go where you like and, for some of us, when you like, and you can change your destination plans right up to the second before you hit the booking 'send' button.


Thanks Richard - you and Dot have a good holiday too ... couldn't agree with you more about the joys of motorhomes. :->



colin - 2009-08-14 6:30 PM


You better hope this supposed global warming kicks in, there's never a garentee of any dry/hot weather in Scotland, even if sometimes it can be warmer than rest of UK. We pack good quality wet weather gear for our 'summer' hols so we can get out there rain or shine.

Mind you the thought of two wet dogs in a MH doesn't inspire me 8-)


Shortly we'll be able to pretty much please ourselves when we go so will keep an eye on the weather forecast and if it says its likely to be sunny and warm for a while we'll be up there quicker than a midge bites! :D


We too carry wet weather gear and have been know to use it! :-D But walking, cycling and canoeing in the rain isn't much fun so whilst I have a choice, I'd rather go somewhere warm and sunny. :-(


Its not so much the wet dogs in a motorhome that's the problem (they have jackets anyway), its the though of 2 dogs in a motorhome going start raving nuts because they can't go out to play ... both are hyperactive at the best of times so keeping them cooped up would be insane! 8-)

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Evening all.


Currently parked up on Marine Parade at Dover, with lots of other motorhomes and some caravans, and watching all the lights twinkling on the calm water - lovely.


Won't be long before we are in bed, upgrading ferry ticket for £10 to go across at 1.00 am instead of 2.45 am so hopefully we'll get some reasonable kip.


Behave yourselves whilst I'm away. :D


Bye all.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Got back into the good old UK around 11.45 pm last night (11.15 pm from Calais). We were originally due back on the 12.35 am from Calais, arriving in the UK for 1.05 am UK time, but we got to the check-in desk early and asked if we could go sooner and she just changed us to the earlier crossing without a charge! :-D Must admit though that Eurotunnel beats the ferry hands-down ... so much quicker and easier and no mixing with the great unwashed (one British family in particular who hadn't washed for 2 days and the kids were playing up), or having to listen to the racket that some of the other travellers make! (lol) Still, better than being rained on in Scotland for 2 weeks and last minute (cheapskate) bookers can't be choosers!!! :D


Weather on the whole has been really good - temperatures some days of over 37 degrees! B-) None of the days were cold, one or two cooler than most, and only one day with any rain to speak off, it was quite windy though, I think the coolest daytime temperature was 24 degrees, although it did drop to around 12 degress on some of the nights. One night we thought we were going to get blown away, 'house' and all, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, we were on a stellplatz at a small airfield and by heck was the camper a rocking with sheet lightening in the massive clouds but not thunder ... really weird! :$


We actually put our 'Holland' demons to rest (for thos who don't know, our camper was 'attacked' in Holland last year during the early hours of a Sunday morning on an officilal stopping point causing £2,400 worth of damage), we spent Friday night in a parking area near a village hall and picnic area, out in the sticks, which a local chap showed us as his 'mini-camping' site was inaccessible due to it being too wet. Saturday night was spent at Sas Van Gent, just inside the Netherlands border near Zelzate above Gent, nice little spot next to the canal ... took us a while to get there though ... ruddy roadworks and road closures! We could see the spot about 1 km from where we were but had to do a 8 km round trip to get there by another bridge at Zelzate! I must admit I was a bit 'twitchy' on Saturday night at first but soon was into the land of nod.


I'll write a bit more about our adventures when I get the chance ;-)


Apologies in advance for any typos, this is the first time I've typed since my last message and my fingers have gone dyslexic!!! :->

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Welcome back Mel - we did the same for the bank holiday - decided on a last minute run to France. Left home 5pm Friday - big holdup on M25 so a 4 hour journey - but we had allowed loads of spare time and booked the tunnel trip for 10.40 pm . By that time we were in France as we got on the earlier one - Eurotunnel is so flexible on this point. :-) It was a bit scarey to drive through an electric storm - no rain or thunder - just wind & lightning.


Friday night, Auchan car park St Martin Boulogne. After a good nights sleep, a little shopping and off towards Boulogne Sur Mer. A little adventure there trying to park in the "stopover for Motorhomes" given in the giveaway booklet with the last MMM - next to Nauticaa - no longer available to Motorhomes, with signs in French and English on every lampost to say campingcar parking forbidden - coaches only. :-S The car park by the Marina had several disused coach bays vacant (paying car park) as a result BUT there was a French car parked at the entrance to each one, thereby blocking the whole bay. Oh well, off to Le Portel Aire (as recommended on the Forum last week). Free parking overnight and a short walk from the small town, bus for 1.2 Euros each into Boulogne Sur Mer so a good saving and a nice quiete night.

Sunday morning to Etaples for the fresh fish market then to the Aire at Le Touquet. Sunday "Flea Market" with bargains galore, great day (and meals) in town, relax a bit then back to St Martin Boulogne for the night, ready for a quick shop in the morning before catching the train (very reluctantly) back home. :-(

As we drove along the A16 towards the tunnel we passed a lot of "hopefuls" trying to get a lift to Sangatte - no chance!! We could also see the wall to wall blue sky stopped at Dover - it was covered with a blanket of grey cloud.


We have now decided we will not give up our 2 week break next year (long story) as it was so difficult not to continue South......

Altogether a great weekend - can't wait to go again now. If we had stayed in the UK 3 nights on an enforced site would have been approx. £60 - if we could have got in - which we couldn't!) This trip cost £96 return on tunnel train, £70 fuel and we got some sunshine to boot. B-)

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You made a good decision.

We decided on the lovely Lake District but got rather wet.

Can you please advise if you require a season ticket to get a last minute return fare on the tunnel for £96.When I checked on the internet they were quoting that amount single journey.I wondered if I am missing an



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The parking bays near the frite wagonson the dock side at B-Sur-Mer have banned motorhomes for a while now I think. But don't be tempted to use the normal parking bays there - we did that in July at the end of our 3 week holiday and got rewarded with some idiots walking past all the motorhomes and banging on them late at night - too much to drink. I played merry hell with them (in French and English!) and their girlfriends certainly got the message even if some of the lads didn't. When they came back and were just as roudy - they didn't get the change to go near our van again - I decided enough was enough and we moved to an parking spot on the coast near to Wimereux and it was a very peaceful night indeed.


You can stop at 'Le Portel' just across the dock though in B-Sur-Mer, near to where the Speedferry used to go from, we've stopped there and it's fairly quiet, not used the one actually at the village of Le Portel though.


I just wish we'd known we were going to Germany sooner as I could've used Tesco vouchers! Never mind, it was still well worth going especially since we managed to find a brilliant boot sale (rommel markt) on the Sunday and got lots of goodies!!! :D

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Motorhometone - 2009-09-02 5:44 PM


Hi Catinou.

I have just again looked at the Eurotunnel site.

All of my previous enquiries have been for longer than 14 days.

I have now realised your trip would be classed as a short break.




Hi, no we didn't use short breaks, we bought 10 frequent traveller tickets for £39 each and they have to be used within 12 months of purchase. You then "use" one ticket per journey when you later book on line (up to 24 hours before you want to travel). A campervan (of any size) costs another £9 per journey. By doing this we can travel in our car for a cost of £78 return, in the motorhome for £96, or in the motorhome towing the car on an A frame for £96 plus paying £78 return for the car which is now classed as a trailer! - You can't use 4 tickets unfortunately to pay for the MH and car on one trip.


The decision of when to go and come back is up to us - we have used the tickets previously for day trips, weekend trips and 15 day trips. The only restriction is the journeys have to be booked "off peak". These hours suit our travel arrangements perfectly and we have found the best way is to book for 2 hours later than you expect to arrive at the terminal - this allows for holdups and we have always been offered the chance of an earlier trip (up to 2 hours early) at no extra cost. If the earlier time is out of your "off peak" times you sometimes get the choice to pay an extra £20 to go. If you miss your train they just put you on the next one.


Other advantages to using the tunnel, for us, is that we stay in the motorhome and normally have a snack and cup of coffee in comfort (often resting on the bed - a half hour break with your feet up and you are off.... B-) Highly recommend it.....


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I'm in total agreement Mel, we were planning a trip to Scotland this month but the forecasts decided us to give it a miss.  We live on the coast in West Wales anyway but I have never been to Scotland so would like to visit at some point.  Have decided to go to the Gower at the end of the month/begining of Oct which will allow us to take the dog onto the beaches.  We are going to the continent early spring next year for the 1st time for a couple of weeks, hoping it will be reasonable weather then!
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