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Is Way2Go or another TomTom expert out there?

Vernon B

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I've just downloaded a map for Eastern Europe using TT Home and my 720. I knew there wouldn't be enough capacity in the internal memory and added a new memory card before hand.


An "Error" occured when the data was been transferred to the TT and on attempting to re-run the process I found the map was no longer available from the Update option at TT Home.


On closer examination I found the files had been written to my C drive and so I have copied these to the memory card on the TT.


The files involved are:-



Easter_Europe.toc TOC file

Map14074-1 GIF Image

Eastern_Europe - Which appears to be the main mapping data

Map14074 GIF image


Based on the file size for this download everything appears to be there.


Unfortunately these files are not been recognised by the TT either when I use "Contents" in TT Home or when I use the "Map Switch" option in Preferences.


Any thoughts?





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Hi V,

As you have discovered, when you download maps from TomTom it firstly installs them to your PC then installs them to your device so all should be OK . . . eventually.

I have an older device which only comes with an SD card not the newer ones which have a HD and provision for an SD card so I'm not sure how much help I can be on this one.

Firstly, if it's not too late before doing ANYTHING backup your device to your PC.  Personally speaking, I never use the TomTom HOME backup facility and prefer to trust my own experience in backing up.

I don't think you would need to copy the files over yourself so try to get everything back to a working system.

You should be able to install the new map from HOME using the 'add things to my device' facility - not sure of the exact wording as I'm in the garden on my laptop which doesn't have HOME installed on it.

Anywho, it should then install the new map.

Question.  I'm assuming that you are adding the new map so that you'll have a GB and a E-EU map?  If that's the case it probably will take up a chunk of room on your device's HD so you will probably need to install the E-EU to the SD card but I'm not sure how TT knows about the additional map?

SD cards are really falling in price now so go for one that is at least 1GB - and as fast as possible to avoid any read/write time lag.  The ones I use are rated at x150.

Let us know how you get on.


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Thanks for that quick replay W2G - nice to know there's somethings (bodies) you can still rely on.


Prior to doing the down load I'd established that the internal memory would not cope with the size of this map and so added the additional(external) memory card. TT Home recognised the new card and duly went about the down loading procudure only to hit a problem half way through.


I'd backed up everything prior to down loading and everything with the existing set-up still appears to be ok.


Since my post I've plucked up enough courage to go on to the TT (not so user friendly) website and I think that the problem might be that I need to manually activate the map. You will see that one of the files is "activate_maps_50701". Activation is apparently normally done automatically but I think the hiccup may have prevented this. The problem I now have is that manual activation requires an activation code which in turn requires a product code. The website tells you where you'll find your product code but in my case those locations don't exist or are blank - are we taking security/codification too far I ask?


Anyway I have now referred my problem(s) directly to TT and will hopefully receive a repy from them in due course.


Fortunately I'm not going to need this stuff for another three weeks and I'll certainly get back to you with the outcome.


Thanks again for the interest - hopefully the sun is still shining in the garden.



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Presumably you're trying to activate the new map by entering the information on the http://www.ttcode.com/ web site?

Trouble is, I'm pretty sure the the only product code you have is for the existing map (GB?) so will probably not work?

Don't be tempted, as I'm sure you won't be, to publish your codes here . . . . don't want 'em falling into the wrong hands ;-)

I think at this stage it's best to let TT handle it from here - good luck!!

If you find you cannot get it resolved before you go, let me know by PM and we'll see if we can get to the bottom of it.


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Well I've finally sorted this out. It took the best part of five days on the phone to TT. In the hope that it might help others, here are some key points and the lessons I've learnt.


1. If you're going to dowload a map to a memory card on a TT720, certainly the Eastern Europe Map which covers the coastal region of Croatia, you need to make sure your TT has the 8.351 application programs installed first. One way to find this out is by connecting your TT to TomTom HOME and clicking on Tools on the top lefthand tool bar.


2. If you have to update applications using TomTom HOME be aware there's a pretty good chance it will bomb out at the install stage. TT will tell you this is due to some incompatiblity with your Firewall - which they recommend you switch off - or that you are using a wireless connection. I think the process is a matter of luck! I had to run the download about three times before I succeeded and on that occasion my Firewall was ON and I was using a wireless router.




4. As most will know TT offer support through TomTom HOME and a separate website www.tomtom.com. Yes two points of contact is confusing. Yes it can be frustrating. No I don't understand why; unless its something to do with TT being Dutch as in "Double ...."


5. LESSON 2 - Don't waste your time using TT's on-line support. It takes days maybe weeks to get a reply - life is too short


6. TT's call centre is in Amsterdam. It's staffed by well trained knowledgable and helpful young people and you don't have to be an anorak to follower their instructions. Surprisingly they don't make a charge for this service and appear to be happy to spend all day on the phone to you. But they do use a 0845 contact number.


7. LESSON 3 - RING THE TT CALL CENTRE ON A LAND LINE USING 020-7387-5444. With most phone contracts you will not be charged for the call.


8. As I said the "kids" at TT know their stuff but will typically set you up and leave you to complete the action - eg a download - on the basis that everything will then be ok. But it probably won't be and you'll have to call back. And you'll get a different adviser. And you'll have to go through the whole story again. And they'll set you up again and leave you to complete the action. But it probably won't work ...




So after an unbelievable series of file deletions, clean-ups, and downloads and switching between TomTom Home and www.tomtom.com my Eastern Europe Map is installed on the memory card and can be accessed through the Switch Map option in Preferences. Well I think it can. I can't see the Map until I'm in that part of the world of course. But the TT kids assure me it will be there ...


As I mentioned at the start of this thread this is the first time I've needed to use an external card for additional memory. Although I appear to have resolved this particular problem it has thrown up another. Having gone through the whole of the TT manual during this episode I came across the Music and Media options available. The demo's on the internal memory are quite impressive but there's very little space available for storing my own music and media files. I've put some jpg photographs on the memory card but there seems no way to access these. The manual makes no reference to this requirement at all and there's no menu option on the TT. Any thoughts? Or is this another phone call waiting to happen?





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Vernon B - 2009-08-23 12:10 PM


........... it can. I can't see the Map until I'm in that part of the world of course. But the TT kids assure me it will be there ...



I am not an expert by any means and we have a GO720 with an SD card slot.

I just want to query the above comment, why can't you see the map? Why do you have to be in that part of the world? We have three maps on ours that we can switch and we can see all the maps where ever we are in our front room at home for instance to plan journeys, I would have though that if the map is available you should be able to switch to and see it no matter where you are, it should not be dependant on your positioning.

Just don't want you to be disapointed.



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Hi V.

I'm inclined to agree with Bas regarding the map issue.

I use the 'Western and Central Europe' so it's always in use wherever I go.  I think the confusion it that you are using two maps and would therefore need to switch to the 'Eastern Europe' map when you get to the most westerly part of it's coverage.

Having said that, you should still be able to see the map by going into 'Change Preferences' > 'Manage Maps' > 'Switch Map'.  You should see your original GB map plus the new Eastern Europe map.  Select the Eastern Europe map and have a look around it.

You'll need to re-select your GB map when you've finished looking at it.

Regarding the music/media problem.  I'm just wondering whether you've got all menus activated.  If you touch the screen and select 'Change Preferences' it should say something like 'Preferences 1 of 8' if it only says something like '1 of 3' you can activate the missing menus by selecting 'Show ALL menu options'.

I'm not aware that you can specify where your music or pictures are stored but there may be something you can tweak under 'Change Preferences > Music preferences'.  Also have a look at 'Main menu' > 'Music and media' where you should be able to select 'TomTom Jukebox' and/or 'Photo gallery'.


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I have a TomTom 730 with a separate SD card for music etc.


When 'plugging in' the TT into its cradle attached to the PC, TomTom Home opens and the first question it asks is, 'which memory do you want to use'? This allows me to specify the SD card for the music files. TomTom Home then allows me to choose and organise the MP3 files that I want to store on the SD card.

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You are correct re the music (I can play either from the TomTom speakers, or through the radio tuned to a spare frequency).


I have never used the SD card for storing pictures in the TomTom, so cannot say much about the idea, but on the face of it, it should be possible.

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Regarding playing music etc through the van radio, our Garmin has this facility, in which state it also gives the audible directions through the van speakers.  I don't wish to be the Jeremiah, but in use I have found it rather, well useless! 

Can't really speak for UK, but once abroad there are so many local stations it inevitably transpires within a few miles, when approaching a town, that the frequency being transmitted by the Garmin is exactly that being used by the local pop station.  Time and again I have re-tuned to yet another "free" frequency, only to get "At the next junction turn BOOM, BOOM, BOOMEDY BOOM BOOM!  Totally bleedin' useless, silly, gimmick!

The Garmin speaker is a far more reliable audio guide, though I certainly wouldn't want to play music through it!

Sorry for the off topic!

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I agree Brian.  I tried something similar some time ago trying to listen to an MP3 player via a local FM frequency.

Nothing seems to be made for a single purpose these days.  What with mobile phones taking pictures, playing music, playing the radio, surfing the internet, watching movies . . . . oh and even making phone calls.


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Vernon B - 2009-08-23 12:10 PM


I've put some jpg photographs on the memory card but there seems no way to access these. The manual makes no reference to this requirement at all and there's no menu option on the TT. Any thoughts? V



I had same problem, - resolved thus. The TT system suggests you should transfer jpg's using TT Home . If you do this it creates a folder called "photos" on the sd card. It seems it's the only (picture) folder name the handset recognises. Having established that, I created a folder called "photos" on another sd card using my PC and installed it in my tt720 and it also works.

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OK let's try and pull some of these things together:-


Just as W2G confirmed, Hughmer is spot on about creating a "photos" folder on the memory card for jpg images. I deleted the "Photos" folder on the internal memory, created one on the card and it works perfectly. Interestingly the brief chat I had with the TT Kids about this (I was more concerned about the map issue at the time) was that the 720 wasn't really designed to support music and image files run from an external memory files ??!!


Now regarding the issue of seeing the Eastern Europe Map:-


Bas I'm not sure what menu option you're in when you view your other maps. Both the "Navigate to" and "Browse map" options on my TT open a screen with a cursor showing your current location on a map. So the background map is always where you are. As I'm approx 1000 miles away from the nearest point on the EE map I don't expect to able to see that map with any of these options and I simply see my cursor, which happens to be a motorbike, sitting on a blank screen.


Following your comments I've selected the EE Map using the "Switch Map" option in "Preferences" and then selected the "Itinerary Planning" option and sure enough this option confirms the mapping data is there because I can select countries and cities that are only on that map to build an itinerary. But I can't view a map. So I'm pretty content with what I've got - but Bas are you using another option I'm not familiar with to view your other maps?


Thanks again to all






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Way2Go - 2009-08-25 12:59 PM

To look at the EE map you'll firstly have to select it via  'Change Preferences' > 'Manage Maps' > 'Switch Map'.

Now select 'Main Menu 2 of 3' > 'Browse Map' and you should be able to see and browse the Eastern Europe map.


Sorry about this chaps I sense I'm testing your patience - but I have (sort of) got there.The thing is by simply selecting Browse Map on my set up you're show a screen with the cursor at your current location, and since I've selected the EE Map and I ain't there, the screen is blank. But - and here's the break through - if I select the sub-option "Find" and then the option Address, I can input a "City" within the EE Map area and bingo the Map of that spot appears. I guess my problem was that the word "Browse" implies that I am free to roam and that isn't quite what's available from selecting that top level option on it's own.Hopefully you haven't been wasting your time on me alone and others have benefited from this thread.V
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Hi Vernon, I don't think you are wasting anyones time, all knowledge shared is helpful to everyone who wants it.

I am not that expert with the Tom Tom but if you follow what W2Go is saying you should be able to browse the map, that is why I was concerned that you may not have had it there, but clearly you have if you can search it. So that just about reaches the extent of my knowledge as to why you are not seeing the same as me I don't know.



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Vernon B - 2009-08-26 12:40 PM . . . by selecting Browse Map on my set up you're show a screen with the cursor at your current location, and since I've selected the EE Map and I ain't there, the screen is blank.

Okaaaay . . . let's try once more with feeling.  When you select EE and browse the map do you see something like image 1 below?  Is the zoom leaver (just above the done button) in a similar position as my example?

In image 2 below, I've changed the zoom level by zooming out and can see my surroundings.  Note the position of the zoom lever.

Can you try that and let us know the result V?




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