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curtsey vehicle

duetto owner

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with MH service centres few and far between, when you take one some distance for service or repair how do you get home again.


we have to take ours to southampton for snags to be fixed guarantee stuff and its about 70 mile each way and have arranged to go early and wait only 4 small jobs but what if its lengthy repairs over a day or so. no one in this market does curtsey vehicles like in cars etc.


waiting for ford warranty to authorise paint work on cracking paint to be sorted too looking like a struggle to get a curtsey vehicle even a fiesta car would do.

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Two things.  I assume the dealer you refer to is a motorhome dealer, and not a Ford dealer?  The former would deal with conversion matters, the latter with Transit matters.

If Transit, any Ford commercial dealer can undertake the warranty/repair work.  Go to the Ford website, navigate to the commercial vehicles section, and look for service centres near to where you live.  Ideally look for "backbone" or "transit expert" centres, since they are claimed to have the technicians trained on the model.  Re courtesy cars, our closest dealer ofers these if required.  However, for a less than 4 hour job, driving from your home to Portsmouth and back would presumably take longer?  Ours, being a bit remote from the town centre, also offers to drive you in, and collect if required.  Hitherto, we have done this to avoud hanging around the showroom while waiting.  Many commercial service centres are geared to do basic servicing while you wait, as vans don't earn their keep while in garages.

Since your van is an Autosleepers conversion, have you explored for Autosleeper dealerships nearer to your home, possibly Marquis?  However, you may find that only the selling dealer will be willing to undertake Autosleeper warranty work.  For anything else, what is there, actually, that needs to be serviced?

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I have several good friends and family who will pick me up from the dealers although this involves a 25 mile trip. I do the same for them in return. If it can only be one way ie they help you, but they do not need your help in return, then fuel compensation plus a bottle or two of wine usually goes down quite well. After all how many times in a year will you need repairs the need more than half a day?


Any way good luck



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So, it is not the Transit bits that need fixing? 

If this is your only means of transport, is there no dealer nearer to where you live than 70 miles?  Can you not find one you can reach by public transport? 

If you have a car, then can someone else not drive that while you drive the van? 

Was this problem discussed at the time of purchase, bearing in mind that you must have realised warranty work might be required at some stage?  What did they say then?

What about Marquis Bagshot?  Pantiles Park, London Road, Bagshot, Surrey. GU19 5HN. Telephone: 01276 474 148.  Are they not nearer than Portsmouth?  You say you are in North Surrey.

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Which takes me back to my first question!  The "vehicle" is a Ford Transit, no?  For Transit service, and warranty work, go to a Ford commercial dealer.

The Autosleepers bit is the conversion into a motorhome.  You originally mentioned warranty items that need fixing, and not servicing.  For warranty work to the Autosleepers conversion, and not vehicle servicing, Marquis should be equipped at all branches. 

Where did you buy this van?  If you bought it from Bagshot, and they are now telling you to drive it to Southampton (sorry, not Portsmouth), take it to Bagshot, where you bought it and have your contract, and ask them to get it fixed.  Then, they can drive it to Southampton!

As I asked above, what, on the actual Autosleepers conversion, needs servicing?

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Get up early be they’re for when they open, as most jobs seem to be small ones they may look at you first.

You would have been better going to Autosleeper direct as some of your problems will be referred to them so then you will be going twice to the dealers instead of once to Autosleeper.


Most motorcaravan owners will tackle small jobs themselves as to have to do a 140 mile round trip each time costs more money than the job is worth


The hob ignition may require parts they have to order the creases in the blinds will raise highbrows if you do contact Autosleepes I would not tell them it was a demonstration vehicle. A trip to the Cotswolds would make a good day out.


Few dealers supply Courtesy vehicles.




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at southampton tuesday, still waiting to hear back from fords. but if i get no where then i think a day out to autosleepers will go on my list.


i have already had one trip to southampton, one to eberspacer in guildford another to fords in guildford, not bad when its all work that should have been done before leaving autosleeper in the first place or picked up in the pdi by the dealer.

now who told me autosleeper were a good quality outfit.

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I know I've already said this, but you bought your van from (I believe) Marquis, and it is to Marquis that you should complain.  Even if Autosleepers fell down on the build job, as seems the case, Marquis, as the seller, should have detected and fixed any defects that were apparent before they "delivered" the vehicle to you. 

Add to that that Marquis and Autosleepers are in the same group, and the failure to co-ordinate and deliver a vehicle that was working properly is unforgivable.

I would talk to the manager of the branch from which you bought your van, making very clear that you are dissatisfied with the way they have served you, and suggest to him that some reimbursement of your out of pocket expenses is well overdue.  In effect, you have been doing their job for them, at your expense.

If you don't like his reply, have a word with Trading Standards about where you stand.  From what you have said, you may have grounds for a small claims court claim against the Marquis branch, in default of their taking reasonable and timely steps to put right defects in your van.

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We bought ours from Davan in Weston-super-Mare & they certainly have courtesy cars available. We borrowed one last year when we had a few minor warranty repairs done. It is a good 70 miles away from us, but AFAIK they are the nearest Roller Team dealer. Actually few MH dealers of any brand near us, apart from an (unofficial?) Hobby dealer. We did go there & look around, but we were put off when we found out he was supplying LHD vehicles without bothering to legalise them for use in the UK. (Lamps, speedo, etc.) :D :D :D
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