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Just home from the 491 mile trip to Malvern. What an excellent show, well done to the organisers who even managed to get the weather right. The Saturday show was first class and particularily for me as I played in a support band for the Indians over 40 years ago.

I thought the stalls were very good and I had a lot of fun bargaining. Silly man selling lovely garden furniture threw away an £800 sale because he insisted on charging £40 for delivery to Scotland but only £20 anywhere in England. My friend, who would have bought, as would I, only lives in the Border and he, the seller, was from Cheshire . Funny old world sometimes, I really thought we lived in the UK.

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Hello again P0930, we met you at the show when you visited our stand, I recall you telling us about said salesman, more fool him. It was an excellent show and although we had a couple of tiny little showers, overall the weather was brilliant. Like yourself we think the organisers do a fantastic job bringing it all together and keeping it all going smoothly despite sometimes difficult circumstances. Good to meet you and we hope to see you again sometime.



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