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05 Ducato service light?


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Hi, I have the above vehicle and up til this year it has always been dealer serviced. We decided to get a local independant garage to do it this time but they had difficulty re-setting the service indicator, apparently the method they were used to didn't work. Thye have offered to get their computer techie guy to have a look at it and think it will need to go 'on the computer' now. Has anyone had any experience of this? Can anyone advise what the procedure to re-set is, as I wouldn't mnd having a go? This would save a load of hassle, getting it out the storage etc.

Thnaks in advance .

Grasshopper. :-D

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The method is described in the owners handbook.

I think the method is hold the right button ( the odo trip reset button) for 10 seconds until display flashes CF1. You then press the button again to cycle to CF2 or CF3 (9K 12K 18K service intervals respectively I think it is).

Press and hold again for 3 seconds and display is then set and goes back to normal. However, I think you need to start with it showing total miles and not the trip distance.

Best find in Handbook to double check what I have said as doing from memory.


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Had a go at it today, sure enough there was a guide in the Handbook but I can't get it to re-set, probably same as the garage couldn't do it either. I switched the ignition on, held in the button but nothing different happens to if I had never touched the button and the light remains on. In other words I don't get any CFGs, tried holding it longer, different combinations but nothing, any other ideas?
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You may need to hold the button in for about 20 seconds or more just keep it pushed in until it you see the screen change You might want to wear a glove because pushing the button for so long sometimes hurts a bit!



The three settings are for different engines and markets where they are sold. CFG1 is normally for a 9000 mile interval, 2 is for 12000 miles and 3 is for the maximum 18000 miles. You should re-set the counter to the same setting as it was previously and that will conveniently be the one that appears first during the process. You can cycle between the different settings by pressing the button repeatedly and once the one you want is displayed press and hold the button until the light goes out.

You can searh for service timers if you wish






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Does the button actually work normally by toggling between trip nd odo etc. If not there lies the probem, but I think you would have noticd this and mentioned.


If it works toggling, set to odo ( total distance) and try again.

I suspect you have done this.


Next step, is to disconnect your engine battery for about 20 seconds and reconnect. You may lose your radio code settings and have to re-enter them so be warmed, check you know your code before disconnecting the battery.


Try resetting the Spanner servce indicator again.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, Cheers guys, got it sorted, the key is in having it set to total miles and if you follow the procedure, on here earlier (manual one is less than helpful)exactly, so that you have to wait for all the checks, oil etc to be done before you change to Total miles ypu should get the CFGs up, I think this may have been the problem the garage had ie it was set to 'trip' but tehy should really have known better. Next, just hold buttons until it does come up with what you are looking for and it should be Ok, set mine to CFG2 which seems the best for my low usage 2.0 JTD. So that's what I did anyway, hope it helps others, so thanks to everybody for all the responses and assistance.


Grasshopper. :D

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