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Anyone wintering in Spain?

Geoff Tuckley

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Having travelled France, Spain and Portugal in summer we now would like to take our motorhome to Spain for the worst of the winter. As we have not travelled through these countries in the wintertime we are hoping to find someone who has done it before and would like travelling companions.

We are just man and wife, no dogs or children. Swingers need not apply.

Thanks everyone

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Geoff Tuckley - 2009-08-22 12:32 PM


Having travelled France, Spain and Portugal in summer we now would like to take our motorhome to Spain for the worst of the winter. As we have not travelled through these countries in the wintertime we are hoping to find someone who has done it before and would like travelling companions.

We are just man and wife, no dogs or children. Swingers need not apply.

Thanks everyone

This post raises several questions, what age group are you looking for ,when do you plan to leave, are you prepared to use aires and wild camp,or are you campsiters, how long would you want to take to get to Spain, do you like toll motorways or the slow scenic route. would you be prepared to cross the Pyrenesse or will you want to go round them? Just thoughts but need to be considered when planning to follow others. Good luck and have a great time. :-) :-)
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Don't wish to make it so complicated, it is supposed to be just having a good time. We are just retired at 60 but fortunately have rapport with all ages. Just want to travel with someone who has experience of travelling down for the winter. We are flexible on dates and where to stop. Just want to be there.
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Thanks for the input. I suppose we would like to leave UK early November but we are flexible. Spoke to some people in a motorhome last winter who said they had done it all the wrong way and had to sleep in car parks in France where they felt unsafe. Just trying to avoid such a situation. Have relatives in Mojacar and can stay on their land although we will travel the coast anyway. So just need to get there.

Thanks again

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B-) As I said Geoff. Been doing it since 1995. Only ONCE have we felt the need to move to somewhere else to park for the night when travelling through France and Spain. Thousands do it EVERY year with no problems whatsoever. There are those that have been gassed, robbed, beaten up, you name it? It has happened to them. I must be the luckiest person on this earth. IMH&HO. Happy travelling. Hope you get there safe and sound.

BTW, we used to love Mojacar when we used to Wild Camp. ;-)

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Thanks johnsandywhite feel a bit better about it. You will appreciate that it is so easy in the summer months but this will be our first winter and only having had a motorhome for just over a year it all seems a bit daunting.

Once again thanks for the input.


PS The last time we were in Mojacar the police were moving all motorhomes off the beach and roads and telling them to go on one of the sites. Apparently someone had been emptying chemical loo into the sea even though there is a toilet block they could have used. There is always someone to spoil things.



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Geoff Tuckley - 2009-08-23 12:15 PM PS The last time we were in Mojacar the police were moving all motorhomes off the beach and roads and telling them to go on one of the sites. Apparently someone had been emptying chemical loo into the sea even though there is a toilet block they could have used. There is always someone to spoil things.




:'( Yes Geoff. That is ONE thng that always annoyed me. We ALWAYS left a place we had parked cleaner than when we arrived. Shame they are not ALL like that. >:-)

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It proberbly won't affect you if you travel in November and it will also depend on the route you take. But its worth looking at the weather forcasts both for the central massive region of France and/or the middle region of Spain as both these areas can be affected by snow and in certain places snow chains are a requirement


Hope that helps


Geoff Tuckley - 2009-08-23 12:15 PM


Thanks johnsandywhite feel a bit better about it. You will appreciate that it is so easy in the summer months but this will be our first winter and only having had a motorhome for just over a year it all seems a bit daunting.

Once again thanks for the input.


PS The last time we were in Mojacar the police were moving all motorhomes off the beach and roads and telling them to go on one of the sites. Apparently someone had been emptying chemical loo into the sea even though there is a toilet block they could have used. There is always someone to spoil things.



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Guest Tracker
Do also be aware that it can also be cold wet and windy in Spain too at times in the winter - jus' like home - and whilst I don't want to put you off the experience, because most of the time it should be considerably drier and warmer than here, you might wish to take clothing and bedding appropriate for cool times - and ensure that your van's heating works well and that you either carry or can get locally enough of the right sort of gas and/or bottles compatible to your van and it's locker.
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Totally agree with "Tracker", its not always dry or warm in Spain during the winter, some people do appear to paint a very rosy picture, and it always seems to be warmer and dryer in the part of Spain that they are in, which always amazes me LoL.


Another thing to think about is if your vehicle needs an MOT etc. if you are going for an extended period it may be worth trying to change the renewal dates so you don't find they expire while you are away.


Also if you are on any medication try to get sufficient supplies to last the whole time you are away.


I am sure you proberbly already know these things but its always worth repeating.


We hope to be on the Costa Del Sol for Christmas, so you never know we may meet on the way.



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Not from personal experience, but gleaned from others. 

Spanish weather can, at times, be extremely violent.  Certain areas are prone to very strong winds that blow up quite suddenly.  It is unwise to leave wind out awnings, even with the proverbial "safari room", erected.  I have spoken to more than one person whose awnings have been damaged in this way.  Insurance does not always pay out under these circumstances, check your policy carefully.  Also, seek out others who know the area well for general weather advice on arrival.

Second, there are, from time to time, severe hail storms with stones large enough to inflict considerable damage on motorhome roofs, or any other part exposed, and which can also wreck awnings with the sheer weight of accumulated ice.  I guess the key is making sure you keep a close eye on weather forecasts, and then watching what others do.  One motorhomer we met, whose van had been badly dented by hail, said he saw others re-siting their vans under trees, as he later realised for an extra bit of shelter, but no-one warned him the storm was forecast. 

It may be Spain, but it is, after all, still winter in the northern hemisphere.

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We are leaving mid November somewhat later than we had originally hoped. The plan was to go through France but now we are going to by pass France on the way down by taking the ferry to Santander. This will allow us to go straight down through Spain on the motorway and get south in the quickest time. There are some campsites on the way to allow stops. We will be spending a few weeks along the costa del sol which we know well and four weeks over Christmas at Conil de la Fronterra. Our return will be up through Portugal , northern Spain and then enjoy early spring in France to return via Roscoff. Can`t wait. Comments about the weather can be misleading. Best way is to go and find out.


Roy Fuller

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I have not personally experienced the Spanish Hailstones in the 10 or so years we have wintered in Spain . I have had to use snow chains crossing the Pyrenesse in January , and this last January was the coldest I have experienced driving down through France to Spain, we never really left the snow till Granada, I have swam in the sea Christmas Day and New Years day at Benicassim after street parties on the Camp site ,It is a tradition to swim in the sea on these days if staying on Camping Azahar, and great fun is had by all, In general I would say winters in Spain are getting colder ,but still better than winters here in England and much more enjoyable. :-o :-o
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thanks folks,

I would like to ask Porky how he came across the campsites which are open all year. During last summer we found our literature from the Caravan Club and two other guides were very sparse on information about sites in inland Spain. We always found what we wanted but it was usually from information supplied by other Brits who we met on sites etc.

I think my favourites were Grenada and Palencia because they were in mountain ranges and although it was very hot during the day, the temperature dropped at night and you could sleep. The architecture in Grenada was just stunning.

Fond memories.



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:'( Yes. As others have pointed out, it is NOT always warm and sunny in Spain. They have severe Thunderstorms at times and also the Gota Fria. I MUST admit that in my view, last winter was the coldest I can remember since 1995. Then again. We came home at the beginning of November and it WAS colder in the UK. It IS for the majority of the time better than the UK. One thing I usually qoute about Spain:-



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Porky - 2009-08-24 12:07 PM


We are leaving mid November somewhat later than we had originally hoped. The plan was to go through France but now we are going to by pass France on the way down by taking the ferry to Santander. This will allow us to go straight down through Spain on the motorway and get south in the quickest time.


We do Torbay to Valencia in four days, without going faster than 60mph or using toll roads.


We have done it in Dec/Jan, and and go via Biarritz, to avoid the Pyranees.

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Hi, Derek,


Sounds a good route to me, four or five days, no payage, travel at 60 and no Pyrenesse. Although did stop in Lumbier in the Basque region in the summer and the people and the place were wonderful, I suppose we might look at that in the Spring.

Could you suggest your route?



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Geoff Tuckley - 2009-08-23 12:15 PM


Thanks johnsandywhite feel a bit better about it. You will appreciate that it is so easy in the summer months but this will be our first winter and only having had a motorhome for just over a year it all seems a bit daunting.

Once again thanks for the input.


PS The last time we were in Mojacar the police were moving all motorhomes off the beach and roads and telling them to go on one of the sites. Apparently someone had been emptying chemical loo into the sea even though there is a toilet block they could have used. There is always someone to spoil things.




The authorities allow you to stay on the beach at Mojacar from 8.00am to 8.00pm. If you wish you can move down the beach a few miles where loads of people free camp. We will be away again this winter when we free camp all the time through Spain and Portugal with very occasional visits to sites to meet up with folks we know.

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Hi Geoff


Thanks for your reply to my post. We are going to Spain in November. It will be our first time in Spain/abroad with a motorhome (we only bought it last month) so we would not be much use to you. However I am researching some quiet sites and can let you know what I come up with if you want? Current plan is Bilbao to Murcia via Madrid and Valencia. We have two weeks....sounds like you have a bit longer!


I will be retiring in 3 years or so (if the Missus lets me) and hope to spend the winter months somewhere a bit warmer than here (we live in Cumbria) so we would love to hear how you get on.



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I have just been looking at Caravan Club winter touring and rallies brochure on line and have sent for a copy. If you are a club member , it might be worth looking at as first impression seems favourable. Not sure how costs stack up versus diy job, but could be easy way of finding travelling friends. Might even try it myself, and if so would also appreciate experienced co traveller.




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