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X250 Glove Box Failure


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Hi all Fiat and variants on the X250 chassis.


If you dident have enough to worry about, I have recently noticed that my Main large Glove(drop down centre unit) is starting to fall apert.


There is a plastic rail holding the unit from falling onto the floor it is attached via 3 srews and a plastic material with (rivets) to the back of the consol(I presume to stop things slipping down the back as well as giving opening flexibility to the gloove box)


Anyway, go and have a look at yours and especially for most 2007 models and quite a few 2008 models(I've looked at around 10 so far and all have this creeping failure in the plastic), you will see the plastic from each side splitting along the rail.

I expect this to break in the coming year, now that my motorhome is out of warranty. Even if you get a replacement I doubt you will be able to re-revit the plastic cloth back into place.


Any suggestions anybody. :-(

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