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Why we chose France for the Bank Holiday!


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We had decided to do most of our travelling in the MH this year in the UK BUT.....


As it is a bank holiday weekend as well as my husband's birthday this week we thought we would try and get a place on a site for Saturday and Sunday evenings as we both still work 5 days a week - fat chance *-)


Each one we checked out insisted we book 3 nights at bank holiday weekends although we couldn't reach any of our choices before dark on Friday! Every single site called was fully booked anyway. After the last call I telephoned Eurotunnel to check availability for Friday night and returning on Monday morning. What a different story. They checked times wanted and yes they were available so, without hesitation, we purchased 10 new frequent traveller tickets - £390. Next stop, go online and booked travel times, paying the extra £9 each way for travelling in a Campervan. Job done. ;-)


We now know we can get to France by late eveing, probably stopping at an Aire or the supermarket car park at St Martin Bologne, then move on to Le Touquet Aire or a camp site - no problem ever found booking in on mainland Europe to date.


I know camping is more popular than ever in the UK this year - ? up by 50%? but it is soooo restrictive here. Our experiment failed and I am sure we will get to know the rest of Europe better in the future. B-)

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Welcome to the club. England is too regimental for me , I like the freedom to roam and stay where I like as long as I respect my surroundings. France is geared up for Motorhomes, most villages and towns alike providing facillities for a stopover. I then repay in kind by spending in their shops and restaurants. Try parking in most touristy towns in England and see what happens, you can`t park here, stop over night you must be joking. it seems loacl councils prefer their carparks empty at night or they think we are all itinerants. (Its a shame really because if they charged a small overnight fee they could actually add to their coffers).


I collect tesco vouchers and exchange them for 4 times their value with eurotunnel, it is costing me £13 to cross in september.(Food for thought.)


Enjoy your trip

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Jenny, We would not think of spending our time in the van in the UK; agree why pay through the nose, have to book months ahead, be told where to pitch and then to top it all watch the rain come down! You might like to try the aire at Le Portel, its a nice old fashioned resort town; the aire is free (well for this year) and if you are really lucky you might get free electric! We are here now, sat in main square under blue skys and into free wifi! Heading back now to start evening meal, using said electricity, after first having relaxing glass of wine. Lunch out at local cafe tomorrow, dish of day 5€. Hey not a bad life


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France for me also :-D


It is such a nightmare trying to book a site for 1 or 2 nights (I like to stop enroute to the shuttle).


Can't wait to get back to France, UK kills off the Freedom Spirit!


Wouldn't mind paying to stop in a village car park in UK and it would add to the councils coffers, so short sighted the jobs worths in our country.

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STOP STOP you are making me jealous, I've got to spend this weekend through until Wednesday on a commercial site in the UK. My wife arranged it she wants to go with her sister & sister's daughter who are occasional tent campers.


It breaks all my rules never camp in UK on Bank holidays, Never use UK commercial site apart from Forestry Commission ones.

I've just found out today she has booked a mains pitch I never pay for electricity unless I have too or wife wants to wash her hair.


Have a nice time.






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Thanks to one and all - we knew we weren't the only ones. ;-)


Thank you for all your comments and tips - we will certainly be looking for the Aire suggested by Robert and Jean at Le Portel. "Looking at blue skies" sounds good - I have just come in and it is blowing a hooley, raining and cold to boot (for this time of the year) it feels as if "Summer" is over. :-(


Oh well, 2 days work, pack the van (a little only as we will still shop, despite the practically 1euro for £1 exchange rate!!!) and then "Bonjour France"


B-) B-)

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Catinou (and every one else)

Yuor 1 Euro to £1 seems very low. I use the Crown Currency site at present 1.17 to 1.18 depending how soon you need your Euro's. You do not even need to exchange lots of money, I changed £600 but the minimum is much less. Just ring them to get a quote, when you order it freezes the rate at that point in time. So if it goes down (or up of course) then it matters not to you.


Hope this helps Mike






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Thank you Mike - that is a very interesting site for future use. Unfortunately this time it was a bit last minute. We will definitely use them in future though if the exchange rate stays so abysmal (we actually got 1.0825 exchange this week but that meant 325 euros cost £300-23 ) :-S


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Pay through the nose? Book months ahead? I do travel in Europe on occasions but most of my camping is in UK and I do none of these things. How, you ask? By camping with the Motor Caravan Section of the Camping and Caravanning Club at weekend Meets or at Club Temporary Holiday Sites. I have never paid more than £11.00 a night (and that included electricity) and made many friends. Why not give it a try?


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Guest JudgeMental

This is what we normally do for a long weekend as well. but oft to Shropshire and onto wales for a family house warming......


Gravelines is a good stop near Calais, less busy then Le touquet and better value eateries as well. St Valery sur somme has a nice Aire and is a lovely little town plus le Crotoy across the bay. all good areas for cycling


as Lenny said you need a nationwide card for cash withdrawals at ATM's all over Europe. commercial rate not tourist rate so you will be getting 1.16 -1.17 at the moment

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