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Replacing Light Fittings


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Is it easy to replace light fittings?


We have just purchased a Hymer with bunks and each bunk has a very nice directional glass spotlight. However as the bunk will be occupied by our very inquisitive, sometimes unintentionally, destructive son, we are looking at replacing this spotlight for something that is more flush to the furniture.


Is it easy to change such fittings? Could anybody give us any pointers?


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I would have thought that the spot lights used in houses flush to the ceiling, would do, as they come in 12v. We have spots in our house, in kitchen , bathrooms etc, they look the same as the ones in the MH. Look in Homebase, BQ, etc

Just a sugestion, maybe someone technical will tell you diffrent, being a female, what do I know??


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How easy it would be to replace your present glass spotlight with a more flush light-unit will depend on your Hymer's bunk construction/design and your own DIY aptitude. (With technical inquiries, it's always helpful if the make/model/age of motorhome is quoted just in case another forum member has one and will be able to advise from first-hand experience.)


I'm not sure your question is really answerable - the task is something I would first assess as to its practicability and (assuming there were no insurmountable problems) have absolutely no qualms over doing. Conversely, it's something my wife (with different but no less skilful talents than mine) would not consider attempting.


As PJay suggests, you could use 'domestic' 12V light-units, but these tend not to be switched and you might well have to purchase a 230V-12V transformer as part of the package.


It's possibly a better plan to obtain switched light-units designed particularly for leisure-vehicle use. CAK Tanks (www.caktanks.com) markets a wide range of such units including some with LED bulbs. The latter might be advantageous for bunk lighting as LED bulbs do not get hot. On the other hand, a hot bulb might encourage your lad to be a mite less inquisitive in future! ;-)

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forest-gump - 2009-08-27 8:47 PM Is it easy to replace light fittings? We have just purchased a Hymer with bunks and each bunk has a very nice directional glass spotlight. However as the bunk will be occupied by our very inquisitive, sometimes unintentionally, destructive son, we are looking at replacing this spotlight for something that is more flush to the furniture. Is it easy to change such fittings? Could anybody give us any pointers?

Forest Gump

Have a list of light fittings and their Hymer catalogue numbers which you can then order directly from Hymer.

It's a PDF file but too large to go on this site.

If you send me an e-mail to my address, rather than using the PM on the forum, I'll gladly forward you a copy.

Have done this for 1 or 2 other users already.



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Forest Gump

Re secure light for our very inquisitive, sometimes unintentionally, destructive sons bunk try B & Q look on line at this this is listed as a marine deck light ( if you look at the box ) if he has not got a pozidrive screwdirver you will be OK ?


(Ring Carolina Select A Light Deck Light 79825 Silver Painted Effect 20w )



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Hi Thai


The e-mail option is not working on my computer.


I get to the e-mail send page, but cannot send. I therefore have your addy and I will have to e-mail you from my hotmail if this is ok.


I will probably go down the more reasonable price route at this stage with his bunk, but the list will be handy in case my son gets hold of any other lights hanging around the van, as I do not want to change them all. He is still very young, but has to learn what he can play with and what he can't, but I realise accidents may happen.


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forest-gump - 2009-08-28 7:09 PM Hi Thai The e-mail option is not working on my computer. I get to the e-mail send page, but cannot send. I therefore have your addy and I will have to e-mail you from my hotmail if this is ok. I will probably go down the more reasonable price route at this stage with his bunk, but the list will be handy in case my son gets hold of any other lights hanging around the van, as I do not want to change them all. He is still very young, but has to learn what he can play with and what he can't, but I realise accidents may happen.


As they say - no worries, just let me know your e-mail address & I will forward them on.

I know how hot certain bulbs can be in the van!!, Whilst it was on,I touched the spot light on the drop down cab bed once. It left a nasty blister.

No peeps I did not do it on purpose.



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