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Roll out canopy awning charges on sites.

Bob Elswood

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How nice to read posts from people who don't have an inbuilt antipathy to their own country.

I'd like to apologise for my earlier comment about men with tattoos. I do realise that there are many very nice and decent men who have tattoos and that not all of them are some kind of yob. It's just that those that I've seen being drunk and disorderly always seem to have drawings on their arms and necks. Nevertheless it was wrong of me to tar everyone with the same brush.

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RupertGS - 2009-08-31 7:23 PM

How nice to read posts from people who don't have an inbuilt antipathy to their own country.

I'd like to apologise for my earlier comment about men with tattoos. I do realise that there are many very nice and decent men who have tattoos and that not all of them are some kind of yob. It's just that those that I've seen being drunk and disorderly always seem to have drawings on their arms and necks. Nevertheless it was wrong of me to tar everyone with the same brush.

Ah !!Perhaps I didn't read the 'small print' on the booking conditions form.Maybe if there were no tattoos present on your body then you were exempt the 'roll out canopy' charges !!!
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2 years ago we stayed at a Dutch owned site in the centre of france and it was over £20 then, there were also others that were £30. that we checked but not stayed.


The cheapest cafe type food on site was good but the Castle restaurant food was rubbish. I have the details in my log book if interested but at the moment its dark outside.

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I wonder if the 'CC' sites that were charging for roll-out awnings were actually afficliiated/managed etc type sites, and not the fully CC owned one? That would explain why a charge was made for 'extras'. The CC owned sites do not charge for awnings etc, only for extra for 'super pitches' etc.


I object strongly to the dog charges - why do they do it? What does my dog use on the sites to make it reasonable to expect them to pay ... not fair to take their dog biscuit pocket money fund! This is done more, I believe, as a deterrent to try to stop people with dogs using their sites - the most I've seen charged for each dog is £3.00 a night ... needless to say we didn't stop there! 8-) And why isn't there a cat charge, or any other type of pet charge for that matter? :-S This is discrimination!!!!


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Mel B - 2009-09-02 7:02 PM


I wonder if the 'CC' sites that were charging for roll-out awnings were actually afficliiated/managed etc type sites, and not the fully CC owned one? That would explain why a charge was made for 'extras'. The CC owned sites do not charge for awnings etc, only for extra for 'super pitches' etc.


I object strongly to the dog charges - why do they do it? What does my dog use on the sites to make it reasonable to expect them to pay ... not fair to take their dog biscuit pocket money fund! This is done more, I believe, as a deterrent to try to stop people with dogs using their sites - the most I've seen charged for each dog is £3.00 a night ... needless to say we didn't stop there! 8-) And why isn't there a cat charge, or any other type of pet charge for that matter? :-S This is discrimination!!!!



Strange as may seem Mel B the site to which I am referring with regards to canopy charges actually did NOT make a charge for dogs !!!!


I do agree though that a lot of sites charge for dogs and don't even provide a dog area or bins to put any waste in !!

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what an action packed thread,


didn't say we were charged for awning, only that we had hassle from wardens, who clearly preferred caravanners to motorhomers


no-one should pay full price for Delftse Hout, use camping cheques


we usually use Municipal Sites wherever we can find them, there are downsides, but then there's a downside to everything if you try hard enough, if you are that way inclined


beauty of motorhoming is that if the downsides are threatening to take over - move on -


we do! and try to avoid the many sad people and seek out the happy ones, usually we succeed - smile at passers by - most will smile back - but there's always the exception -

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