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Remi roof light

deryck the decorator

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we have recently bought a autotrail delaware 1st time of using this Wkend driving along A1 gust of wind blew the rear remi roof light nearly off a bit came off and cracked a car windscreen behind luckily no one hurt hell of a shock . phoned the dealer who said we must have had the window open explained we only had the van 3 wks and it had been in storage all that time, great disbelief at this by dealer the van had obviously not been checked fully before handover ? My question is has anyone had similar problems and is there a problem with these the heiki ones seemed much better .
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Hi Deryck and welcome to the forums. It would be very difficult for a Remis rooflight to get blown off if it was fully closed as there are two locking bars that locate into the cover when it is fully wound down. After the rooflight has touched the base you need to wind the handle a couple more turns to engage them. Sorry to say it but on the face of it I'm inclined to agree with the dealer and suggest that it was perhaps not fully wound down to the point where these locking bars were fully engaged.



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We had a similar incident on our French supplied Challenger, Rang Remi in Germany who informed that there was a batch problem and sent me a replacement. (Well 3 actually as two were broken on arrival!!)


Now when we close it we push at the two corners to make sure it is locked down. When you close a Remi the panel appears to be closed but you need to give 3 / 4 turns and almost feels as if you are forcing it.


We saw a Belgian a couple of months ago in SW France with a similar Challenger and plastic sheeting over his broken Remi.

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Our Autotrail Cheyenne had the same problem, but ours didn't blow off, just flap a bit!. The gearing in the roof light was faulty. When I reported it to the dealer they said Autotrail knew all about it and were in the process of talking to Remis about the fault. The rooflight gearing was replaced without charge, for the newer version, and the problem has been solved. Chances are it wasn't your fault and you need to make sure the dealers fit the newest parts from Remis.


I have spoken to Autotrail who told me that they have made it plain to Remis that this is not acceptable and if there are problems in the future they will take steps to change their supplier to Heki, which is what all the other makes in the Trigano Group have done.

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