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30 mbar regulator specified.


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I'm wading through the mountain of paperwork the French have thrown at me before they will change over the registration doc to their version.

One of the obstacles they have put up is via a recent gas and electric check at the Bureau Veritas (€250!), the guy wants me to buy an up-to-date gas bottle hose (done), and fit a 30 millibar regulator. I cannot find one anywhere over here. My local gas shop couldnt understand it, they said normally it's 28 for butane, 37 for propane.

Does anyone know where I can get a 30 mbar regulator - preferably in France :-(

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There should be no problem whatsoever obtaining a 'fixed' bulkhead-mounted 30mbar regulator in France - motorhome/caravan dealerships are likely to have them in stock and all leisure-vehicle accessory catalogues include them.


You can obtain 28mbar(butane) or 37mbar(propane) 'on-bottle' regulators from most French hardware stores and supermarkets, but I believe such regulators cannot legally be fitted to French-registered leisure vehicles. A 30mbar regulator is specifically intended for use on leisure vehicles (eg. motorhomes and caravans), rather than for 'domestic' applications, so it's no real surprise that your "local gas shop" was puzzled.


30mbar on-bottle regulators also exist: they aren't uncommon on German-built motorhomes and one was originally fitted to my 2005 Hobby. But (because of the French on-bottle regulator restriction for leisure vehicles) you won't find these in France.


You should also be able to obtain fixed bulkhead-mounted 28mbar or 37mbar regulators, but, as your motorhome is a Hymer and all its gas appliances are likely to be designed for a 30mbar gas pressure, it would make better sense to fit the 30mbar regulator as you've been advised to do.

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