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campsite extra charges


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Were charged €3 per day per person...for my mum and dad to visit us on site 8-)


On the same site it was €0.80 per shower, and €2.50 to fill/empty your van water if you stayed less than 2 nights 8-)


And for the poor tenters, they were also charged extra for use of a hotplate, and they couldnt wash clothes in a sink, and as the sign said 'you must use the washing machine', so thats another €4 (lol)


And for all the men, you were not allowed to pee in the toilet standing up! as thats what the urinals are for

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Nice views from the site. Well placed. Well maintained toilets. Owner was very rude as well (Might have been because we were british......coupled with me not being happy about paying €6 per day for my mum and dad to visit us)


Forgot to add that leccy is also charged per kW.


If it wasnt for the fact we got my parents a hotel next to the campsite, we would have left there and then. She came over to me asking how many poeple we booked in with, and i wasnt happy about being accussed of trying to pull a fast one, closely followed by not being happy about paying €6.


This charge wasnt in the printed price list, or on website, but was on a list at the check in desk.


The no peeing standing up in the toilets was a cracker (lol)

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something about Austria

beautiful country - but unfortunately it's full of Austrians, strange people, most other nationalities seem to have the same view, I'm sure there must be some nice ones somewhere, but not only have I not met one [ which admittedly is a minute sample ] I've never met anyone else who has either.

Still not statistically sound - but .. .. .. ..

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Well I don't stay at campings, so maybe not relevant, but I have always found the Germans & Austrians I have met to be helpful & engaging (just did 6 weeks, mostly in Germany, with a a few days spent in CZ,Austria, Italy, B, & NL (trip log : http://travel.jeffersoncampervan.com/2009page1.htm ) .


I do speak enough Deutsch to get by; maybe that breaks the ice (?).

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I must admit we did find the Germans very friendly on the aires we stayed at, no problems at all.


One thing that I did notice though is the number of them that do nothing all day ... they just sit outside their 'vans in the sunshine, watching things in the distance using binoculars and stuffing themselves silly. We saw this many a time and the size of some people ... I don't know how they got in and out of their motorhome doors ... I thought Americans were big but some of the Germans were absolutely ginormous!!


In the towns there were cafes in most food type shops with tables and chairs everywhere and there were some extremely large people stuffing themselves silly with massive cakes, plates of grub etc, and this was throughout the day ... do they just 'graze' all day???

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Its not only in Austria do you get charged for daring to have day visitors. Down here in Devon & Cornwall a few sites charge also. The only answer I have is not to frequent their site again. As a rally co-ordinator for a camping group I make sure the site owners know what business I am taking away from them!
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duffers - 2009-09-07 3:54 PM


something about Austria

beautiful country - but unfortunately it's full of Austrians, strange people, most other nationalities seem to have the same view, I'm sure there must be some nice ones somewhere, but not only have I not met one [ which admittedly is a minute sample ] I've never met anyone else who has either.

Still not statistically sound - but .. .. .. ..

Do you speak the language or even try? or are you like most arrogant brit's and expect the rest of the world to speak english. My wife happens to be half Austrian and has relations all over the country who are all very polite. Much more so than the slovenly drunken examples of England that seem to cause trouble where ever they go these days. The Austrians are very proud of their country and it is spotlesly clean everywhere you go and the quality of the food and hostitality to die for. You can tell how honest they are by the fact that you don't pay for your food and drink until you are ready to go and you then tell the Fraulein what you have had. Try doing that here and you would go broke in a week, when half the customers did a runner without paying.

So before you make such ignorant remarks about a nationality in the future you would do well to know what you are talking about. >:-)

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so, is that rant over Peter.

do you always jump to the most negative and aggressive conclusion or are you just having a bad day.

I admitted that I have not met many Austrians, also that statistically speaking - the opinion I expressed was on dodgy ground.

I do dislike generalisations,

just as much as I dislike drunken arrogant hordes who invade other countries and cultures and seek to ride roughshod over their hosts.

I particular despise people who cannot be bothered to learn to say even the most basic elements and courtesies of everyday life in the language of the country visited.

Just as I pity people who seem to be incapable of an amicable exchange of ideas.

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handyman - 2009-09-14 8:01 AM My wife speaks perfect French to every Austrian she meets, and they are pretty much always grumpy with her.

How strange! Why would she speak French to them? Austrians speak normal German but with an accent similar to Bavarians. I suspect that more Austrians speak English than French so, if your wife is English, I'm not sure why she's bothering speaking French in Austria.

Incidentally, I did business with Austrians for many years and found them no different from any other nationality.

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handyman - 2009-09-14 8:47 AM it was a joke *-)

How were we to know? The state of people's knowledge of geography is pretty dreadful these days. I notice that you can use a smiley to express dismay or dissatisfaction, so why not try using one when you're trying to be humorous but where it's not obvious?

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handyman - 2009-09-14 10:44 AM She speaks French to them all the time.....they are always grumpy to her. Kind of thought it was obvious. Mabye not then

Sorry Handyman, you lost me on that one.

I have never had any problems with Austrians or Germans when visiting their countries, always helpful, polite and courteous to us. They have very little crime that we know of, the police are very strict and we have always felt safe there, unlike some of the more popular places that we motor-homers go to. 

Like Peter said, the country is spotlessly clean and the roads are far better than ours.

We have been going there for the past 16/17 years on and off and hope to continue doing so. :-)


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handyman - 2009-09-14 6:20 PM I find them polite etc (apart from the woman in the campsite that the post was originally about) As for my joke...........sorry your lost with it, please ignore it please


I think anywhere you go there will be a bad campsite and a bad site owner, but 99% of them are usually pretty decent, but it can daunting with the other 1%.

It seems you got one of the 1%, which is hard luck. :-(


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handyman - 2009-09-14 7:20 PM I know.........now what about the ban on peeing standing up (lol)

Ha well..!!!

Shes a women, and they don't understand do they that sitting down is not practical because the end gets wet and cold when touching the pot doesn't it and not to mention the fact that you cant miss the pot when sat down not like you can standing up.

My wife is always complaining, she says "you have peed on the floor again"

I said "well you cant miss can you, what do you think Iam, a bloody sniper"  *-)


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I like to play a game with any nationalities (British included) that appear grumpy or unhelpful, it's called "getting them to smile", it normally eventually works, makes everyone feel better and gives me a little light entertainment!!! :-D

One trick we learnt is always use flattery - it baffles brains and gets you everywhere - at customs recently the Douane officers commented on our "grande camping car", "es-ce qu'il un marque Anglais?"they asked to which we replied "oui, mais le motor est peugeot - Francais, tres bon", at which moment our passports were handed back unopened and we sailed through with our copious amounts of vino!!!

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duffers - 2009-09-13 11:05 PM


so, is that rant over Peter.

do you always jump to the most negative and aggressive conclusion or are you just having a bad day.

I admitted that I have not met many Austrians, also that statistically speaking - the opinion I expressed was on dodgy ground.

I do dislike generalisations,

just as much as I dislike drunken arrogant hordes who invade other countries and cultures and seek to ride roughshod over their hosts.

I particular despise people who cannot be bothered to learn to say even the most basic elements and courtesies of everyday life in the language of the country visited.

Just as I pity people who seem to be incapable of an amicable exchange of ideas.

You made an ill informed attack on my wifes families native countryfolk and you don't expect a response? I think not. I would prefer austrians to most of the people in this god forsaken country we inhabit.
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