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peter - 2009-09-14 10:53 PM


duffers - 2009-09-13 11:05 PM


so, is that rant over Peter.

do you always jump to the most negative and aggressive conclusion or are you just having a bad day.

I admitted that I have not met many Austrians, also that statistically speaking - the opinion I expressed was on dodgy ground.

I do dislike generalisations,

just as much as I dislike drunken arrogant hordes who invade other countries and cultures and seek to ride roughshod over their hosts.

I particular despise people who cannot be bothered to learn to say even the most basic elements and courtesies of everyday life in the language of the country visited.

Just as I pity people who seem to be incapable of an amicable exchange of ideas.

You made an ill informed attack on my wifes families native countryfolk and you don't expect a response? I think not. I would prefer austrians to most of the people in this god forsaken country we inhabit.


I have to respond to that with a question If you like the Austrians so much and you think that you live in a God forsaken country why don't you move there?

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4petedaniel - I have to respond to that with a question If you like the Austrians so much and you think that you live in a God forsaken country why don't you move there?

What a ridiculous simplification of a debate! I hate a lot about the U.K.: the awful weather, our membership of the E.U., the increasing 'Chav culture' that pervades and blights our towns and the ludicrously soft treatment of criminals whilst crime spirals and criminals, in their desperate search for drugs, grow even more horrific and violent.

I would love to live in Small-Town-America or Australia but, like Peter and most other people I have ties to this country that are stronger than my dislike of some of it.

I have business interests, a home, family, friends and other responsibilities, all of which mean that it's simpler for me to stay here and put up with things.

In case anyone thinks that it's all negative, there are aspects of Britain that I also like: our tolerance, our willingness to welcome the genuinely oppressed and our history and culture and, of course, my roots are here, which is hugely important.

None of the above however means that I, or Peter, cannot express the view that some aspects of another nation are superior to ours - but we may not want to live there for the good reasons that I've given.

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RupertGS - 2009-09-15 10:26 AM


None of the above however means that I, or Peter, cannot express the view that some aspects of another nation are superior to ours - but we may not want to live there for the good reasons that I've given.


Town clock springs to mind............

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handyman - 2009-09-15 10:48 AM
RupertGS - 2009-09-15 10:26 AM None of the above however means that I, or Peter, cannot express the view that some aspects of another nation are superior to ours - but we may not want to live there for the good reasons that I've given.

Town clock springs to mind............

Another strange and seemingly pointless interjection from the rather odd mind of Handyman!

What does it all mean I ask myself?

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handyman - 2009-09-15 11:59 AM it means you are fine to say negative things about Britain, but everyone else isnt fine to say anything negative about the Austrians. It appears a bit two faced to me A town clock has more than one face, so do I need to explain this one to you ?

Are we reading the same posts? I thought it obvious that my post was entirely about the proposition that, if someone doesn't like certain aspects of Britain, then they should leave and go to another country that they do like. I simply tried to point out why that is not a reasonable proposition.

That was all I was saying and nothing else and I used my own view of the U.K. to illustrate my point.

Now, please show me anywhere where I said that people cannot criticise any country, I never mentioned anything of the sort and never would.

As for your very flawed town hall clock analogy, why do you assume that all town halls have more than one clock? Mine has just one on the front of the building, which I'm sure is the case with many others.

Once again you rush into print with a rather silly and not well-thought-out statement, which you perhaps think makes you look clever, but shows just the opposite.

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handyman - 2009-09-15 12:37 PM I'm sure some others have heard of the 'you have more faces than the town clock' saying *-)

No, I haven't actually and just because you can see a multifaced town hall clock from the window of whatever institution you're in don't assume that we all can.

And you really do owe me an apology. You accuse me of being two-faced but I was nothing of the sort.

This is what you said:

it means you are fine to say negative things about Britain, but everyone else isnt fine to say anything negative about the Austrians.

It appears a bit two faced to me

Once again I challenge you. Show me where I said that it isn't fine to criticise Austria or any other country. Show me where I was two-faced and if you can't you should apologise to me.

The trouble with you is that sometimes your mouth (or your typing fingers) are a lot faster than your brain.

Now, before you reply again, please read the posts carefully from beginning to end so that this hole that you're digging doesn't collapse on you.

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handyman - 2009-09-15 12:59 PM it was peter who was calling britian 'god forsaken', not you (but you agreed it was ok for him to have this view), so you didnt say this. Still cant believe you havent heard that saying *-)

I assume that this is some sort of grudging apology and of course I agreed that it is OK for Peter to have his view.

I'm all in favour of everyone having their own views, aren't you? You don't have to agree with him but you must accept that he's entitled to them.

If you don't think that he's right to have this view then perhaps you'd have been happier living in Austria - from 1939 to 1945!

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4petedaniel - 2009-09-15 9:28 AM


peter - 2009-09-14 10:53 PM


duffers - 2009-09-13 11:05 PM


so, is that rant over Peter.

do you always jump to the most negative and aggressive conclusion or are you just having a bad day.

I admitted that I have not met many Austrians, also that statistically speaking - the opinion I expressed was on dodgy ground.

I do dislike generalisations,

just as much as I dislike drunken arrogant hordes who invade other countries and cultures and seek to ride roughshod over their hosts.

I particular despise people who cannot be bothered to learn to say even the most basic elements and courtesies of everyday life in the language of the country visited.

Just as I pity people who seem to be incapable of an amicable exchange of ideas.

You made an ill informed attack on my wifes families native countryfolk and you don't expect a response? I think not. I would prefer austrians to most of the people in this god forsaken country we inhabit.


I have to respond to that with a question If you like the Austrians so much and you think that you live in a God forsaken country why don't you move there?

We planned to my friend. But the greedy bankers screwed up the econony so much that we can no longer afford to. Because the Euro is so strong against the pound that the value of our pensions would be very much diminished.

By god foresaken country I really meant a lot of the the inhabitants. Why else do so many people leave it each year, it's not just for the weather.

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handyman - 2009-09-15 3:43 PM


It must be the worst thing to have happened........all your plans gone to pot, not a nice situation you are in

Not at all. Our alternative plan suits us just fine. Thanks for your concern though, it's very much appreciated.

It's time this thread was killed off as it's drifted way off the original subject and is no longer eligible to be under Motorhome Matters.

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