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Animals[the owners not the pets?]


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Trepidation..school hols and youngest grandaughter likes to go to "SkegVagas"..so of we go!

We have stopped on the site many times.40..maybe 50 years and more..so we know its limitations and the usaul problems??But we like its position and are able to put up with its "problems"[usually.

Late booking/high season so put up with £78 for 4 days..Grandaughter loves it?.

Our pitch was fine,she made friends as usual,and along with said friends took to her "Bike" and spent happy hours cruising around with those friends.

A few yards away from us was a large "grouping"/"Parents" youngsters[?] large and small.Also Two Rottweillers on short leads that where tied to their Vehicles alongside the Caravan/2nd Caravan and large awning.The dogs barked at everyone/old ladies picked up their small dogs and hurried past.The dogs barked at everyone/thing.The friends of the owners had two Alsatians.

I stopped in our van to watch Football on Telly..my Wife and Grandaughter wet to the on site "Pub".My wife was approached by the "Large" owner of the Rotweillers who said that we should stop our grandaughter riding her "Bike"cos it upset the Guard Dogs/and he could not be responsible for her safety if the dogs "slipped" their lead.I complained to the site office who sent a young woman to see the person involved..he point blank refused to muzzle his "guard dogs"That Evening my Wife/Self and Grandaughter came back to the "Van".I went to the Toilets/they carried on to the "van".He followed my wife and grandaughter to the van door with his dogs frightening them.

and waited for me.As I approached he loomed out of the dark approaching me with large dog on lead and allowed the dog to leap within [literally]inches of me..asking if "Ihad a problem"I told him I had.."small man ..big dog"His watching friends laughed he got angry and spent the the next few hours drinking/shouting abuse/till 2am

Now I know what I should have done/it was a Holiday?

Now I know it is not the dogs fault.[ many owners dont deserve to have dogs/cats..there should be a test???and a fee to own?

I hope you can see that in future when I book a site I will stipulate/nay insist that they dont accept "animals"

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rotten luck, ime animal owners often much worse than their animals, should have to pass a test before you can have one I think - lot of selfish /self-absorbed people about in all walks of life, totally ignore anyone elses rights and existence. Better luck next time!


ps - probably a stupid question but couldn't the site have contacted the police?

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I had a problem with an unruly dog and owner the dog kept trying to get into my motorhome and when I spoke to the owner about it he just said whats your problem don't you like dogs to which I replied .I tried it once when I was in Vietnam and found it quite tasty and would like to try it again sometime , we never had anymore trouble from them both.
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The trouble with so many dog owners is that they seem to think that everybody likes dogs.

Earlier this year it seemed that a dog owner on our site would 'pop over' for a chat whenever we were about, and bring his two nasty little yappy terriers with him. HE thought they were great - and really amusing.


It took a bit of planning to avoid him.




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Dogs and kids and their owners are often a problem on commercial sites, as can be groups of youngsters, and particularly on large sites in popular holiday zones where they are difficult to police - always assuming the owners give a toss - but these problems seldom occur on CC or CCC sites - although CLs and CSs can be noisy at times if you are unlucky.
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Aahh! so it was you winding up my "guard dogs" and intimating that I had a small willy was it?. I'll be keeping an eye out for you next time your down Skegness way.





























Only joking your welcome to my soon to be abode. :D :D (lol) (lol)

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I bet we've all experienced similar problems at one time or another. The inconsiderate behaviour of others can be a real pain.

I can echo others' comments re "Club" sites being less prone, which is why we joined both CC and C&CC years ago and seek to use their sites wherever poss. Never really had a problem on any of their sites I think.

One doggy tale (tail?) - neighbours a few pitches away from us had a very large and imposing wolf-like dog with pale markings. Quiet dog, well controlled, tethered, no prob.

I only went for a late evening stroll in the gloaming, as they say, and this critter suddenly loomed out of the night right in front of me, eyes seemingly level with mine and its pale fur glowing Baskerville-like in the starlight. Expletive Deleted! Longer tether than I'd thought. It growled. I quietly retreated, to the loo block.

Anyway, you have my sympathy re inconsiderate campers.

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From a noise point of view, we find its the small dogs that get away with barking all the time. They especially like barking at our 2 big greyhounds, and in Austria, the site owner presumed it was our dogs making the noise :-(


I soon corrected him.


Theres nothing worse than a dog barking all the time on a campsite >:-(

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Perhaps the moral of this story is that if you want to remove the risk you avoid the risk. That said you can not avoid people on camp sites. They are the cause of the problems and confrontation is not necessarily a wise thing to do. If another pitch can not be found then unfortunately you only have two choices. I do not believe that walking away from a problem such as this after all else fails is in any way defeatest. Life is too short. I live in the middle of a city and enjoy all the benefits of convenience. We also have to be selective in where we go late at night. Is that cowerdice or common sense?


Roy Fuller



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I have a labrador and have taken her on many sites and on the THS ones advertised in the camping mag. She has behaved herself well and we have made sure she does not bother any other people. A few bad mannered people like the one mentioned spoil it for us owners who are responsible please dont tar us all with the same brush.
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I have 2 dogs, had many of them over the years, and we do our best to make sure they dont' bother anyone.


I would have had no hesitation in calling the Police myself and reporting the 'idiot', they would definitely have taken a very strong line with him and warned him as to his conduct.

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Without wishing to sound like a grumpy old man BUT I have heard of many stories where the police are so stretched, especially during anti social hours that they do not, or can not, respond to a complaint of anti social behaviour on private property if it is away from the general public. One can understand that with limited recources they have to prioritise and loud mouthed and inconsiderate idiots who make life uncomfortable are well down the list. Unless they are actually violent the police will not attend.

Sad as it is unless you want to provoke a violent response there is only one sure way to remove the irritation and that is to move.


Roy Fuller

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Porky, in the normal way of things, you're probably right, but just mention that a dog is involved and they won't take the risk ... they'd soon be round to sort out the idiot and read him the riot act especially in relation to his responsibilities regarding the dog.


From what was said he had already 'admitted' that there was a possible problem with his dog ... that's all the Police would need to know.

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I would like more people who have been threatened by dogs to report incidents to the police. If enough do, the police might feel they have to take action, which, in my experience, they have always failed to do, saying they are too busy with other work.


Over the last few years I have noticed a marked increase in the number of landowners in Surrey and East and West Sussex who are using dogs, particularly the more intimidating breeds, mastifs, Rhodesian ridgebacks, rottweilers, alsatians etc but also often nutty collies and terriers, singly or in groups to prevent walkers from using public footpaths across their land. "New money" incomers seem particularly involved in such practices in this part of Surrey but many farms and small holdings are becoming more dangerous to cross. I have also noticed a significant increase in physical obstructions placed on paths and the diverting of water run off and animal movements to destroy the surface of footpaths.


Perhaps the makers of the city-style brolly which is claimed to be as solid as a baseball bat for "self defence" purposes (today's Telgraph on-line) would make a version styled more appropriately for country walks, with perhaps, a fold-out saw for sorting out the obstructions?



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i really simpathise with you on this matter, it must have been terrible comming face to face with dregs like that and having no way out. it is not by any means a dog problem i was last year down at a blissful sight on the gower overlooking the sea. this camp site had a lovely club house and i did not realise that nearly every weekend a number of male and female groups from swansea area would land hear with any sort of tent get bladdered and spend the night totally p*****g every decent family off. as you guess it was a private site and owners did not want to know. also there has been a mention of intimidating dogs that more and more owners are keeping, have you been into the center of your town on a saturday night or for many walked down your street in the evenings, thats intimidating, when you are confronted by a herd of nuckle dragging morons who are drunk and deficating in shop doorways no wonder people are getting bigger and nastier dogs. long live the cc i say where me and my little dog can go in peace and when some members go on about over zealous wardens think why this subject was written :D :D
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I agree entirely that the owners should make sure that their dogs do not bother anyone or create a noise nuisance.  If the owner does not take notice of a warning then the party should be asked to leave the site.  The same applies to parents of nuisance children such as those that decided to play football over and around my van! 

Dogs should only be off the lead when on designated dog walks and children should play on the playground.


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I have to say that I've never been frightened by any kind of dog in my life! Most dogs are fine. I have, however, been pretty scared of unruly teenagers roaming the streets at night like zombies! If dog owners are by law responsible for the behaviour of their pets, then parents should be made to take responsibility for their offspring.
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I am a dog lover and owner, however it seems that in this case the dogs were also victims in the sense as they were being used to make this 'inadequate' feel better about himself.

Most dogs can be unruly if they aren't owned by responsible owners and handlers. I do feel for you as no one should be intimidated in this way, and I personally feel that the site owner should have taken responsiblity of sorting this out.

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