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T-Mobile PAYG Dongle

duetto owner

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Not had it long but its been ok [£15 a month unlimited]. But this month only used 1.3mb and got messages of fair use policy and now on 1.4mb usage and been limited use between 4pm -midnight only use for surfing, email's and updates. not involved in downloading hundreds of music and video stuff.


just tried a "3" dongle PAYG excellent speed and you pay for a set limit but looking at the map of GB in their store coverage is poor.


anyone else getting problems with t-mobile? will they go bust if orange does not adopt them?


[vodaphone are too expensive on PAYG]

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Have had a T mobile dongle for over a year and never had any problems. Never found a place with no signal and usually full signal. Even use it to make voip calls. Don't download films but watch you tube and some TV. Never had a warning or had my signal reduced.



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Had my T-Mobile dongle on contract (£15 for 3GB/month) since February 2008. One or two places where signal wasn't 3G but they were way out in the sticks. I'll be looking to convert to PAYG when the contract ends next February.


Cell phone (on Vodafone) just died so I've replaced it with a 3G phone which I can use as a modem (USB/bluetooth) if the T-Mobile signal isn't so good. Vodafone charge 50p per day for up to 25MB which is sufficient for my needs when I'll be using it.



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malc d - 2009-09-14 12:02 AM


Oh dear.

Sounds like there is still not anything worth looking at for those who prefer to be " out in the sticks "



The situation is that mobile phone companies are in the same position as providers of other networks. Just as some properties do not have mains gas/sewerage etc., mobile phone companies, understandably, invest money in network provision where the network usage warrants the expense.


However, in the case of the mobile phone companies there is information on-line to assist decisions prior to purchase. All the providers have pages on their web sites where you can check coverage based on post code or place name.


The one for the 3 network is http://www.three.co.uk/Help_Support/Coverage

T-Mobile is http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/services/uk/broadband-check/

Vodafone is http://online.vodafone.co.uk/dispatch/Portal/appmanager/vodafone/wrp?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=template12&pageID=MB_0018

O2 is http://www.webmap.o2.co.uk/

Orange is http://web.orange.co.uk/coverage/


For anyone considering which company to go with it is worth having a look at those pages for areas visited frequently.



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Those maps are an indication, but on O2, my postcode should be 3g (in middle of a huge area of 3G) but i only get normal signal at half power. Go outside and up two houses and you get 3G.


I think the only way to decide (if its importand that its 3G in a certain area) is to borrow someone elses dongle/phone and check it

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we have vodafone dongle. The dongle costs between £29-39.99 this includes the first £15. credit, there is no time limit to use credit. We bought ours in July & have checked emails downloaded photos etc & used internet frequently & still have £13 worth of credit. All you have to do is top up again with £15. whenever necessary. The only stipulation being if you don't use it at least once in 180 days you will loose any credit left on. This is much cheaper than trying to use all credit in 1 month or paying monthly subscription. At this time vodaphone is the only PAYG to do this all others have to be topped up every month.
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As for mobile broadband dongles, you really need to get one and try it at your home, they do vary enormously - just moving them from one part of a room to another can make a huge difference in speed. But some areas are just 'no-go' for some providers unfortunately.


You need to decide what in reality is your likely usage per month, if it's very low then a Vodaphone PAYG one would be your best bet (assuming you can get it okay), but if you're likely to go over 1gb each month, then you'd be better off with a monthly contract.


Three do a £15 dongle 'monthly' contract, with 5gb limit a month, but its on a rolling single month contract so you're not tied in, it has a £9.99 one-off fee then that's it. They also do an 18 month contract for £10 a month which gives 1gb, or 18 month contract for £15 a month which gives 5gb (not sure I see the benefit of this over the 'single month' one though! What does vary is the type of dongle you get - on a monthly contract you tend to get a better one than a PAYG contract. We've just renewed and have the latest high speed dongle and because we've been with them for 18 months we only pay £7.50* a month for a 5gb usage limit (*50% reduction for continuing customers, normally £15 a month).




Other companies do similar stuff I believe.

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Thanks Mel B.

You confirmed what Orange have quoted to us.

We use McDonalds in France quite extensively for the WiFi - their coffee's not bad either, but as for the burgers, we're not quite sure whether to eat the box or the burger (probably the box!).

We have found a fantastic method of gaining the undivided attention of McDonalds staff - all you have to do is breakdown right in the entrance thereby stopping anyone else entering - they soon come out to push you out of the way, as we've experienced.

Never mind the Fiat 'judder' - how about a broken clutch pedal?!


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I can't believe how cheap the Vodafone dongle is to use I've been away all week used the dongle for about 2 hours a night for 4 nights, cost less than a pound if I had used the hotels wifi it would have been £60.

Only no no is downloading videos that will cost you.


3G did keep dropping in & out sorted by hanging the dongle over a wall light!


Using contract ones abroad is only for the very rich, I know some engineers who have to download updates sometimes when away & the dongle bills run into 1000's, e.g. download a 400 meg file depending on network will cost £600 - £1200.




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  • 4 weeks later...
alan - 2009-09-17 6:18 PM


Help please

Can you use a British dongle in France. Orange advised it would be to expensive


I use my contract Vodafone dongle occasionally in Europe when I can't get WiFi. It costs £10 per calender day for a 50mb download limit. Now this is not cheap but if there are no other options available occasional use is fine. We have returned today from a 6 week trip to France and Spain and I suppose I used it about 5 times.



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Guest JudgeMental


I bought a Blackberry Bold the other week. It costs £5 a month with orange on PAYG for blackberry service/email and internet for this as well. So with the BBM I can stay in touch and chat with the wife and send photos for nothing worldwide (this is a mixed blessing :-| )


Now its great getting email straight to my phone, and while away I will use the BBM service to keep in touch and the phones Wifi capability.....BUT I will need to turn the data of? (email etc) or I will get horrendous bills . anyone know how to do this?

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