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oh no,full at nec


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we had plans to stay at the nec campsite this year on the friday and saturday night,only to find that friday is fully booked. help, what do we do now.we can't really go any other time and we had plans to buy loads of accessories in time for our winter trip to spain. we have been to the nec once before,and as far as i can remember they have a hugh carpark.do they not allow us to park overnight here when the campsites full.surely they stand to lose a lot of business.had anybody got a solution please.
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We have previously used the CC sites at Warwick Racecourse and Chapel Lane when visiting NEC October shows. Neither is too far away and a pretty easy drive. We got there about an hour or so before the doors opened and relaxed in the van until then.



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They don't like you to stop in the 'normal' car parks, you might end up getting turfed off by the security guards in the early hours - not worth the risk. You'll probably struggle to get a pitch in a campsite or even a CL near to the NEC at this late stage.


We usually do one of two things:


1) Wild camp in a village out of the way, not causing any problems for anyone I hasten to say.


2) Stop at a CL about 15/20 miles north, ie on our way down. We then get up around 7.30 am and drive the last leg in the morning, and arrive in good time to get parked in the free car parks close to where the bus stop is. We then have breakfast, walk the dogs, get washed etc before hopping on the bus to the show, we come back at for lunch (to see dogs, plus it's quicker than queueing for food anyway and a darn sight cheaper!), then back on the bus again for the afternoon. We then have tea (and let the madding crowd of vehicles depart after the show), then tootle off back to the same place from the previous night, then home the following morning.


Even if you intend to go for 2 days, going back and forth to a CL a little distance away would still work out cheaper than staying on the expensive 'car park camp site' and you'd get a better night's sleep as I hear that the NEC site can be very noisy.


Just out of interest, what accessories are you after? A show is not necessarily the best (cheapest) place to buy them.

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Dicky, Mels' advice is spot on here. The NEC site being full has allowed you to have had a lucky escape. We have stayed overnight at the NEC campsite last year and it is noisy. There are several big generators going all night to provide the hook up power, then there are some big RVs' that have their own gennies going. Plus the road noise from the main trunk roads adjacent, the trains rattling through and the jets taking off from the airport behind the site. The floodlighting is fierce so if your blinds are not completely "black out" then your van will be light inside!


Unless you are staying for a 2nd night they move you off onto a separate car parking area anyway in the morning. The cost on the NEC site is £25.00 a night and you can get a good site nearby for that. I think Kingsbury is full now, but there are others. Even if you travel upto 20 miles into the NEC you will make a bit of a saving on the fees!



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Couldn't agree more with Tomo - we also stayed at the NEC site last year and were extremely disappointed. Thought the "entertainment" would make up for it but our days of sitting in a big tent like structure on plastic patio chairs, squashed in like sardines was not our idea of fun either. We also found the show so lacking in a lot of previous exhibitors last time that it wasn't worth the 2 day tickets anyway.


We will be going this year but only for one day, as we would rather travel home at the end of the day for a decent nights sleep. :-S

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we're not members of the clubs so won't be able to stay at there sites.rolandrat, can you tell us more about this " lincoln farm" truck stop and warwick rd,is warwick rd in warwick ? sorry,but don't know the area at all. did wonder if there were any pubs we could stop at,if we ate there !!!!!!
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mel b,i note you ask what accessories we need to buy at the nec. well, we want quite a lot........and don't really know where else to go for them,plus we thought everything under one roof would save us a lot of time and hassle. we need to buy a bike rack,( for a tandem), 2 reclining chairs,a grounsheet, windbreaks with windows, a strong table/bench set or similar,and we would like an automatic sat system....the list is endless,not sure we would have bought all this from the nec, but you can see why we want to go there.we are novices to all this and thought the nec would offer the advice and goods that we need.what do you think.
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