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Superior Beings?


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In some of the replies that I have read today there seems to be a tendancy for respondents to voice their superiority rather than to give constructive advice based on knowledge and experience.  Is it not obvious that 'old timers' will have  gained much knowledge from personal experience that is not readily available to new 'motorhomers'.

OK, so sometimes one's grammar may slip or a 'typo' get into the text un-noticed, does it really matter as long as the meaning comes across?

And if a suggestion is made that seems to be a ridiculous error, can this not be pointed out in a friendly, non-patronising manner?

Since using this site I have generally found it to be a pleasure to use, please don't let it degenerate into the sort of bad mannered, cruel place that is to be found elsewhere.


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Guest JudgeMental

If modesty be allowed to fail moi on this one occasion:-S


I fall into the category of a “superior beings” probably the only one on here........with one or two exceptions :D


Regards the sort of person who points out the slightest inadequacies in others. They dont last long...... as we have rousted many a foul mouthed bu$$er oft here in the past! *-)

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... and can I add that posts of the type:

I don't have an Acme Gizmo nor would I buy one, but .... (take a look at the "juddering" threads as examples)

Many remind me of the old joke..

"If I wanted to get to London I wouldn't start from here.."


Bottom line is that if you have nothing constuctive or relevant to add then don't feel the need to reply.

Grammer (or is that grammar?) and spelling mistakes are irrelevant (irrelivent?) if the meaning is clear.


Whoops! should take my own advice.



Spelling mistakes?


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watsoa - 2009-09-18 6:35 PM Having been the recipient of a lot of information from the 'old timers' on the site, I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments

Alan W 

Very odd! You've been the recipient of a lot of information from regulars on this forum but appear to be denigrating them. Most people would be grateful.

If members are helping you they shouldn't have to worry too much about offending the sensibilities of the sort of person who needs counselling when his or her budgerigar dies.

Oh dear, I hope that I've not hurt anyone's feelings!

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CAB - 2009-09-18 8:05 PM  Grammer (or is that grammar?) and spelling mistakes are irrelevant (irrelivent?) if the meaning is clear. Whoops! should take my own advice. Edit: Spelling mistakes? Clive

But what if the meaning is NOT clear? What if you have to read it three times, or even just twice ?

I like to help (If I can) mind you there's not many subjects where I am qualified so to do, but TBH time is something I don't have a lot of, so even if I know the answer I won't reply where there's a muddled or badly worded request. Others who have more time and like puzzzles undoubtedly will.   

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CAB - 2009-09-18 7:05 PM



Bottom line is that if you have nothing constuctive or relevant to add then don't feel the need to reply.




I agree in general with all of the above comments, however sometimes it's helpful for someone to give the thread a 'nudge' to stop it falling off the bottom of the page before someone comes up with an intelligent answer. (lol)

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Are we not all superior, then we are all equal. He who knows it all is surely superior and equal. Who cares.


Anyone who asks a question usually receives the truth in some form or other, if they dislike the answer does that makes them superior to the person answering, and who cares anyway, they have their answer and do with it how they choose.


From a superior know it all being who cares not. If it makes no sense to you it doesn't to me either, as I'm a superior, superior.


PS I haven't a clue what you're on about.

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I have not been following this forum for as long as some, but having on more than one occasion tried to drum up support for getting more local overnight parking and getting none, it amazes me that a thread like this has so much more response. Why is that?

My old gran used to say, we are all ignorant, but on different subjects.


Roy Fuller

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