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multiple internet dongles

duetto owner

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a lot of users have more than one internet mobile dongle as signals vary in different places.


now my question is providing you use only one dongle at a time, do you keep the software for various dongles installed all the time? or do they interfere.


have a t-mobile and recently bought a "3" due to the drop in signal strengh of t-mobile.

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I can't personally understand why someone would be so desparate to get on line that they'd need more than one mobile broadboand dongle .... I only use a mobile broadband dongle as we don't have a land line one so it also comes on holiday with us!


When away, I can either connect or I can't, simple as that, if I can't I'll wait until I can at another stop, if I was that desparate I'd visit a local library. Ahem ... sorry for digressing!


To answer your question - when we recently got a new dongle from '3' as we'd renewed our contract with them, when trying to get the new dongle up and running it just wouldn't have it, after a lot of time on the phone to the '3' helpline in India (free fortunately as we've got '3' phones too!), it appears it was the software for the old dongle causing conflicts. Once the old software had been completed removed* the new dongle worked and I haven't had a problem since.


Sooooooo, to get to the point, I'd personally recommend trying it with both lots of software on, but be prepared to remove the software of the one you're not using if necessary if you hit problems. Obvioulsy make sure you have the re-installation discs (if you need any) to put the software for the dongles back on again when you need to.


(* for anyone new to this - this doesn't mean you just delete the folders themselves, you have to use the 'Add/Remove Programme' facility in your PC's Control Panel)

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duetto owner - 2009-09-20 4:05 PM


a lot of users have more than one internet mobile dongle as signals vary in different places.


now my question is providing you use only one dongle at a time, do you keep the software for various dongles installed all the time? or do they interfere.


have a t-mobile and recently bought a "3" due to the drop in signal strengh of t-mobile.


You may be in for a disappointment '3' use 'T Mobile' masts for 3G in area's where there isn't a dedicated '3' 3G mast (nearly everywhere).


As Mel says you can get software conflicts with old & new software versions but should be OK with different suppliers software.



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this month t-mobile signals have been dreadful plus getting petty pop ups about usage. Once we hit 1000mb usage the monthly "unlimited use" goes to rock bottom signal.

the policy was 3000mb but seems to have changed according to the local store.


tried "3" did not know about the masks only getting one bar signal instead of the max we were promised but despite this its a good fast signal miles better than t-mobile that were fine till last week.

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I dunno why you need to take a laptop away with you unless you need it for business or watching dvds. I can access almost everything on my mobile phone that I can on the pc through the opera browser and it`s faster than a dongle. (I know because my son has one on 3) I can send and retrieve emails, ask and answer questions on all my favourite forums, read the news, go on ebay, MSN and surf the net all for a £20 a month simplicity sim which includes 600 minutes and 1000 texts and I`ve only got an old Nokia.

My husband has an o2 Orbit XDA which has a fantastic navigation system so he has a phone, good internet and GPRS navigation. Why take 3 things when you only need one? 8-) No inverter or hook up required either.

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duetto owner


now my question is providing you use only one dongle at a time, do you keep the software for various dongles installed all the time? or do they interfere.


I do, and can't think of any harm that might result from doing so. They certainly don't interfere with each other but, then, mine use different networks.


I have two dongles -- Orange and 3 -- and, most of the time, can get a decent signal from one or the other, even when a mobile phone signal is poor. Often, it's HSDPA strength.


I've been to only one site this year where I couldn't get an Internet connection and that was on the west side of Skye. The east side is fine. (I got the 3 dongle later, to cope with such situations.)



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I unlocked my '3' dongle using software I Googled for.


In the UK I use a '3' PAYG SIM, here in Spain I use a Simyo sim (very good 1.16€ per day for up to 100mb about 30€ for a month unlimited - speed reduced after 5gb).


When in Germany I bought an Aldi PAYG sim and used it in the same dongle.


Looking for similar in France, where I can just by a PAYG sim without the dongle.

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SAS - 2009-09-20 10:00 PM


I dunno why you need to take a laptop away with you unless you need it for business or watching dvds. I can access almost everything on my mobile phone that I can on the pc through the opera browser and it`s faster than a dongle. (I know because my son has one on 3) I can send and retrieve emails, ask and answer questions on all my favourite forums, read the news, go on ebay, MSN and surf the net all for a £20 a month simplicity sim which includes 600 minutes and 1000 texts and I`ve only got an old Nokia.

My husband has an o2 Orbit XDA which has a fantastic navigation system so he has a phone, good internet and GPRS navigation. Why take 3 things when you only need one? 8-) No inverter or hook up required either.


Sorry I can not agree there is no comparison, how can a phone compare with using a 10"+ screen and a full size Qwerty keyboard.


As for inverter/hookup, I very seldom use a hook up, my netbook lasts for over 6 hours on battery & when it needs charging I have 12v supply that is lighter & smaller than the mains supply.


You say why carry 3 things when one will do but you carry a phone & and an XDA! that added up to 2 when I was at school.


Emails you have to send via the phone companies server which means having a separate email account & I don't think you can pick up mail from any POP box like you can on the web, OK you can access it via the web but the site will not be optimised for phone you so will be difficult to navigate if at all usable.


Internet access via phone (apart from i phone & few others) only works properly with sites that have been optimised for use with a phone which is very few.


Using your theory I take it you have removed your Radio/Music player as these are also built into most phones.


Good access to the internet is invaluable for finding local information, public transport info, Motorhome friendly parking etc., when visiting a new area.


Also by running Autoroute I have full road mapping of Europe, plug in my GPRS aerial & I have Satnav.

I don't need to carry campsite books as I have all the information loaded on my Netbook.







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why do we need internet while out and about in the camper.


well we just enjoy keeping up to date on various forums, reading the online newspapers and google news, oh and email.


checking camp sites and mapping also used.


stayed recently nr senna cove no tv signal, no internet, poor weather could not sit outside,poor phone reception. missed internet the most.

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But I don`t carry 2 things around with me. My husband carries his own XDA, I`ve got too much clutter of my own to carry! As for emails, I only have one email address a btinternet one that I access through my phones own browser via Yahoo. I can retrieve, compose, edit or move emails just like I can on my pc. Regarding the internet I see you aren`t familiar with the opera browser. http://www.opera.com/mini/ Opera mini is a browser specifically for mobile phones. 4.2 is the best one and it`s faster than a dongle. What did you want to know? Public transport info, Motorhome friendly parking etc., when visiting a new area? Google it on opera... it will be just the same as your pc.

I dunno where removing the radio/music player comes into this. Why would I want to remove them? I don`t have sat nav on my mobile. (no GPRS) but the old man has it on his. I just have Google Maps. Try the opera browser....and I bet I can put my internet connection in my pocket a lot easier than you can your 10"+ full size qwerty keyboard.......qwerty? What`s wrong with T9? :-)

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