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Hehn Mobil Van 600

Rowan Lee

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My sister is going to collect her new pride and joy on Saturday and can't wait. It is a 2005 model on a Ford Transit and looks to be a super van. Does anyone have any knowledge of them, or the company? We have found their website which is all in German. It appears to be an independent manufacturer, but it has been suggested that it may be part of Hymer.


Most of the fittings seem to be standard, Truma, Dometic, etc., so we have no worries, just curiosity.


Any info gratefully received, thank you.

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Guest JudgeMental

Not a van I know...But it looks OK as long as build quality alright, that is the risk from niche companies. I like the compact size, the garage and open aspect of the interior. It looks like it is strictly a 2 person van as no forward facing rear seats in the one I looked at.


I must say I hope she has bought a silver one as in white it don't look as good!


regards the website being in german. if you google it from firefox you can click on the autotranslate button and view in English

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Hi Judgemental,


Thanks for the tip about the translation, I think we have managed to get most of it with the aid of a dictionary.


I certainly thought the build quality looked good, the cabinetry certainly did. The plumbing and electrics also looked neat, tidy and professional and everything seemed to work, although there was no water in the tank to try the taps. The only odd thing was the plugholes in the sink and basin were very tiny indeed, but maybe they can be changed if they are a problem.


Yes it is strictly two person, two single beds or one big double. Huge heavy German finger-trapper of a table folds down in between, but I think she will change this for something lighter and just use single beds. Bathroom is very spacious although no separate shower. I'm intrigued by your comment about the garage, we didn't find one! Alison's has rear kitchen and bathroom and then a bit more kitchen in front of the door with wardrobe/boiler opposite, then the two inward facing benches. There is loads of storage under both bunks though, and more cupboards and shelves than I would know what to do with.


It is indeed silver, in fact on the way home from the dealer after the deal was done, we agreed that at the very least the best things about it are that it's not a Fiat and it's not white.


We shall be at Lincoln show at some time over the weekend, she wants to show it off.


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I believe Hehn Mobil continues to be an independent company, with a 'hand building' production philosophy rather like that of IH Motorhomes in the UK.


The small sink/wash-basin plug-holes shouldn't present a problem provided that the drain hoses attached to them are of reasonable diameter. My Hobby has small plug-holes but large diameter hoses and draining speed is reasonable.


Of course, if a motorhome manufacturer chooses to put the washroom right at the back of the vehicle and the waste-water tank at the front (as Hobby has done with my motorhome), water draining problems will be inevitable if the vehicle is inclined in the 'wrong' direction - but that's nothing to do with the small plug-holes.


It's quite likely that the Truma C-Series heater fitted to a 2005 Hehn Mobil will have been subject to a Truma safety recall. Truma(UK) should be able to confirm whether or not this is so if provided with the heater's Serial Number. It would be sensible to check this.


The 'chassis' technical data on Hehn Mobil's website for the Hehn VAN 600 seem to relate to a current model Mk 7 Transit, while the vehicle photos show an earlier Mk 6.


A 2005 Mk 6 Transit would have had smaller capacity, lower powered motors and a 5-speed gearbox. It would also have been factory-fitted with the potentially problematical tyre-valves that I've mentioned elsewhere. Might also be worth checking the tyre-pressure recommendations, as there was some confusion about this where Transit Mk 6 FWD coachbuilt motorhomes were concerned.

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Many thanks Derek, that's just the sort of info I was looking for.


The waste tank is at the rear, roughly beneath the sink and basin, so as you say, it shouldn't be a problem.


I have read about the Truma recall and checked our own installation, I will make sure we check Alison's too.


We had a long test drive on motorway, A roads and back roads and the van performs very well on its Mark 6 Transit. The floor mounted gearlever and centre handbrake are a bit of a nuisance, but with the layout as it is, can be lived with. I had pointed out to Alison that although the tyres have masses of tread, they are getting a bit old now. Whilst I had read about the valve problem, I had forgotten it so thank you so much for mentioning it. We will check tomorrow when we collect it.

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