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The French are revolting (again)

Guest JudgeMental

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JudgeMental - 2009-09-25 12:03 PM


The argument regards foreigners using "their" Aires has arisen again......this link is from the camping car forum. Seems that some of them only like beihg visited when you are prepared to leave your dead behind *-)



originally posted of motorhomefun




Well we have had one or two occasions in the past where we have "invaded" France, and one or two when they have been extremely pleased to see us. Personally I will continue to enjoy France, its cuisine, wine and yes the largely friendly welcome we usually get wherever we go. As always when visiting a foreign country trying to master a few words of their language is always appreciated and does help.


Roy Fuller

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Having read all of that forum, the majority of those who have commented seem to welcome us 'aliens' because most realise that we spend money in the locality. The originator of the topic does make the point that no-one should place or erect camping equipment (i.e. chairs, tables, etc) on an aire, although many, including the French, do so.
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a totally unnecessary and chauvinistic twist to a link on a french site which comments on popularity of France for camping holidays. I have read the thread and the whinger has been criticised on all sides for being a prat!


so - judgemental - as it says on camping-car - all views are welcome but should not denigrate others. I personally find your crack about the War to be offensive - it was a long time ago, learn lessons from history - a good one is not to go to war! but imo this tendency of brits to bang on about the war at the slightest opportunity is - boring - get over it.


If you really want to learn from history try comparing 1930's Germany with what's happening now.


rant done B-)



roll on my next excursion over the North Sea, to a warm welcome good food and drink and a beautiful landscapes

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Given some of the behaviour we have seen by some British motorhomers recently I think the French have every right to question if some people should be allowed to use aires. Two examples. First at Le Portel in August, on a busy Sunday a British vanner did not park on aire (there were spaces) but parked instead on a grassed area and then proceeded to set up a generator, yards from his van, put out lots of camping gear and played his cab radio full blast! Second at Wissant, under cover of darkness another British vanner emptied his toilet in the grass banking, where children were playing earlier in the day. It is these people that are revolting. (written in hot sunshine on aire at Ououer-sur-Trezee, with friendly French vanners and no other Brits)
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The only cases of bad behaviour an an Aire (and I've visited around 100)have all be instigated by the British. On one the male occupant played music so loud you could hear it 50 yards away. A couple of Frenchmen turned to me and suggested that I asked my countryman to deal with it. When I asked the Brit politely to turn it down he told me to F/Off and when he was approached by the French he refused to open his door and turned the volume up even more.


On another occasion a Brit towed his Smart car taking up 2 spaces on a full Aire depriving a Frenchman of a space. The Brit started swearing when he was asked to move his Smart car to the adjacent car park. When his wife joined in all hell broke loose. The confrontation became very very aggressive due mainly to the Brit and his wife who were unable to control their language.


Who thought there would be a hooligan element amongst motorhomers.







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